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100+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅


100+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

-Vuton- wrote:

@PackersRuleGoPack We could add a new service to this shop where we make images transparent and convert them to .ico files. This would probably be popular with people making sites but they don't know how to do that.

Btw I would take they orders ASAP

PackersRuleGoPack wrote:

-Vuton- wrote:

@PackersRuleGoPack We could add a new service to this shop where we make images transparent and convert them to .ico files. This would probably be popular with people making sites but they don't know how to do that.

Btw I would take they orders ASAP
Okay sure, but idk how to do that xDD
I know how but it top secret

1000+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

PackersRuleGoPack wrote:

-Vuton- wrote:

@PackersRuleGoPack We could add a new service to this shop where we make images transparent and convert them to .ico files. This would probably be popular with people making sites but they don't know how to do that.

Btw I would take they orders ASAP
For this, I'll add it soon. I'm busy now. I'm gonna add this and we are gonna start making logos.
1000+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

PackersRuleGoPack wrote:

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

PackersRuleGoPack wrote:

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

TheUltimatum wrote:

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

TheUltimatum wrote:

Okay, AmazingMech2418 here's my question. How would you implement an image loading function that looks like this:
function loadImages(image_list,callback) {
  //Function implementation here.
You should be able to call the function like this:
loadImages(["image1.png","image2.png","image3.png"],function(loaded_images) {
  //Code to do stuff with "loaded_images" here.
I will give you the code tomorrow. For the other one, I need to know the scratch API websites needed so I can do the code. I may however have to see the source of a profile if you can't give me the URLs I already checked ScratchStats.cf to see if I could find any api websites for followers, but there weren't any. I can give you a full page of followers with the info I have already, but I need just one website used to see the pages of followers a person has. I will give you the code tomorrow since it so late and Abe_Lincoln said I can take as long as I need.
Ah. Thanks, and good luck. I hope it's just a little bit challenging for you.
Thank you! It is challenging since I only know how to find message counts of a user. Can you please give me one URL?
I know other JS, but not API. I already have an idea for the load images one, but will give you the code tomorrow.

That will give you the details of all my followers. Using thata you should be able to find the number of pages a user has. or you could just extract it from here https://scratch.mit.edu/users/packersrulegopack/followers.
OK. Thank you!
<DOCTYPE! html>
<title>image loader</title>
function loadImages(imagelist, where, tagnum){
var tag = document.querySelectorAll(where)[tagnum]
var i = 0;
while (i < imagelist.length) {
tag.innerHTML += "<img src='"+imagelist[i]+"'>"
loadImages(["costume1.png","costume1.png"], "body", 0);
The above code is my answer to the image loader. I tested it with an image called costume1.png and it worked. I then did it twice and it worked. I looked at the API page and there was only the last 20 followers. There isn't anything about number of pages. I even temporarily used the console and temporarily loaded a picture to a website.
I'm sorry but thats not correct. You need to be able to run this code anywhere and it should work, not just the followers page. Try sending a “GET” request with its target as the link i showed you.
What do you mean?
<DOCTYPE! html>
<body onload = "setTimeout(function1, 1000)">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
var a;
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery.get("https://scratch.mit.edu/users/amazingmech2418/followers", function(data,status){
a = data;
function function1() {
var b;
b = a.search("</h2>") - a.search("<h2>") - 4;
var i = 0;
var c = a.search("<h2>") + 4;
var array = [];
while (i<b) {
var ss = array.join("");
var sss = ss.split(" ");
a = sss[11];
a = a.slice(1,a.length-4);

document.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].innerHTML = Math.ceil(a/60);
is the follower thing and it works anywhere

Last edited by AmazingMech2418 (Sept. 24, 2017 23:52:47)

I'm a programmer, ethical hacker, and space nerd!

Last edited by Neil Armstrong (July 20, 1969 20:17:00)

1000+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

PackersRuleGoPack wrote:

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

PackersRuleGoPack wrote:

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

TheUltimatum wrote:

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

TheUltimatum wrote:

Okay, AmazingMech2418 here's my question. How would you implement an image loading function that looks like this:
function loadImages(image_list,callback) {
  //Function implementation here.
You should be able to call the function like this:
loadImages(["image1.png","image2.png","image3.png"],function(loaded_images) {
  //Code to do stuff with "loaded_images" here.
I will give you the code tomorrow. For the other one, I need to know the scratch API websites needed so I can do the code. I may however have to see the source of a profile if you can't give me the URLs I already checked ScratchStats.cf to see if I could find any api websites for followers, but there weren't any. I can give you a full page of followers with the info I have already, but I need just one website used to see the pages of followers a person has. I will give you the code tomorrow since it so late and Abe_Lincoln said I can take as long as I need.
Ah. Thanks, and good luck. I hope it's just a little bit challenging for you.
Thank you! It is challenging since I only know how to find message counts of a user. Can you please give me one URL?
I know other JS, but not API. I already have an idea for the load images one, but will give you the code tomorrow.

That will give you the details of all my followers. Using thata you should be able to find the number of pages a user has. or you could just extract it from here https://scratch.mit.edu/users/packersrulegopack/followers.
OK. Thank you!
<DOCTYPE! html>
<title>image loader</title>
function loadImages(imagelist, where, tagnum){
var tag = document.querySelectorAll(where)[tagnum]
var i = 0;
while (i < imagelist.length) {
tag.innerHTML += "<img src='"+imagelist[i]+"'>"
loadImages(["costume1.png","costume1.png"], "body", 0);
The above code is my answer to the image loader. I tested it with an image called costume1.png and it worked. I then did it twice and it worked. I looked at the API page and there was only the last 20 followers. There isn't anything about number of pages. I even temporarily used the console and temporarily loaded a picture to a website.
I'm sorry but thats not correct. You need to be able to run this code anywhere and it should work, not just the followers page. Try sending a “GET” request with its target as the link i showed you.
What do you mean?
<DOCTYPE! html>
<body onload = "setTimeout(function1, 1000)">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
var a;
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery.get("https://scratch.mit.edu/users/amazingmech2418/followers", function(data,status){
a = data;
function function1() {
var b;
b = a.search("</h2>") - a.search("<h2>") - 4;
var i = 0;
var c = a.search("<h2>") + 4;
var array = [];
while (i<b) {
var ss = array.join("");
var sss = ss.split(" ");
a = sss[11];
a = a.slice(1,a.length-4);

document.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].innerHTML = Math.ceil(a/60);
is the follower thing and it works anywhere
nvm lol good thats right. I'll have TheUltimatum correct the image loader thing.

Hi I'm making an FREE app for Scratch called Scratch Hub. Checkout the sneak peek here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/324532222/

THE APP IS OUT: Click the link on this website to get to the app: https://scratchhub.ml

Also, I made a game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/326163967
1000+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

Well I think theUltimatum has said it is good. So you are accepted

Hi I'm making an FREE app for Scratch called Scratch Hub. Checkout the sneak peek here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/324532222/

THE APP IS OUT: Click the link on this website to get to the app: https://scratchhub.ml

Also, I made a game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/326163967
500+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

ScratcherOfWorld wrote:

Join Form:

Username: @ScratcherOfWorld
What position(s) are you applying for?: help for programmation in Scratch, and maybe in HTML, CSS and Python (a bit)
Do you work in any other stores? If so please list them: Lolipopshop (french)
How active are you going to be in the shop? (Scale of 1-10): 7

What is your knowledge of HTML? (Scale of 1-10): 4
If you answered more than 0 on the previous question, post a link to an example project or code-snippet: I know the bases, but I don't published any site (because it's paying)

What is your knowledge of JavaScript? (Scale of 1-10): 0
If you answered more than 0 on the previous question, post a link to an example project or code-snippet: X

What is your knowledge of CSS? (Scale of 1-10): 3
If you answered more than 0 on the previous question, post a link to an example project or code-snippet: I know the bases, but I don't published any site (because it's paying)

What is your knowledge of Java? (Scale of 1-10): 0
If you answered more than 0 on the previous question, post a link to an example project or code-snippet: X

What is your knowledge of Scratch? (Scale of 1-10): 10
If you answered more than 0 on the previous question, post a link to an example project or code-snippet: Limax.io

Do you understand, that this store has a very competitive application process, and agree to not spam, or cause any
disruption if you are not selected?: Yes

We will get back to you as soon as possible with 2 interview questions (if needed).
I speak english and french. I do programming in Python (5/10).

Thank you so much.

Can I join ?

1000+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

PackersRuleGoPack wrote:

Well I think theUltimatum has said it is good. So you are accepted
Thank you! I can't wait to take my first order!

I'm a programmer, ethical hacker, and space nerd!

Last edited by Neil Armstrong (July 20, 1969 20:17:00)

100+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

Scratch API Script/JS Script:

Username: bobby1171/bob1171
Description of the script: i want a bot that replies to comments during school hours
Do you realize that we have the power to not complete your order?(Y/N): Y
How many follows will you give the worker who does this order? (0 is an allowed answer): 1

Thanks, bob
1000+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

bobby1171 wrote:

Scratch API Script/JS Script:

Username: bobby1171/bob1171
Description of the script: i want a bot that replies to comments during school hours
Do you realize that we have the power to not complete your order?(Y/N): Y
How many follows will you give the worker who does this order? (0 is an allowed answer): 1
We won't be completing your order on the grounds that this is against Scratch's rules. Sorry.
1000+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

PackersRuleGoPack wrote:

Rankings (based on order):

1. PackersRuleGoPack (Completed Orders: 5.5)
2. JokeBookService1 (Completed Orders: 1.5)
3. csf30816 (Completed Orders: 1)
4. TheUltimatum (Completed Orders: None! Remember to complete atleast one order per 2 weeks!)
4. flewfire(Completed Orders: None! Remember to complete atleast one order per 2 weeks!)
4. -Vuton- (Completed Orders: None! Remember to complete atleast one order per 2 weeks!)
4. -Neutronic- (Completed Orders: None! Remember to complete atleast one order per 2 weeks!)

Rankings (based on power) :

CEO: PackersRuleGoPack
Co-CEO: None. Apply Now!

Head HTML Coder: PackersRuleGoPack (Will be changed if someone of higher level applies)
HTML Coder #1: JokeBookService1
HTML Coder #2: TheUltimatum
HTML Coder #3: -Vuton-
HTML Coder #4: csf30816
HTML Coder #5: -Neutronic-
(add more if needed)

Head CSS Coder: PackersRuleGoPack (Will be changed if someone of higher level applies)
CSS Coder #1: -Vuton-
CSS Coder #2:TheUltimatum
(add more if needed)

Head JavaScript Coder: JokeBookService1
JavaScript Coder #1: PackersRuleGoPack
JavaScript Coder #2: csf30816
JavaScript Coder #3: TheUltimatum
JavaScript Coder #4: -Neutronic-
JS Coder #5: flewfire
(add more if needed)

Head Java Coder: PackersRuleGoPack (Will be changed if someone of higher level applies)
Java Coder #1:flewfire
Java Coder #2:
(add more if needed)

Head Scratch Coder: PackersRuleGoPack (Will be changed if someone of higher level applies)
Scratch Coder #1: -Vuton-
Scratch Coder #2: csf30816
(add more if needed)
Will I be added since I'm now accepted?

I'm a programmer, ethical hacker, and space nerd!

Last edited by Neil Armstrong (July 20, 1969 20:17:00)

51 posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

AmazingMech2418 is
set [variable] to [true]
if <[I finally learned how to do a signature] = (variable)> then
set [response] to [YES!!!!!]
say [show] for (stop [all] secs
r thing?
1000+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

Will I be added since I'm now accepted?
Sure, but first take an order.

Hi I'm making an FREE app for Scratch called Scratch Hub. Checkout the sneak peek here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/324532222/

THE APP IS OUT: Click the link on this website to get to the app: https://scratchhub.ml

Also, I made a game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/326163967
100+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

JavaScript Code-help:

Code: bob1171.github.io/contact.html
Description of Help needed: I want it to post a comment on my profile when they click submit
Will you give credit (Y/N): Y
Do you realize that we have the power to not complete your order? (Y/N): Y
How many follows will you give the worker who does this order?(0 is an allowed answer): 1

Thanks, bob
1000+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

bobby1171 wrote:

JavaScript Code-help:

Code: bob1171.github.io/contact.html
Description of Help needed: I want it to post a comment on my profile when they click submit
Will you give credit (Y/N): Y
Do you realize that we have the power to not complete your order? (Y/N): Y
How many follows will you give the worker who does this order?(0 is an allowed answer): 1
I will take this, but first I need the thumbsup from @JokeBookservice1 that this is not against the CG

Hi I'm making an FREE app for Scratch called Scratch Hub. Checkout the sneak peek here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/324532222/

THE APP IS OUT: Click the link on this website to get to the app: https://scratchhub.ml

Also, I made a game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/326163967
1000+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

PackersRuleGoPack wrote:

bobby1171 wrote:

JavaScript Code-help:

Code: bob1171.github.io/contact.html
Description of Help needed: I want it to post a comment on my profile when they click submit
Will you give credit (Y/N): Y
Do you realize that we have the power to not complete your order? (Y/N): Y
How many follows will you give the worker who does this order?(0 is an allowed answer): 1
I will take this, but first I need the thumbsup from @JokeBookservice1 that this is not against the CG
That won't work without requiring their scratch username and password. Even if you added that to the form you'd need to write an entire scratch client in js. (Which won't work because of cross origin.)

Last edited by TheUltimatum (Sept. 25, 2017 22:15:02)

1000+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

YukonThunder wrote:

AmazingMech2418 is
set [variable] to [true]
if <[I finally learned how to do a signature] = (variable)> then
set [response] to [YES!!!!!]
say [show] for (stop [all] secs
r thing?
It is
set [variable v] to [true]
if<<I finally learned how to do a signature :: sensing>=<variable::variables>> then {
set [response v] to [YES!!!!!!]
} ::control
say (show::stack) for (stop [all v]::cap) secs
set [variable v] to [true]
if<<I finally learned how to do a signature :: sensing>=<variable::variables>> then {
set [response v] to [YES!!!!!!]
} ::control
say (show::stack) for (stop [all v]::cap) secs

Last edited by AmazingMech2418 (Sept. 25, 2017 22:47:10)

I'm a programmer, ethical hacker, and space nerd!

Last edited by Neil Armstrong (July 20, 1969 20:17:00)

1000+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

PackersRuleGoPack wrote:

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

Will I be added since I'm now accepted?
Sure, but first take an order.

I'm a programmer, ethical hacker, and space nerd!

Last edited by Neil Armstrong (July 20, 1969 20:17:00)

100+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

PackersRuleGoPack wrote:

AmazingMech2418 wrote:

Will I be added since I'm now accepted?
Sure, but first take an order.
Hey I have an order *grin*
I need a userscript that makes links clickable in Scratch comments

Note: Lol this is kinda a test but I will use it xD

1000+ posts

[NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅

Can I take the next JS/HTML order?

I'm a programmer, ethical hacker, and space nerd!

Last edited by Neil Armstrong (July 20, 1969 20:17:00)

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  • » [NOW OPEN] ✅✍️ ➡️⚙️HTML/CSS/JS, Java and Scratch - Scratch Project to .EXE FILE TOO! PackersRuleGoPack's Coding Services!⚙️⬅️✍️✅ [RSS Feed]

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