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- » Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017
- LiFaytheGoblin
1000+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Hi everyone
Today we announce the 20th (YES, 20th!) Wiki Wednesday! We never had articles in that many languages participating in Wiki Wednesday before, so this is great!
Wiki Articles of the Month
These are the articles of the month:
For the first time, we'd also like to present two articles from Wikis, which are currently in a testing state. That means they are fairly new and in the process of building up a community and writing articles.
What is Wiki Wednesday?
On the last Wednesday of every month, we will highlight the Scratch Wiki and a few chosen articles in different languages.
What is the Scratch Wiki?
The Scratch Wiki is a collaboratively-written wiki available for free that provides information about the Scratch programming language and its website, history, and phenomena surrounding it. The wiki is supported by the Scratch Team, but is primarily written by Scratchers. The Scratch Wiki is a popular source of information for scripts and tutorials, and it continues to grow as Scratchers use it as their primary source of information. This could also include advanced articles for Scratchers around the world to build, share, and see.
(Source: Scratch Wiki)
There are Scratch Wikis in different languages:
Dutch (Nederlands) |
English |
French (français) |
German (deutsch) |
Hungarian (Magyar) |
Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) |
Japanese (日本語) |
Russian (Русский)
Have fun exploring the wiki
– Lifay and the Scratch Team
Thanks to Yummygum on iconfinder.com for the nice flag icons!
Did you know…
… other languages with Wikis in a testing state include: Hindi, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish. Learn more at the Scratch Test Wiki
… wenn ihr gerne schreibt, seid ihr herzlich eingeladen im Wiki mitzumachen! Schaut euch an was im Wiki so geschrieben wird und bewerbt euch auf https://scratch-dach.info
… Scratchキャットは、Wing Nganによって描かれた。
… les commentaires n'ont pas toujours été sous le forme sous laquelle nous les connaissons actuellement…
Today we announce the 20th (YES, 20th!) Wiki Wednesday! We never had articles in that many languages participating in Wiki Wednesday before, so this is great!
Wiki Articles of the Month
These are the articles of the month:
日本語 (Japanese): Scratchキャット
Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian): Menggambar dengan Mouse
Kombinasi pena, sensor, kontrol, dan gerakan adalah permulaan sebuah karya aplikasi menggambar.
Deutsch (German): Post
Ein Post ist ein Beitrag zu einem Thread in den Diskussionsforen. Jeder Scratcher, egal ob er ein neuer Scratcher oder schon ein richtiger Scratcher ist, kann einen Post erstellen und dann veröffentlichen (posten).
English: How to Make a Basic Platformer
Learn how to make a simple platformer in this Wiki tutorial.
Français (French): Les commentaires (dans l'éditeur)
Les commentaires peuvent vous permettre de mieux vous y retrouver dans votre code, mais pas que. Découvrez tous leurs secrets dans l’article du mois mis en avant…
Nederlands (Dutch): Hoe maak je een tweetalig project?
In dit artikel lees je hoe je in een project zelf een taalkeuzeknop kunt maken waarmee je voor Engels of Nederlands kunt kiezen.
For the first time, we'd also like to present two articles from Wikis, which are currently in a testing state. That means they are fairly new and in the process of building up a community and writing articles.
한국어 (Korean): 스크래치
스크래치(Scratch)는 매사추세츠 공과 대학 (MIT)의 평생 유치원 그룹이 개발한 무료 교육용 프로그래밍 언어로, 등록된 스크래처가 1800만 명 이상이며 웹 사이트에 공유된 프로젝트가 2200만 개에 이른다.
עברית (Hebrew): (זוז () צעדים (בלוק
הבלוק זוז () צעדים הוא בלוק תנועה ובלוק ערימה. הבלוק מזיז את הדמות קדימה בכיוון שהיא פונה אליו ובמספר הצעדים הרשום. צעד שווה לפיקסל אחד באורכו. ערך ברירת המחדל בבלוק הוא 10, אבל אפשר לשנות אותו לכל מספר. הבלוק בעצם משתמש בטרינוגומטריה כדי למצוא את הכיוון שאליו צריך להתקדם.
What is Wiki Wednesday?
On the last Wednesday of every month, we will highlight the Scratch Wiki and a few chosen articles in different languages.
What is the Scratch Wiki?
The Scratch Wiki is a collaboratively-written wiki available for free that provides information about the Scratch programming language and its website, history, and phenomena surrounding it. The wiki is supported by the Scratch Team, but is primarily written by Scratchers. The Scratch Wiki is a popular source of information for scripts and tutorials, and it continues to grow as Scratchers use it as their primary source of information. This could also include advanced articles for Scratchers around the world to build, share, and see.
(Source: Scratch Wiki)
There are Scratch Wikis in different languages:

Have fun exploring the wiki

– Lifay and the Scratch Team
Thanks to Yummygum on iconfinder.com for the nice flag icons!
Did you know…
… other languages with Wikis in a testing state include: Hindi, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish. Learn more at the Scratch Test Wiki
… wenn ihr gerne schreibt, seid ihr herzlich eingeladen im Wiki mitzumachen! Schaut euch an was im Wiki so geschrieben wird und bewerbt euch auf https://scratch-dach.info
… Scratchキャットは、Wing Nganによって描かれた。
… les commentaires n'ont pas toujours été sous le forme sous laquelle nous les connaissons actuellement…
Last edited by LiFaytheGoblin (Dec. 4, 2017 19:18:08)
- kenny2scratch
500+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017
First! It's awesome that we have the Test wikis in this too! Also, 20th Wiki Wednesday?! How cool is that?
- niemahlenai
2 posts
Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017
I like the idea of having differnt languages published on scratch .
I'm only ten but I love this idea of wiki wensday
I'm only ten but I love this idea of wiki wensday
- yzyzyz
500+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017
yay! hebrew is here!
יאי! סוף סוף יש עברית!
יאי! סוף סוף יש עברית!
- 290Scratcher
1000+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017
20th Wiki Wednesday?! How cool is that?That is, like, super cool!
- carlosjim
28 posts
Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017
The new Wiki Wednesday is out!
But I have 2 questions -
1: Why there isn't any posts/Wiki Wednesday things in Spanish? There's a lot of scratch users that speak that language!
2: Why you made that new “Extension policy”? You want to make isOnline dissapear? Please I don't know why…
The new Wiki Wednesday is out!

But I have 2 questions -
1: Why there isn't any posts/Wiki Wednesday things in Spanish? There's a lot of scratch users that speak that language!

2: Why you made that new “Extension policy”? You want to make isOnline dissapear? Please I don't know why…
when I receive [There's a new policy v]Please I want a response…
set [isOnline v] to [DEAD]
add [isOnline] to [killed extensions v]
- Rumanti
1000+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017
1: Why there isn't any posts/Wiki Wednesday things in Spanish? There's a lot of scratch users that speak that language!
There hasn't been a Spanish Scratch Wiki yet, and that's because there haven't been people to make them yet … to my knowledge. See https://test.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/International-Scratch-Wiki-FAQ
- yzyzyz
500+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017
There is one, but it's small and sort of inactive.1: Why there isn't any posts/Wiki Wednesday things in Spanish? There's a lot of scratch users that speak that language!
There hasn't been a Spanish Scratch Wiki yet, and that's because there haven't been people to make them yet … to my knowledge. See https://test.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/International-Scratch-Wiki-FAQ
- 12345678910pls
1 post
Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017
HI people how are you doing on this wonderful K)O JBIHF$UTvg cbnh8gdvt btu8yufdkhbfvr tnhcnb
- MartinWollenweber
100 posts
Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017
@LiFaytheGoblin: Could you replace:
with the following in your original Wiki Wednesday post, so that everybody can enjoy the beauty of the Korean and Hebrew pictures and sentences?
한국어 (Korean): 스크래치
עברית (Hebrew): (זוז () צעדים (בלוק
with the following in your original Wiki Wednesday post, so that everybody can enjoy the beauty of the Korean and Hebrew pictures and sentences?
한국어 (Korean): 스크래치
스크래치(Scratch)는 매사추세츠 공과 대학 (MIT)의 평생 유치원 그룹이 개발한 무료 교육용 프로그래밍 언어로, 등록된 스크래처가 1800만 명 이상이며 웹 사이트에 공유된 프로젝트가 2200만 개에 이른다. 현재 버전인 2.0은 여기에서 다운로드 하거나 여기에 있는 온라인 에디터에서 접속할 수 있다(이전 버전인 1.4는 여기에서 다운로드 받을 수 있다). 만 8세에서 만 16세 사이의 아이들을 대상으로 하며 고등학교 3학년까지 권장한다.
עברית (Hebrew): (זוז () צעדים (בלוק
הבלוק זוז () צעדים הוא בלוק תנועה ובלוק ערימה. הבלוק מזיז את הדמות קדימה בכיוון שהיא פונה אליו ובמספר הצעדים הרשום. צעד שווה לפיקסל אחד באורכו. ערך ברירת המחדל בבלוק הוא 10, אבל אפשר לשנות אותו לכל מספר. הבלוק בעצם משתמש בטרינוגומטריה כדי למצוא את הכיוון שאליו צריך להתקדם.
Last edited by MartinWollenweber (Dec. 1, 2017 17:02:52)
- -treasure-
22 posts
Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017
I love the updates! and ps i'm running a secret santa https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4506330/
- eb9000
11 posts
Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017

change [ Help] by (?)
Last edited by eb9000 (Dec. 2, 2017 14:43:22)
- eb9000
11 posts
Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017
think [how do I make a hyperlink]
Last edited by eb9000 (Dec. 2, 2017 14:46:50)
- hashtagPROSKILLZ21
5 posts
Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Can someone make a how to edit a Map project because there is none on scratch
- Discussion Forums
- » Announcements
» Wiki Wednesday, November 29, 2017