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- Massyman8
9 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
I just joined this studio, and it is awesome! Here it is: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25078416/projects/
- turquiose_dolphin
0 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
This studio is amazing!!!
It's full of Wonderfull animations!!!
It's full of Wonderfull animations!!!
- FrostyRAhAz
500+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Can you propose your own studios to be featured? I think that there used to be a rule on it.
- great_elmo
500+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
yes, you can propose your own studios to be featured. Can you propose your own studios to be featured? I think that there used to be a rule on it.
- Cattima
100+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Hi! Can you please feature that studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/11486899/projects/ ? This studio is about Mars 2020!
- terrapins6
8 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
when green flag clicked
say [(join(Hello)(username))]
- Sakura175
100+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
when green flag clicked
say [(join(Hello)(username))]
That's not useful here, so don't spam please !

- Lil_Phoenix
1 post
Propose Studios to be Featured
I'm the curator of a studio that is totally new. I think this studio is very cool and that idea is good and interesting.
say [Can this studio be featured? :D] for (2) secs
say [https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25081226/]
- Bulbatrain
11 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
I Know my projects are not great, But being on scratch ong enough i have made really nice friends. They have taught me new tricks and helped me when i am down! I would really appreaciate it if my friend's project was featured!. He deserves more attenention ; D Thanks scratch team, Its up to you to decide!
Yours truly,
P.S. Please feature it!
This is for proposing studios
- Bulbatrain
11 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25078416/projects/That’s a project I just joined this studio, and it is awesome! Here it is:
- Kitty_coder26
8 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured

Last edited by Kitty_coder26 (Aug. 9, 2019 14:28:35)
- Kitty_coder26
8 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25081686/ is one of my studios
- kingcam0406
3 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured

Last edited by kingcam0406 (Aug. 9, 2019 20:19:10)
- Mrapple99
5 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
no. this links to the projects section of the studio, not a project itself.https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25078416/projects/That’s a project I just joined this studio, and it is awesome! Here it is:
- Mrapple99
5 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
can you please feature this studio? here is the link: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25051085/
- lildrummerboy
2 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Hello scratch team,
I made a cool studio a few days ago and I think it should be featured. The reason I want for you to feature it because I think that more people should know about cloud data so I made this studio to raise more wonderful scratchers to now more! So I hope you read this and consider featuring it
Here it is https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25078416/
your fellow scratcher,
I made a cool studio a few days ago and I think it should be featured. The reason I want for you to feature it because I think that more people should know about cloud data so I made this studio to raise more wonderful scratchers to now more! So I hope you read this and consider featuring it

Here it is https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25078416/
your fellow scratcher,
- angrygrape12345
9 posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Is a studio where you can ask the wonderful people there to make you a logo! I’m not sure it would work as a featured studio though…. but please check it out anyway!
Is a studio where you can ask the wonderful people there to make you a logo! I’m not sure it would work as a featured studio though…. but please check it out anyway!
when green flag clicked
say [Thank you!] for (2) secs
- Bellevue91
1000+ posts
Propose Studios to be Featured
Hi, I made this studio a short while before the current featured help the earth studio was made, AND I proposed it. It is a Save The Planet studio and it encourages creativity, has a great description, and needs more support. I know a help the earth studio is already featured, but I can't help feeling that MY studio deserves to be featured too. Perhaps you could feature it after some time, after people have forgotten about it. Thanks and I hope you'll feature my studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/14354488/