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Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Today is the 28th Wiki Wednesday! This will be the first to include a column with the latest news concerning Wikis!

Scratch Wiki News

  • The Scratch Wiki header has changed to mimic the changes on the main website
  • The English Scratch Wiki has around 85000 views (since April 2018)

Here are the Wiki Articles of the Month:

Deutsch (German): Koordinatensystem

In Scratch findet man oft Blöcke mit x- und y-Positionen. Durch sie werden zum Beispiel Positionen von Figuren oder dem Mauszeiger auf der Bühne zurückgegeben oder bestimmt.

English: Collaboration (group)

A collaboration, or collab for short, is a group of Scratchers who work together to make one or more things (these can include, but are not limited to, projects), or to do something related to the community.

Spanish (Español): Proyecto

Un proyecto es una creación hecha en el . Un programa puede ser de cualquier cosa, desde música hasta , arte, simulaciones, y juegos. Estos últimos son los más comunes.

French (français): Les effets

Il est possible de modifier l'apparence d'un lutin de façon temporaire dans votre projet. Les effets sont un moyen d'embellir vos lutins ou de leur donner une apparence étonnante. Découvrez tout ce qu'il y a à savoir sur les effets dans l'article de ce mois-ci.

Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian): Teman Temannya Gobo

Untuk Scratch 2.0, beberapa sprite baru ditambahkan ke koleksi default. Empat dari mereka disebut “Teman Temannya Gobo” (Bahasa Inggris: Gobo's Friends). Mereka seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar di sebelah kanan, Pico, Tera, Nano, dan Giga.
Japanese (日本語): Scratch Day

Scratch Dayは、世界中で行われるScratchのイベントである。 だれでも、イベントを主催することができ、どこでも開催することができる。

Magyar (Hungarian): Scratch

A Scratch egy ingyenes oktatási programozási nyelv, melyet a Lifelong Kindergarten Group fejlesztett ki a Massachusetts Institute of Technology-n (MIT) több mint 12 millió regisztrált felhasználóval és 15 millió megosztott projekttel. A jelenlegi verzió 2.0 letölthető: itt, (a korábbi verzió 1.4, letölthető: itt) vagy elérhető online szerkesztővel itt. A programot 8-16 éves gyerekeknek szánták.
Nederlands (Dutch): Klok

In het begin maak je een aantal sprites aan: - Een opgevulde cirkel (de klok zelf) - Een secondewijzer (Meestal lang, dun en rood) - Een minutenwijzer (Meestal lang, dik en zwart) - Een urenwijzer (Meestal kort, dik en zwart) De sprites moeten naar rechts wijzen.
Português (Portuguese): Blocos

locos são as peças usadas para criar códigos no Scratch. Os blocos conectam-se uns aos outros como peças de quebra-cabeça, onde cada tipo de dado (evento, comando, valor reportado, boleano reportado, ou fim do script) tem sua própria forma e uma fenda de formato específico onde pode ser inserido — isso previne erros de sintaxe. Séries de blocos conectados são chamadas de Scripts.
Русский (Russian): Блок движения

Блок движения это блок который двигает спрайт по x, y и меняет его направление. Спрайт не может выходить за пределы сцены, а его направление исчисляется от 0 до ±180. Недоступен для сцены.

Türkçe (Turkish): Scratch Cat

Scratch Cat, Scratch'in maskotudur ve yeni bir Scratch projesi açarken varsayılan kukladır. Bu değiştirilemez. Aynı zamanda, yeni bir Scratch hesaplarının varsayılan simgesi için, bir insan silueti gösteren önceki bir sürümün yerini gösteren bir taslaktır.

中文 (Chinese): 碰到边缘就反弹(积木)

碰到边缘就反弹积木,原文为(If on Edge, Bounce),是个动作类的条形积木。在使用 移动 () 点 时,这个积木可以用来检查该角色是否碰到了舞台画面的四周围 — 如果是的话,角色会朝原来行进的相反方向移动,它使用垂直于边缘的线,也就是法线来确定反射角度。

What is Wiki Wednesday?
On the last Wednesday of every month, we will highlight the Scratch Wiki and a few chosen articles in different languages. Find out more info and how you can participate at this studio: What is Wiki Wednesday?

What is the Scratch Wiki?
The Scratch Wiki is a collaboratively-written wiki available for free that provides information about the Scratch programming language and its website, history, and phenomena surrounding it. The wiki is supported by the Scratch Team, but is primarily written by Scratchers. The Scratch Wiki is a popular source of information for scripts and tutorials, and it continues to grow as Scratchers use it as their primary source of information. This could also include advanced articles for Scratchers around the world to build, share, and see.
(Source: Scratch Wiki)

Missing Languages

There are many languages which do not have a Scratch Wiki! If you know a language without a Wiki, then you can help create one. Learn more about this prorgam here!

Did you know?
  • 你知道吗?一些用户在 论坛建议区曾希望有个简单的称为“反弹(bounce)”的积木,可以让角色在碰到其它角色或是色块时反弹。不过,这类请求经常被拒绝,因为如果没有微积分,就不可能反弹出一般的形状。

  • Im Deutschsprachigen Wiki gibt es ein “Projekt der Woche”.

  • New Community Initiative: Complement Tuesday! A day where Wikians (& hopefully Scratchers) share genuine compliments about each other's work!

  • Le saviez vous … il existait encore plus d'effets dans les versions précédentes de Scratch mais certains furent retirés.

  • Scratch Dayの始まりは、2009年にMITのKaren BrennanさんがScratchの誕生日(リリース日)にイベントをしようと思いたち、開催したものだ。
As always, a huge thank you goes to makethebrainhappy for organizing Wiki Wednesday and designing this topic. Thank you for contiunousely working on improving Wiki Wednesday, one step being to introduce the Wiki News section.
Credit to the MET Museum for the header. Credit to Yummygum on iconfinder.com for the flag icons!

Deutsch, English, Français, Español, Nederlands
DACH Scratch WikiEN Scratch WikiAll Scratch WikisA Scratch Wiki in your native language

1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018


+1700 Bad Posts
93 posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A new section! Cool.

I wonder what would happen if you press that button?

button image is courtesy of BIG-red-BUTTON
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

100+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Wohoo! Finally some test wikis are on Wiki Wednesday!
Anyways, I need to write more articles for Turkish Scratch Wiki!

Hello, I'm Esin, aka Dilek10!
I'm a boy who likes physics, computer science and programming languages, and World War II.
Do you like physics textbooks? Here's a forum topic for you!: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/350422/
The Turkish Scratch Wiki! Contributors wanted!: http://test.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/Tur:Anasayfa
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Dilek10 wrote:

Wohoo! Finally some test wikis are on Wiki Wednesday!
Anyways, I need to write more articles for Turkish Scratch Wiki!
Why Turkey?

+1700 Bad Posts
500+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

12 wikis?! I think that's the record!

post brought to you by the preview links bug and previously the uploads site bug. 看一下中文 Scratch 維基想參加?請參考這頁
Join the Scratch Wiki!
Made by Scratchers, for Scratchers, since December 6, 2008

1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Looks great!

Disco Calculator | Is it Prime?
Translate The SDS | The Scratch Wiki

define How to scratch
think [Creative]
This message was transmitted using 100% recycled electrons
26 posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

I'm just texting out the quote
2 posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

when green flag clicked
if <[Imagne, program, share!] = [yes]> then
Scratch on!
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

ScratchDiogoh wrote:


We should further discuss your participation on the Portuguese Wiki.

Dilek10 wrote:

Wohoo! Finally some test wikis are on Wiki Wednesday!
Anyways, I need to write more articles for Turkish Scratch Wiki!

Yes- for next month. By the way, have you sent out invites to your friends?

ScratchDiogoh wrote:

Dilek10 wrote:

Wohoo! Finally some test wikis are on Wiki Wednesday!
Anyways, I need to write more articles for Turkish Scratch Wiki!
Why Turkey?

She has an ability to communicate in the Turkish language, and thereby is able to contribute to that test wiki.

kenny2scratch wrote:

12 wikis?! I think that's the record!

It is.

New Scratcher
4 posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

when green flag clicked
Rise in ::operators
Run motor engine [yes v] ::grey
Say [This cool! ] for (1) secs ::custom

Last edited by Rain66554 (July 26, 2018 08:25:15)

500+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018


100 posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

kenny2scratch wrote:

12 wikis?! I think that's the record!
Yes it's new record and thats great! I hope at Wiki Wednesday, August 29th, 2018 we'll beat it again.

It all depends of the Language Communities: If they care for the Scratch Wiki of their language we will make it: So get all involved in the WIki of your language. If you want to know how look here:
* https://test.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/International-Scratch-Wiki-FAQ

For the German language Scratch Wiki we already know which article we will choose next time:
* https://scratch-dach.info/wiki/Programmieren_mit_der_Maus
Am 23. September findet im KiKaWikipedia.jpg ein Thementag Digitalisierung statt. “Die Sendung mit der MausWikipedia.jpg” nimmt den Tag zum Anlass, um eine Web-Anwendung zu veröffentlichen, die Kinder spielerisch an Grundkonzepte des Programmierens heranführt: Programmieren mit der Maus.

That will be a “big thing” in Germany because https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Sendung_mit_der_Maus is the most famous TV-Show for kids in Germany. It started 1971 so just right for me - born 1968 . Because “Die Sendung mit der Maus” will feature Scratch, we hope that much more children in DACH will find out about Scratch and will join our community. See also:
* https://code4maus.de/ (german language)

Last edited by MartinWollenweber (July 26, 2018 10:20:01)

11 posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

when green flag clicked
if <(ScratchWiki) = [Amazing]> then
say (join [Fun] [Awesome]) for (10) secs
27 posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

when green flag clicked
play sound [ scratch_wiki] until done
11 posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

100+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Erm, guys, should I write a post about Turkish Scratch Wiki in the Turkish forum?

Hello, I'm Esin, aka Dilek10!
I'm a boy who likes physics, computer science and programming languages, and World War II.
Do you like physics textbooks? Here's a forum topic for you!: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/350422/
The Turkish Scratch Wiki! Contributors wanted!: http://test.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/Tur:Anasayfa
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018


“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
3 posts

Wiki Wednesday, July 25, 2018

when I receive [It's Scratch Wiki Wednesday v]
switch backdrop to [Scratch v]
switch costume to [Scratch v]
play sound [Scratch time !!!! v]

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