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30 posts

Shop of Help - Information Thread

If you are looking to leave a request, please see the requests page.
If you wish to find a completed request e.g. review please see our completed requests forum.
If you are looking to apply, please see our applications page
If you are a member please see our members forum.

This is the OFFICAL information thread for the shop of help. Here you can get information on all our studios and services all in one place. Feel free to ask any question and we will reply to it here as well. This is not the place for project requests though, if you want us to review or make a project for you please see our requests page.

Review Services
We review all projects very quickly, a current waiting time can be found on the review studio where your projects will be kept whilst they are pending for reviews. You don't have to have this service.
All projects reviewed will be by a member of the reviewing squad and placed in the completed reviews forum. You will be notified on your profile page thought the process and you can always ask.

We make example projects with comments to help new Scratchers understand certain scripts and get to grips with how things work. We complete this projects ourselves, a current pending list of our projects can be found on the studio, see link in title of this section. We also produce example projects with comments on request. A current waiting time and order numbers can be found on the forum page.
All example projects can be remixed, we also help with remixing if you request for that we can offer step by step help on how to remix the project if you need it. We also will leave a comment on the remixed project saying that we approve and a quick review as well if you want that.

Like the example projects we make tutorials which explain blocks. We produce tutorials for blocks, for the Scratch website and everything inbetween. To request a tutorial please see the requests forum or leave a comment on the studio page, the link is in the title. Currently we are not accepting tutorials from other Scratchs, your requests are welcome though.
A current waiting time and a order numbers can all be found on the tutorials page along with tutorials that we are currently making.

Any questions, comments or anything else about the shop of help can be left here, we have Shop of Help members on this forum to respond quickly if you ask anything. You can also ask on my profile page, or on any of the studio pages.


This is an official post from the Shop of Help.

Last edited by Shop_of_Help (June 20, 2018 12:02:49)

30 posts

Shop of Help - Information Thread

Our First Projects will be made shortly, keep tuned for more information. We will soon have several example projects and tutorials out before Christmas a full list can be found on our studio pages.

Thank you for all the supporters of the Studio so far, it has been a help serving everyone in the community.

100+ posts

Shop of Help - Information Thread

You have a typo in the title - “Infromation”

30 posts

Shop of Help - Information Thread

-Osiris- wrote:

You have a typo in the title - “Infromation”

Thank you for informing me but I am unable to edit that out or change the post in any way. That is not something that I have the ability to do yet. Thank you for coming to the studio and commenting though your help is appreciated and if the Shop of Help can help you in any way we would be more then happy to do that.


30 posts

Shop of Help - Information Thread

Just a note that the first projects should be going live this weekend

30 posts

Shop of Help - Information Thread


We will be closing on the 21st December - 3rd Januray for Christmas. During this time there will be no projects added, or comments replied to. All comments will be replied to as soon as possible after that date. This is to give our members and myself time to rest for the holidays.

We care about our members, we are currently still hiring please have a look at the hiring page listed in the menu above. Although the list may lok indimiating, a full application is not needed, as the process is very new, a comment will suffice to get you added.

Thank you for reading and Merry Christmas from the Shop of Help

30 posts

Shop of Help - Information Thread

Hi guys

Quick update to let you all know that the @SHOP_of_Help is back now after the Christmas break and we are ready to start making some new projects! Anyone who wants to participate can leave are request in the requests page where you will be accepted to join up.

Anyone requesting small advice, please leave a comment on my profile, only one user has done that so far, but small requests are replied to on the profile as well.


30 posts

Shop of Help - Information Thread


Due to me currently sitting my GCSEs the Shop of Help will be closed for the next month. No projects will be curated, or reviews will be left during this time. A notification will appear here, and on all the studio pages as well as on the profile for this account, which is the Official Account for the Shop of Help.

However, if you have a request and you leave that in the requests forum all requests will receive a response when the account goes back online which should be around the 20th June.

I am sorry for this inconvenience to all those needing reviews and projects. We provide a wide range of serves in this situation which means that it is like to affect a lot of people. We do not have many members at the present time, and therefore we are not able to run while this account is not managed.

In the future, we aim to have a large member base specialising in a variety of jobs to make the shop run smoother. At the moment it is just me curating her. Once that changes these situations are unlikely to happen again.

Thanks once again for your continued efforts to support the Shop of Help. We look forward to seeing you on reopening.

Last edited by Shop_of_Help (April 23, 2018 12:58:07)

30 posts

Shop of Help - Information Thread

The Shop of Help Has Reopened!


It is with great pleasure that I can say that the Shop of Help has re-opened. It has been a quiet few months here and there has not been much activity on this forum or the many other forums and studios which we have. This has to change and outlined below is our strategy to improve our ratings as a shop and try and attract activity. The Shop of Help strategy given below is a way of trying to achieve this.

So why is this a problem?

All shops need members. Our current projects made and requests received stands at zero. 6 months into the Shop and not much has been happening, there has been no activity even attracted to the forums. This is clearly showing that we are doing something wrong and the Shop as a whole needs to deal with this in order to improve our ratings. We have all the infrastructure in place. The first forum post in this topic will show the number of forums we have dedicated to the Shop but the only posts that currently stand in them are from this Administrator Account for the Shop.

So what are we going to do?

We will start with daily updates posted in this forum. This will keep “bumping” the topic up to the top of the page where hopefully it can attract more comments and activity. Instead of just writing “bump” we have these daily updates meaningful. so they are worth reading instead of just something that is clearly -designed to increase the position of the forum.

We also aim to have more projects produced. Small tutorials to start with, details on these can be found on the studio pages, where small comments can be left giving updates.

We are also going to make our applications for both requests and members to the Shop more accessible. At the moment they appear slightly formal and this can be distracting and put people off writing them, we aim to make this eaiser to fill in which aims to improve the rankings.

We also intend to expand out our services and have a clear list of those services so what we are actually doing is visible.

Will this work?

Honest answer, we don't know. The Shop of Help has tired smaller announcements before which haven't attracted a lot of attention to the forum and there is also a lot of the “startup buzz” which has been lost as the Shop is more mature now and still hasn't got off the ground. Hopefully increasing our visibility as a Shop, and by expanding we can increase our crowd base and get more members and more projects.

This is the Monthy Update for the Shop of Help

30 posts

Shop of Help - Information Thread


This is the first daily update in our new strategy to try and increase the visibility of the shop of help. Following the post yesterday we are going to continue posting these every day with an update of the progress which the Shop will have.

All Shop of Help Projects have been removed. As the Shop of Help is going under some re-designing all projects will be put back in the next few days.

Other than that there is not much to report, there have still have been no requests or an increase in views or anything to achieve our goals but this is early days in our strategy and we aim to improve the Shop as time goes by.

Well, that about sums up today's daily update, more will be posted tomorrow.

30 posts

Shop of Help - Information Thread


The Shop of Help is still open and there still has been no requests through. This is disappointing and us reporting negative progress does not help the Shop's reputation further, therefore, we are not going to dwell on this as much as possible.

The Shop projects should be back online as quickly as we can, we aim to have that compleat by the end of next week. This is major re-designing work as we are working on redesigning the shop to make it more accessible and to attract people to it.

If anyone is unsure of anything and has any comments to make please sure to leave them here or using the appropriate forum places listed at the top of the forum. If you are unsure just ask here and you are directed to the right place.

Thanks for all the continued support for the Shop of Help

30 posts

Shop of Help - Information Thread

DAILY UPDATE 26/6/2018

Projects are still offline at the moment, we are unsure how quickly we can get them re-designed. The shop of help is working tirelessly trying to improve the formatting, and we are focusing more on a bulk upload then a slow trickle of projects.

For this reason, the daily updates are going to stop until the bulk upload of projects can go back online. We are not going to be letting on how many projects we are making, but this is a large upload and is going to take time to get everything ready.

Thank you for your continued support for the shop of help and we look forward to sharing more information when the projects are online.

Shop Of Help

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