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3 posts


My browser / operating system: Windows XP, Chrome 55.0.2883.87, Flash 25.0 (release 0)
500+ posts


Translate: report cannot exceed 10 times / s

 continue this hashtag if you live in australia [img]http://u.cubeupload.com/rabbitcarrots/FEDB1435D41540BFB9FB.jpeg[/img] is the image code xD oh and btw this siggy is from @Hellounicorns2    :cool:
1000+ posts


您好,欢迎来到Scratch! 您正在英文论坛发帖。 我正在使用Google翻译与您交谈,因为我不认识中文。 为了更好地为将来提供帮助,请在中国论坛上发布:https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/16/。 不过别担心! 你不需要在那里发布。 我会要求一个Scratch管理员将它移到那里。 谢谢,并享受Scratch网站!
Hi there, and welcome to Scratch! You are posting in the English forum. I am using Google Translate to talk to you, as I do not know Chinese. For better help in the future, please post in the Chinese forum at: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/16/ . But do not worry! You do not need to post this there. I will ask a Scratch admin to move this there for you. Thanks, and enjoy Scratch website!

1000+ posts


bart-minecraft wrote:

My browser / operating system: Windows XP, Chrome 55.0.2883.87, Flash 25.0 (release 0)


dude341 wrote:

您好,欢迎来到Scratch! 您正在英文论坛发帖。 我正在使用Google翻译与您交谈,因为我不认识中文。 为了更好地为将来提供帮助,请在中国论坛上发布:https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/16/。 不过别担心! 你不需要在那里发布。 我会要求一个Scratch管理员将它移到那里。 谢谢,并享受Scratch网站!
Hi there, and welcome to Scratch! You are posting in the English forum. I am using Google Translate to talk to you, as I do not know Chinese. For better help in the future, please post in the Chinese forum at: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/16/ . But do not worry! You do not need to post this there. I will ask a Scratch admin to move this there for you. Thanks, and enjoy Scratch website!

Hi, you used “您” which is the formal way of calling someone - this is informal - in which case you'd use “你”

-Just one of many errors. Oh whoops you used google translate nevermind.

Last edited by awesome5185 (March 1, 2018 01:32:21)


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; Santa Claus and Mrs Claus wanted to get a devorce. However, being in the north pole, there was no one there to help them do that. So they used a semi colon instead; they are great for seperating two independent clauses.
1000+ posts


awesome5185 wrote:

bart-minecraft wrote:

My browser / operating system: Windows XP, Chrome 55.0.2883.87, Flash 25.0 (release 0)


dude341 wrote:

您好,欢迎来到Scratch! 您正在英文论坛发帖。 我正在使用Google翻译与您交谈,因为我不认识中文。 为了更好地为将来提供帮助,请在中国论坛上发布:https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/16/。 不过别担心! 你不需要在那里发布。 我会要求一个Scratch管理员将它移到那里。 谢谢,并享受Scratch网站!
Hi there, and welcome to Scratch! You are posting in the English forum. I am using Google Translate to talk to you, as I do not know Chinese. For better help in the future, please post in the Chinese forum at: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/16/ . But do not worry! You do not need to post this there. I will ask a Scratch admin to move this there for you. Thanks, and enjoy Scratch website!

Hi, you used “您” which is the formal way of calling someone - this is informal - in which case you'd use “你”

-Just one of many errors. Oh whoops you used google translate nevermind.
Hi there, sorry about that, sometimes I use “formal language” on the forums as it is a more “formal” place - this must have confused Google Translate.


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