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List/Help Problem(s)

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.13.6, Safari 11.1.2, Flash 30.0 (release 0)

When you right click on a list and then click “help”, the help says:

Help wrote:

To delete or rename a list, right click on the list.
Then it has a picture of a list and just “delete list”.

huh, that actually works

Then there is something I'm confused about.
If you right click a list and there is more than one list in your project it'll have “delete list | help | (other list)” in the things, and if you click on “(other list)” it'll receive the same name as the other list. I'm not sure what that is about though.

Last edited by ScratchMarioMan64 (Aug. 7, 2018 15:10:58)

My username says “ScratchMarioMan64” but you can call me Aris.
100+ posts

List/Help Problem(s)

Bump? I guess? It has been 24 hours since the last bump

My username says “ScratchMarioMan64” but you can call me Aris.
1000+ posts

List/Help Problem(s)

It's a long-standing bug in the way the list's right-click menu is created in Scratch 2.
See here: https://github.com/LLK/scratch-flash/issues/552

Dunno why it was never fixed, since it was a really obvious one, and not that hard to fix in Scratch's source code.
(I guess it was never high enough priority / didn't cause enough problems for people… )

Since development is now concentrating on Scratch 3, it'll never be fixed for Scratch 2. But Scratch 3 should (eventually) have a more sensible right-click list menu…

Last edited by TheLogFather (Aug. 8, 2018 14:42:49)

Siggy the Kumquat slayer:
Main account: DadOfMrLog –– Frameworks for basic pen-rendered 3D in scratch (see studio). Examples:

- - - - 3D Text - - - - - - Simple shapes - - - Controllable structures - - - On the ground - - - - - - In space - - - -

500+ posts

List/Help Problem(s)

Oh, I thought you couldn't rename a list.

Arrays speak to me on a spiritual level.

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