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100+ posts

OS Wars IV

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

Does anyone else think this topic should be closed since this is old?
Possibly. Idk how people think this is still going on. Lol
1000+ posts

OS Wars IV

squirmyfortherun wrote:

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

Does anyone else think this topic should be closed since this is old?
Possibly. Idk how people think this is still going on. Lol
Yeah. LOL!

I'm a programmer, ethical hacker, and space nerd!

Last edited by Neil Armstrong (July 20, 1969 20:17:00)

3 posts

OS Wars IV

I want to join!
TEAM: Blue or any (blue is the speciality but any )
ROLE (if not taken): LEADER Or co-leader but any other is fine

Last edited by okancan (Oct. 28, 2020 21:38:41)

100+ posts

OS Wars IV

There is a newer os wars soon
3 posts

OS Wars IV

squirmyfortherun wrote:

There is a newer os wars soon
Can you put a link for the wars I want to join
The studio I mean

100+ posts

OS Wars IV

This is the forum topic for OS Wars 4 (or IV in roman numerals) from 2018 which already ended, the latest is OS Wars 6 (or VI in roman numerals) at this link, which is starting November 1 (you can't sign up yet but it's starting soon)
56 posts

OS Wars IV

CgBB wrote:

hmmmm, I have some questions, all members of the team create a part, but who makes it to a full OS? Whose OS ist it in the end?
The lead programmer

when green flag clicked
set [Naruto v] to [Yes]
if <[(Naruto)] = [Yes]> then 
play sound [Naruto Blue Bird v] until done
switch costume to [ Naruto and sasuke v]
go to front

play sound [You stupid you not Naruto ! Ahahahha v] until done
100+ posts

OS Wars IV

RealBaruto wrote:

CgBB wrote:

hmmmm, I have some questions, all members of the team create a part, but who makes it to a full OS? Whose OS ist it in the end?
The lead programmer
Please do not necropost on a competition that ended 2 years ago. By posting here, it bumps a two year old topic to the top of the collaborations forum, making others who do not know that it ended years ago think that it is still open. That question was from years ago and the person who posted it probably has no need to know the answer now, and their question was actually already answered the same day they posted it back in 2018, so they didn't need to be told the answer again 2 years later long after the competition finished. Also, your answer was wrong. The projects were planned to be posted on team accounts ran by the team leader but this did not happen because the competition got cut short due to inactivity and the OS's were never finished. There weren't even lead programmers, only a team leader and co-leader, so I don't know where you heard that from.
79 posts

OS Wars IV

I want to join!!

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