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Say 100 years time, what will Scratch be like?

Gobblesmack wrote:

YubNubEwok wrote:

Gobblesmack wrote:

YubNubEwok wrote:

Technology might be very advanced in the future; who knows? Maybe there wouldn't be such thing as computers anymore in the future.
There still will be, just in a different form: Quantum computing.

as for if Scratch will still exist in the future, I doubt it. As many others have said, technology is advancing at an awesome pace and Scratch will soon become outdated and most likely cease to exist.
How can you know for sure? No one know if there will be computers in the future.
as I said, Quantum computing is a thing in development and most likely will be for many years, because of its sheer power.
Quantum computing could be impossible, and we may have realised that in 100 years' time. After all, it still is only a concept.

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.
- Albert Einstein

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