Discuss Scratch

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An Easier way to find Suggestions/Search the forums

We all know that when we go to the “Suggestions” forum, we have to check to make sure that the thing we want to suggest has not already been suggested. However, there are over 600 PAGES of suggestions as of me writing this, so looking through every single page would be incredibly time-consuming. An easier way to do this would to add a search bar just for the forums. Before you say, “When you go to the forums, there's a search bar on the blue bar at the top of your screen,” that's the regular “Search Scratch” bar. If you search something on it, a list of projects/studios comes up, so we can't use that for the forums. As I said before, we need a search bar that is special to the forums. I have an idea that when you go to the forums (and you don't click on a discussion just yet), it would look like this (I can't do a drawing as I don't know how to upload one to the forums):
Discuss Scratch
Discussion Home (Search Bar)

Normal Discussion home stuff

I am well aware that there is already a “Search” button at the top of the forums, but that is easily confusing to new Scratchers, and it's also confusing to me. It would be much easier for New Scratchers to understand if there was a search bar in its place.
Also, there would be a Search Bar inside of discussions. This is what it would look like:
Discussion Forums >> Suggestions >> (Search Bar)

The way we would use this Search Bar would work much like the regular Search bar, you put in words, and Discussions that include those words, or words similar to those words, would show up. This would be so, so, so helpful for the Suggestions forums, since we have to make sure what we're suggesting has not already been suggested. We would simply go to the Suggestions forums, type in our suggestion on the search bar, then if nothing shows up, we can suggest it. If Something shows up, we can't suggest it.

Please point out any flaws, errors, or unclear points I may have made. If you have a question, please ask it and I'll try my best to answer.
(Edit: I am well aware that this is a duplicate of SO MANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS. All this does is prove my point, we need a Search Bar. I've heard of the ST adding one in 3.0 or something like that, but I don't know if it's confirmed by an ST member.)

Last edited by wWSunPandaWw (Nov. 27, 2017 21:37:46)

I moved to BelieverGirlSun
1000+ posts

An Easier way to find Suggestions/Search the forums

1000+ posts

An Easier way to find Suggestions/Search the forums

TheUltimatum wrote:

Hi! Guess what? This suggestion is a duplicate!
My point exactly. Thanks for telling me.

I moved to BelieverGirlSun
1000+ posts

An Easier way to find Suggestions/Search the forums

TheUltimatum wrote:

Hi! Guess what? This suggestion is a duplicate!
Oldest dupe I can find

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