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100+ posts

3 person collaboration for an epic fantasy game

By the way I can start coding in about 11 and a half hours. I have things to do I don’t just use scratch all day. Oh and how to you make those things under your posts like your I see a pattern 2+2=4 thing or your me art HERE thing?

eat a (potato)
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500+ posts

3 person collaboration for an epic fantasy game

xlegend220 wrote:

red_king_cyclops wrote:

art-part wrote:

can you get an idea of what the game should be about?

Sorry for taking so long to respond. I followed this discussion but I never got a message.

The game should be about epic fantasy things, obviously, but more specifically fallen civilizations, dragons, bad guys, settings around the (fantasy) world, and more. Here's what I've been thinking of (it's not that good but it's a start):

Across the world there were three powerful civilizations:
  • Thule– A Sparta-like Nordic civilization in the far North, near a volcano called Firevault. Had an extremely powerful army.
  • Aegypt– A classical clockpunk civilization located in a huge oasis with mighty rivers inside a black-sand desert. Nearby is the Skull people, who are savages who ride dinosaurs. Aegypt was known for its philosophy and intelligence.
  • Atlantis– Atlantis was a mysterious civilization that was presumed lost when it “sunk” (the sea actually rose up around it). Little did any outsider know that the Atlantis inhabitants built underground. Atlantis used to be an “ocean empire.”

Over time, the civilizations fell. Aegypt was invaded by the Skulls, Thule was destroyed by natural disasters (such as hail with hailstones the size of boulders), and Atlantis sunk into the sea. But some island outposts of Atlantis survived.

The survivors of Atlantis came together and called themselves Oceanians. They created a new ocean empire called Oceania, but it was not as strong as the Atlantis. However, Oceania discovered the new world.

The player starts the game out as a young adult living on an Oceanian island. The island is devastated by a hurricane, and the inhabitants decide to move to the new world and become colonists. The ship the colonists were in sinks in the middle of the ocean. The player, lost at sea, rediscovers Atlantis. The player defeats an underwater monster and is rescued by the Atlanteans.

Atlantis has become an underground city. The player's discovery of Atlantis gets him/her famous. The player stays at Atlantis for some time, but wants to explore more of the world, especially the new world.

The rediscovery of Atlantis has lead to the inception of two societies that claim to be ancient civilizations “reborn”:
  • Athenia– Athenia was a technologically-advanced steampunk civilization, located in the far north. The Athenian citystate was a “heavenly” city made out of ice. Athenia eventually fell and its people spread out and created Aegypt and Atlantis.
  • Tartarus– Tartarus was an underground/volcano civilization that was generally evil. They never fell, they just got lost. Some Tartarans set out and created Thule and inspired the Skull people. Thule rebelled against Tartarus. The Skull people were abandoned by the Tartarans but they continued to worship Tartarus.

The Tartarus society and the Athenia society believe that the rediscovery of Atlantis would lead to the return of the ancient civilizations and the greatness of humanity.

Tartarus invades Atlantis, believing that Atlantis was the gate to Tartarus. The Tartarans discover that long ago, Atlantis had actually discovered Tartarus and had destroyed them. Out of retaliation, the Tartarans take over Atlantis and use the advanced technology (magic) there to teleport the city to the Arctic. Some Tartarans decided to go to Aegypt and brought some stolen technology for the Athenians.

The player, feeling that Athenia and Tartarus are evil (they stole a city!), desires to stop them to save Atlantis. First, the player goes with some friends to Aegypt to find out where Atlantis is. They head towards Aegypt the wrong way and are captured by the Skulls. The Skulls reveal that they are allied with Tartarus and that they plan to invade Aegypt to gain it for the Tartarans.

The Skulls and the player go to Aegypt's main city, Pharaohiza. The Athenians have already taken the city and have claimed Aegypt for themselves. Athenia battles against the Skulls, but the Skulls seem to win. The player escapes during the conflict and takes refuge in the pyramid. The player finds Athenians in there, too, trying to find a treasure. The player fights the Athenians and resident dragons, and eventually finds the treasure– a clockpunk dragon. Also there is an Athenian leader, who states that the Athenia society and the Tartarus society only really desire world domination and treasures, and Atlantis is now near Thule. The leader also states that Athenia is being led by evil Tartarans and the real Athenians are being manipulated by the Tartarans. The player defeats the leader and claims the treasure.

The player and his/her friends fly on the dragon and get the Athenians and the Skulls out of the city. However, the Skulls send in a huge dinosaur that the player battles and wins against.

The player flies to Thule to try to save Atlantis. The Tartarans are now using the Atlantean technology to strengthen their army. As the Tartarans approach the ruins of Thule, the Athenians at Aegypt show up with dragons and dinosaurs. The Athenians defeated the Skulls, and they found a Skull-worshipped volcano with a Tartarus base in it, and they used the base to teleport to another base beneath Firevault, which they used to reach Thule. The Athenians discover the ruins of the once great Athenian ice city. They blame Tartarus for the ruin and state that they defeated the Skulls. War breaks out between the two societies.

The Tartarans get the dinosaurs on their side. The Athenians introduce an ancient, huge flying machine that was found beneath the ice city into the fight and win. The Athenians are betrayed by their secretly-Tartaran leaders and the airship heads off to the biggest new world colony of Oceania, Newland, to conquer it and begin the world domination. The player gets onto the airship and fights the Tartaran leader. Earlier the player set Firevault up to erupt, and then suddenly it does. Also, an even bigger dinosaur attacks the airship. The airship fends the dinosaur off, but the eruption set the ship on fire. The airship crashes into the sea, and Atlantis teleports beneath it to blow up the airship as it falls.

Aegypt, Athenia, Thule, and even Tartarus are repopulated, with the help of Atlantis. The player finally gets to go to the new world.
I think that we should have an intro telling that story before the game starts, which can be skipped if the player presses a skip button.

Yeah, that's a good idea. We should do that.

Last edited by red_king_cyclops (June 25, 2018 13:11:42)


I see a pattern.
500+ posts

3 person collaboration for an epic fantasy game

xlegend220 wrote:

By the way I can start coding in about 11 and a half hours. I have things to do I don’t just use scratch all day. Oh and how to you make those things under your posts like your I see a pattern 2+2=4 thing or your me art HERE thing?

Those things under the posts are called signatures. To learn about signatures and how to make a signature, go to the Discussion Forums main page, scroll down to the bottom, and click “Change your signature.”

Or you can click this link (it only works for you): https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/settings/xlegend220/

Last edited by red_king_cyclops (June 25, 2018 13:18:02)


I see a pattern.
100+ posts

3 person collaboration for an epic fantasy game


Made an intro skipping thing

am can program above good
76 posts

3 person collaboration for an epic fantasy game

ok… good idea

The most amazing artist of all time.
500+ posts

3 person collaboration for an epic fantasy game

Mole_Gaming wrote:


Made an intro skipping thing

A few days ago, @art-part thought you weren't doing anything, so another coder was hired. But now that you're here, you may continue being a part of the collaboration. Having two coders (@Mole_Gaming and @xlegend220) and two back-up coders (@red_king_cyclops and @art-part) in a collaboration sounds great!


I see a pattern.
76 posts

3 person collaboration for an epic fantasy game


The most amazing artist of all time.
100+ posts

3 person collaboration for an epic fantasy game

I'm actually pretty busy so art-part can take over my role

am can program above good
76 posts

3 person collaboration for an epic fantasy game


The most amazing artist of all time.
100+ posts

3 person collaboration for an epic fantasy game

ok well, I still need something to work on. like, make the art.

eat a (potato)
stop [wasting time v]

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