Discuss Scratch

27 posts

@RealYoyoJeff and @-ProgrammerBro- needs followers!

Im the creator of Escape The Evil Scientest and Alone In Nature
Links: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/238257910/#player and https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/239328305/
Anyway @-ProgrammerBro- and @RealYoyoJeff needs followers because we want to be famous on scratch and we are desperate!
Be sure to follow us and check out our projects!

I have something to say!
Scratch is a good learning environment online and has a lot of wonderful people. There are also scratchers who dont get noticed at all!
Im one of them so can you please check out my profile and maybe follow me? Click Here
Thanks so much and if your one of them tell me and I can help

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