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- Coder_Annika
1000+ posts
Coder_Annika's Art Shop (Closed)
Thank you all for all your support. But Coder_Annika's Art Shop is officially closed. Please read my final post for more information. If you want to contact us or order, please do so on our profile in the form of a request. Thank you.
Welcome to Coder_Annika's Art Shop!

Amazing banner by VGCI, my co-owner!
Hi, I'm Coder_Annika. I make art products and this is a small shop I've created to help with your art related needs.
Order A Product!
Username (Who you are) :
Product Type (What the product should be (ex: logo, sprite, signature) ) :
What you Need it For (Where you want to use it):
When you Would Like it Done:
Is there a Specific Employee you Want?
Description (What you want it to look like. More detailed=Better product!) :
Size (Preferably Pixels) :
If done in the Scratch Editor, Bitmap or Vector?
Anything Else:
Need an image compatible with the forums? No worries! Our shop can host it on a site for you.
Get your image hosted!
Link to Image:
Preferred Site:
Preferred Suffix (such as .jpg or .png) :
Preferred Employee:
When you Want it Done:
We also offer custom scrolling LED signs!
Get yours today.
Sign Length (Small, medium or large) :
What would you like it to say? (All keyboard keys except for the pipe. It you want a heart, put *heart* where you'd like it.)
When do you want it done?
Want Rainbow Text? You probably can't get it at another store. Order it here!
Order Colored Text
What you want to say (exactly how it should appear; please add separate lines if you want it that way or it will make the code quite complicated.)
What type of color would you like? (Solid, middle gradient, horizontal gradient, three colored gradient, random, or colors of the rainbow)
What colors would you like? (Not necessary for Random or Rainbow) (Pick 1 for Solid, Pick 2 for Middle Gradient or Horizontal Gradient, Pick 3 for Three Colored Gradient)
What should the main color be? (Solid)
What should the start color be? (Middle, Horizontal, or Three Colored)
What should the middle color be? (Middle or Three Colored)
What should the end color be? (Middle, Horizontal, or Three Colored)
When do you want this done?
Want to help me out? Apply for a job!
Job Application
How often are you on Scratch?
Do you have any experience?
Do you know how to use Cube Upload?
Are you following the topic?
Anything else?
Employee List:
Active: @Coder_Annika, @Lotosprincess, @minti-, @-Milku-, @Magical_Madness, @_Lillion_, @DisneyGirl0727, @Whitetiger456, @Grade342015, @VideoGamerCanInvent, @spellcaster, @fphiladelphia
Semi-Active: @Dorkalisious
Inactive- Please respond to Activity Check:
Inactive- You risk being fired unless you respond to the activity check:
Staff Jobs:
Owner(Founded the shop, has complete control): @Coder_Annika
Co-Owner(Can hire and fire members, Can take orders): @VideoGamerCanInvent
Representatives(Represents us in shop organizations): @Coder_Annika, @VideoGamerCanInvent, @_Lillion_
Competed Orders:
1. Dorkalisious's Logo Order by Coder_Annika
2. J0krem's Logo Order by Coder_Annika
3.AwesomeGirl417's Logo Order by Lotosprincess
4. Discuss_Button's Banner Orderby Coder_Annika
5. Hyperfinity's Logo Order by VideoGamerCanInvent
6. BlueSketchy's Logo Order by spellcaster
7. Whitetiger456's Order by _Lillion_
8. DisneyGirl0727's Order by minti-
9. 290Scratcher's Order by minti-
10. CantStopWishiwashi's Order by VGCI
11. grade342015's Order by _Lillion_
12. Ignas04's Order by Lotosprincess
13. musicgirl_156's Sprite Order by Coder_Annika
14. Crystal_Gamer_Girl's Order by Coder_Annika
15. SonicMasterSystem's Order by Spellcaster
ReviewsThis is really cool. @Coder_Annika gets the logo/banner in fast. Keep up the good work!
Activity Checks
Please respond by Thursday! (11/16/17)
Not responded:
@-Milku-, @DisneyGirl0727, @Grade342015, @Dorkalisious
Things Going On
Changed Name!
Added New Products!
Our Banner Will Be Updated!
Want to partner? Just ask me and provide a link to your shop.
Sweetlyshy's Banners
-Minti's Design Shop
Spellcaster's Shop (Currently Closed; may be reopened)
Scratch Convenience Shop
Light Art Shop
The Snaztastic Logo and Banner Place
Anything I missed? Let me know!
Scratch On!
Last edited by Coder_Annika (Dec. 22, 2017 20:56:42)
- Dorkalisious
4 posts
Coder_Annika's Art Shop (Closed)
So I was wondering if you could make a Hogwarts crest logo for my profile pic. If no it's OK. Thanks.
- Coder_Annika
1000+ posts
Coder_Annika's Art Shop (Closed)
Sure! So I was wondering if you could make a Hogwarts crest logo for my profile pic. If no it's OK. Thanks.
- Coder_Annika
1000+ posts
Coder_Annika's Art Shop (Closed)
Here you go!Sure! So I was wondering if you could make a Hogwarts crest logo for my profile pic. If no it's OK. Thanks.

- Dorkalisious
4 posts
Coder_Annika's Art Shop (Closed)
Job application:
Logos or Banners? Logos.
How often are you on Scratch? Everyday.
Do you have any experience? Kinda.
Do you know how to use Cube Upload? No, but I can make the logo on Scratch.
Are you following the topic? Yes.
Anything else? No
Logos or Banners? Logos.
How often are you on Scratch? Everyday.
Do you have any experience? Kinda.
Do you know how to use Cube Upload? No, but I can make the logo on Scratch.
Are you following the topic? Yes.
Anything else? No
- Dorkalisious
4 posts
Coder_Annika's Art Shop (Closed)
This is really cool. @Coder_Annika gets the logo/banner in fast. Keep up the good work!
- Coder_Annika
1000+ posts
Coder_Annika's Art Shop (Closed)
Accepted! Job application:
Logos or Banners? Logos.
How often are you on Scratch? Everyday.
Do you have any experience? Kinda.
Do you know how to use Cube Upload? No, but I can make the logo on Scratch.
Are you following the topic? Yes.
Anything else? No
Thanks! This is really cool. @Coder_Annika gets the logo/banner in fast. Keep up the good work!
- Lotosprincess
1000+ posts
Coder_Annika's Art Shop (Closed)
Job Application
Logos or Banners? Both
How often are you on Scratch? around 3 hours in the morning and almost everyday (I will let you know if I am away)
Do you have any experience? yes
Do you know how to use Cube Upload? yes
Are you following the topic? yes
Anything else? I got the I will let you know if I will be away from FollowCherryBlossom
Logos or Banners? Both
How often are you on Scratch? around 3 hours in the morning and almost everyday (I will let you know if I am away)
Do you have any experience? yes
Do you know how to use Cube Upload? yes
Are you following the topic? yes
Anything else? I got the I will let you know if I will be away from FollowCherryBlossom
- Coder_Annika
1000+ posts
Coder_Annika's Art Shop (Closed)
Accepted! Job Application
Logos or Banners? Both
How often are you on Scratch? around 3 hours in the morning and almost everyday (I will let you know if I am away)
Do you have any experience? yes
Do you know how to use Cube Upload? yes
Are you following the topic? yes
Anything else? I got the I will let you know if I will be away from FollowCherryBlossom
- Coder_Annika
1000+ posts
Coder_Annika's Art Shop (Closed)
We are now partnered with Sweetlyshy's Banners!
- Lotosprincess
1000+ posts
Coder_Annika's Art Shop (Closed)
thanksAccepted! Job Application
Logos or Banners? Both
How often are you on Scratch? around 3 hours in the morning and almost everyday (I will let you know if I am away)
Do you have any experience? yes
Do you know how to use Cube Upload? yes
Are you following the topic? yes
Anything else? I got the I will let you know if I will be away from FollowCherryBlossom
- AwesomeGirl417
50 posts
Coder_Annika's Art Shop (Closed)
Text and Font: None
Colors: Light purple and darker blue but not that dark just like the middle color thing.
Shapes: A heart in the middle with stripes purple and blue
Would you like any of it 3D(If so, please specify)?: N/A
Preferred Done Date: IDK
Anything else? Peanut butter background, I might not use this so don't get mad or anything.
Colors: Light purple and darker blue but not that dark just like the middle color thing.
Shapes: A heart in the middle with stripes purple and blue
Would you like any of it 3D(If so, please specify)?: N/A
Preferred Done Date: IDK
Anything else? Peanut butter background, I might not use this so don't get mad or anything.
- Lotosprincess
1000+ posts
Coder_Annika's Art Shop (Closed)
taken do you want a text or not Text and Font: None
Colors: Light purple and darker blue but not that dark just like the middle color thing.
Shapes: A heart in the middle with stripes purple and blue
Would you like any of it 3D(If so, please specify)?: N/A
Preferred Done Date: IDK
Anything else? Peanut butter background, I might not use this so don't get mad or anything.