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Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Today is the 23rd Wiki Wednesday! Incidentally this is the first Wiki Wednesday posted after the English Wiki moved to its new domain.

Without further adieu, here are the Wiki Articles of the Month:

Deutsch (German): Wie mache ich mein Projekt berühmt?

In diesem Tutorial werde ich dir ein paar Strategien und Vorgehensweisen beibringen, die dir helfen werden, deine Projekte auf der Scratch Website bekannt bzw. berühmt zu machen. Die Tipps sind in drei Kategorien unterteilt, je nach Wichtigkeit.

English: Making a Note Block Project

A note block project is a project that utilizes the MIDI notes to create music made by the user or by someone else.

French (français): Commenter un projet

Donner son avis est un signe d’intérêt. Le commentaire peut aussi servir à pointer les éléments à améliorer dans le projet. Bref que du positif, mais comment commenter un projet? Vous le saurez en lisant l'article mise en avant de ce mois-ci.

Japanese (日本語): 緑の旗


Russian (Русский): Студия

Студия — это место, где размещаются проекты, объединённые одной темой. До Скретч 2.0 студии назывались галереями и имели другие функции

Chinese (中文): Scratch 团队

Scratch 团队是一個發展 Scratch 和镇守 Scratch 的网页的团队。

What is Wiki Wednesday?
On the last Wednesday of every month, we will highlight the Scratch Wiki and a few chosen articles in different languages. Find out more info and how you can participate at this studio: What is Wiki Wednesday?

What is the Scratch Wiki?
The Scratch Wiki is a collaboratively-written wiki available for free that provides information about the Scratch programming language and its website, history, and phenomena surrounding it. The wiki is supported by the Scratch Team, but is primarily written by Scratchers. The Scratch Wiki is a popular source of information for scripts and tutorials, and it continues to grow as Scratchers use it as their primary source of information. This could also include advanced articles for Scratchers around the world to build, share, and see.
(Source: Scratch Wiki)

Did you know?
  • 你知道吗? Scratch 团队队员的名称旁边有一个星号(*)

  • Le saviez-vous … Saviez-vous que les commentaires étaient vérifiés avants d'être postés pour s'assurer qui ne contiennent pas d'insultes ou de grossièretés?

  • Ctrl+緑の旗で、ミュートにできる。


Huge credit to MakeTheBrainHappy for organizing this month's Wiki Wednesday, as well as creating the code for this forum topic.
Credit to the Australian Government for the header.
Credit to Yummygum on iconfinder.com for the flag icons!

Deutsch, English, Français, Español, Nederlands
DACH Scratch WikiEN Scratch WikiAll Scratch WikisA Scratch Wiki in your native language

1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Yay! 6 wikis!
Well done as always the post looks great!

Last edited by jakel181 (Feb. 28, 2018 16:08:20)

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1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

500+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018


100+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Hello, I'm Esin, aka Dilek10!
I'm a boy who likes physics, computer science and programming languages, and World War II.
Do you like physics textbooks? Here's a forum topic for you!: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/350422/
The Turkish Scratch Wiki! Contributors wanted!: http://test.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/Tur:Anasayfa
7 posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Last edited by coolcodero (Feb. 28, 2018 22:39:20)

1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

6 wikis? That's nice.
It's nice to see that note block projects are getting recognition, too.

1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

WolfCat67 wrote:

6 wikis? That's nice.
It's nice to see that note block projects are getting recognition, too.

Cool! The format looks great

​I am Wahsp

Formerly pretty active on the forums, probably mostly retired now…
If you see one of my posts send me a hello!
New Scratcher
1 post

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

59 posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

100 posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

@MakeTheBrainHappy + LiFaytheGoblin : Great Work! Hope we get more languages with every Wiki Wednesday. I think Korean will be includeed next because they also have a very active community + test wiki at Kor:Test_Scratch_Wiki_Home. But six is already awesome! ~~~~

Last edited by MartinWollenweber (March 1, 2018 10:47:46)

1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

MartinWollenweber wrote:

@MakeTheBrainHappy + LiFaytheGoblin : Great Work! Hope we get more languages with every Wiki Wednesday. I think Korean will be includeed next because they also have a very active community + test wiki at Kor:Test_Scratch_Wiki_Home. But six is already awesome! ~~~~

They just responded with an article, but unfortunately it wasn't in time for wiki Wednesday.

I'll include it in the March edition
100+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

What about Dutch Wiki ?
Did they get forgotten or didn't they submit an article?

500+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Love the header!

82 posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018


当 @greenflag 被点击 ::events hat
说(连接(连接[Scratch 官网已经被墙]((2000年迄今天数::sensing)-(7530.6))::operators)[天了!]::operators) ::looks
说(连接(连接[The Scratch Website has been banned for ]((2000年迄今天数::sensing)-(7530.6))::operators)[ days!]::operators) ::looks
} ::control cap
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Amazing header! It’s also great to see noteblock projects getting recognition!
Edit: you got the header from my government

Last edited by hellounicorns2 (March 2, 2018 04:50:06)

inactive :​)
24 posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The space shop looks like a cool book
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Isn't it generally against Wiki policy to mention specific Scratchers (e.g. griffpatch); or is that lifted for the German one?
26 posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

It's Friday
500+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, February 28, 2018

jokebookservice1 wrote:

Isn't it generally against Wiki policy to mention specific Scratchers (e.g. griffpatch); or is that lifted for the German one?
The German wiki has much more lax rules against user-generated content. The English wiki is strictly against documenting specific users and projects; the German wiki even has their own “projects of the day” thing, which would be totally against English guidelines.

post brought to you by the preview links bug and previously the uploads site bug. 看一下中文 Scratch 維基想參加?請參考這頁
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