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- QuirkyKittten
100+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Hi everyone! I propose this studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25084237
- I love how it provides an interesting prompt that inspires Scratchers to be creative and make projects.
- This studio is focusing on “Creating Your Own” projects.
- There is currently only 1 manager, but there should be more coming soon!
- This studio has just been made, so there are under 20 projects at the moment.
- There are multiple projects that fit the theme, and there are much more to come!
- This studio also does not allow anyone to add projects, only by curators/managers
- And, it does not have an animated gif as its thumbnail
- Also, it's not an Add Everything studio
- The best part is that (soon to come) the description will be in multiple languages and will invite Scratchers to help translate it!
- I love how it provides an interesting prompt that inspires Scratchers to be creative and make projects.
- This studio is focusing on “Creating Your Own” projects.
- There is currently only 1 manager, but there should be more coming soon!
- This studio has just been made, so there are under 20 projects at the moment.
- There are multiple projects that fit the theme, and there are much more to come!
- This studio also does not allow anyone to add projects, only by curators/managers
- And, it does not have an animated gif as its thumbnail
- Also, it's not an Add Everything studio
- The best part is that (soon to come) the description will be in multiple languages and will invite Scratchers to help translate it!
- IntroducingW0ndr0us
100+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
I think this studio deserves to be featured;
Create Your Own
It was founded by QuirkyKittten, today, I think, and I believe that it is a great studio, with a unique and interesting idea! It has great rules, and not too many managers, with some awesome project examples. Create your own type projects are some of my favorite projects, so I do think that it would be great if this studio was to be featured!
Create Your Own
It was founded by QuirkyKittten, today, I think, and I believe that it is a great studio, with a unique and interesting idea! It has great rules, and not too many managers, with some awesome project examples. Create your own type projects are some of my favorite projects, so I do think that it would be great if this studio was to be featured!

Last edited by IntroducingW0ndr0us (Aug. 11, 2019 00:00:12)
- FoxPaws25
1 post
Propose Studios to be Featured
scratch.mit.edu/studios/25078154/activity/ some one said i can make this on the front page its a studio that so cool so make it on the front page plz
- great_elmo
500+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Last edited by great_elmo (Aug. 12, 2019 21:04:29)
- rawthrill
1 post
Propose Studios to be Featured
I think this would be a good studio https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25078416/
- mario490
79 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
I just joined this studio, but I think It has a great purpose!
- -InfCode-
26 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Proposed Studio
Hi. I Know This Studio Currently Has 0 Projects (As I'm Writing This) But I Still Would Want It To Be Featured. This Studio Is On The Topic Of The Storming Of Area 51. I Think This Should Be Featured By September 20th (If It Does Get Featured), As That's When It Is Being Stormed. However I Would Love If It Was Featured Early Because Usually Seasonal Things Come Early. Anyways, The Studio Is Raid51™. Hope This Is Featured! Sincerely, @-InfCode-
Hi. I Know This Studio Currently Has 0 Projects (As I'm Writing This) But I Still Would Want It To Be Featured. This Studio Is On The Topic Of The Storming Of Area 51. I Think This Should Be Featured By September 20th (If It Does Get Featured), As That's When It Is Being Stormed. However I Would Love If It Was Featured Early Because Usually Seasonal Things Come Early. Anyways, The Studio Is Raid51™. Hope This Is Featured! Sincerely, @-InfCode-
- Robby_Blue
100+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
This is a studio about Cloud projects https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25078416/projects/
- aoife8u
14 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
This studio is great for encouraging people to share there posts, i think it is a great studio.
This studio is great for encouraging people to share there posts, i think it is a great studio.

- Sakura175
100+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
are you on a laptop?
Please don't chat here yes

- Caden76
69 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
A new school year is here, so why not create a studio for it? Here is thee link for the studio, “Back To School”: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25087609/ Can you please feature it?
- Orphanii
4 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
This is a wonderful studio wiith a sweet community! I would love for this to be feautured!
- QuirkyKittten
100+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Hi! I would like to propose this studio. https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25078416/projects/ This amazing studio follows all of the requirements, it shows unique and educational purpose. I think this studio is great to learn from!
Thank you all!
Peace Out - Kitten
Thank you all!
Peace Out - Kitten