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[Clone Detecting] - {Point-towards Script}

Hello. I have tried numerous times to perfect detection of clones including attempting to create override scripts, however I cannot quite construct a script which points one sprite towards the clone (resembling a tower defense game). For clarification, I shall show a script:

when green flag clicked

if <(distance to [Clone#_?]) < [60]> then
point towards [Clone#_]


The method I suggested was an example - I do not believe it exists. However, if there are any methods able to be used, I would very much be glad to receive the help.

(A side note - I am definitely forgetting other elements of this script such as the {else - point in direction 90degrees} element). Well, any help would be appreciated greatly.

Thank You for Your Time,


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[Clone Detecting] - {Point-towards Script}

Check out Scubajerry's projects. He has some tower defence examples in there for pointing towards a clone.

My drmcw account has viewed too many forum topics so cannot view anymore! This account however says it all!

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