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Edit Layerng with Reshape?

It's not happening! Why are the “up a layer/down a layer” buttons not working in reshape tool? Make them work or get rid of them! (In the reshape tool- the select tool relayering works fine)

Another suggestion- how about a sidebar that is collapsable and expandable for layers? It would make moving them around a lot easier. Plus if you have a lot of layers with the same shape on top of each other, they get hard to select indvidually.

Last edited by Failord (March 10, 2013 21:04:44)

Thanks for the ride, Scratch Team and community! Unfortunately, the time has come for me to move on from Scratch, so I'll no longer be using the forums. Thanks again, and farewell!
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For old time's sake, see the revolutionary Laser Battle 2.0! Also see Unstoppable Game!

And no, the evil kumquats didn't alter my signature…

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