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(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

Over Four Years on Scratch!
BBCode ❉ Art ❉ Voice Acting ❉ Scripting ❉ Debugging ❉ Animation ❉ Reviews ❉ Writing

Heyo! Welcome to BGMead's Shop! If you need a quality job done quickly, you're in the right place! We do it all from Scripting to Art and everything in between! We were previously known as Signature Advertising, but we moved to this topic, and after almost 2 years of inactivity, I've decided to open it back up again!

Our main concern here is to provide all of our customers with a quality job that exceeds their expectations. While we are a believer of quality over quantity, our orders are still served up quickly. Most orders are completed in a day or less! Check out some of our completed orders to see what we can do for you, and head over to the "Order Something" post when your ready to order.

Use the menu above to navigate the shop. Happy Shopping!

Happy Customers!
“Simply stunning service and presentation!” - ahmed-990
“Wonderful shop! This is the first shop that ever completed my order.” - Polarbear_17
“This shop is amazing for completing your order on time, and the quality is absolutely awesome!” - Evan2963
“This shop is very speedy, reliable and has excellent quality artwork!” - rainbow132

Review us!
Fill out the form below and drop us a review! (We may use your review on our FP)
Speed: (x/10)
Quality: (x/10)
Overall: (x/10)
Will you order again:
Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoy our shop.

Last edited by BGMead (July 11, 2021 22:49:21)

Heyo! I am Jade (she/her) and I used to be very active on the scratch discussion forums back in 2017. I've since left scratch to pursue an interest in game development, graphics and engine programming, and college.
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

Pending Orders
Old Completed Order List

This has moved! We are now using AutoUOC for our unclaimed orders center.

Last edited by BGMead (July 11, 2021 22:48:49)

Heyo! I am Jade (she/her) and I used to be very active on the scratch discussion forums back in 2017. I've since left scratch to pursue an interest in game development, graphics and engine programming, and college.
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

Hi again! Thanks for the note you mentioned as you closed Signature Advertising. I really appreciate it, and I also want to thank you for all the work you have put into our shop. You have improved our FP, extended our rules, helped many employees and produced amazing work. Do you want to partner?

Last edited by VideoGamerCanInvent (June 22, 2017 14:36:59)

woah, haven't been on here in a while
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

VideoGamerCanInvent wrote:

Hi again! Thanks for the note you mentioned as you closed Signature Advertising. I really appreciate it, and I also want to thank you for all the work you have put into our shop. Do you want to partner?
This shop is a continuation of Signature Advertising, so we are already partnered!

Heyo! I am Jade (she/her) and I used to be very active on the scratch discussion forums back in 2017. I've since left scratch to pursue an interest in game development, graphics and engine programming, and college.
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!


Heyo! I am Jade (she/her) and I used to be very active on the scratch discussion forums back in 2017. I've since left scratch to pursue an interest in game development, graphics and engine programming, and college.
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

Bump! (Trying to ignore the post above…)

Heyo! I am Jade (she/her) and I used to be very active on the scratch discussion forums back in 2017. I've since left scratch to pursue an interest in game development, graphics and engine programming, and college.
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

So i am still a worker?

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

Your store has no name…

woah, haven't been on here in a while
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

VideoGamerCanInvent wrote:

Your store has no name…
Yeah, I just realized that.

Heyo! I am Jade (she/her) and I used to be very active on the scratch discussion forums back in 2017. I've since left scratch to pursue an interest in game development, graphics and engine programming, and college.
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

FollowCherryBlossom wrote:

So i am still a worker?
Yep! It's just Signature Advertising with a new name, banner, FP and concept!

Heyo! I am Jade (she/her) and I used to be very active on the scratch discussion forums back in 2017. I've since left scratch to pursue an interest in game development, graphics and engine programming, and college.
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!


Heyo! I am Jade (she/her) and I used to be very active on the scratch discussion forums back in 2017. I've since left scratch to pursue an interest in game development, graphics and engine programming, and college.
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!


Heyo! I am Jade (she/her) and I used to be very active on the scratch discussion forums back in 2017. I've since left scratch to pursue an interest in game development, graphics and engine programming, and college.
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

Bring Up My Post!

Heyo! I am Jade (she/her) and I used to be very active on the scratch discussion forums back in 2017. I've since left scratch to pursue an interest in game development, graphics and engine programming, and college.
100+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

I know this isn't in the proper format, but please consider anyways
Username: Evan2963
What you want it to look like: A walk cycle with a transparent background for this guy: https://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fvignette1.wikia.nocookie.net%2Ffantendo%2Fimages%2F4%2F49%2FBowserSU.png%2Frevision%2Flatest%2Fscale-to-width-down%2F180%3Fcb%3D20130122150937&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Ffantendo.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FScribblenauts%3A_Grand_Quest&docid=mk1t6EoMXjbinM&tbnid=B_igX8KyWKk8vM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwifyaHV6bPUAhUG74MKHSprAEYQMwg-KAQwBA..i&w=180&h=166&hl=en-ca&safe=active&client=safari&bih=529&biw=320&q=scribblenauts%20bowser&ved=0ahUKEwifyaHV6bPUAhUG74MKHSprAEYQMwg-KAQwBA&iact=mrc&uact=8
Animation: Yes
No. of costumes: 2
Misc/additional info: His arms should go out along with his legs, then go back in. For examples, see the animated characters in my game here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/163397813/

Scratch Wiki editor and game designer!
Please check out some of my latest games and animations, or check out my website!
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

Evan2963 wrote:

I know this isn't in the proper format, but please consider anyways
Username: Evan2963
What you want it to look like: A walk cycle with a transparent background for this guy: -snipped url-
Animation: Yes
No. of costumes: 2
Misc/additional info: His arms should go out along with his legs, then go back in. For examples, see the animated characters in my game here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/163397813/
Added to pending orders.

Heyo! I am Jade (she/her) and I used to be very active on the scratch discussion forums back in 2017. I've since left scratch to pursue an interest in game development, graphics and engine programming, and college.
100+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

BGMead wrote:

Bring Up My Post!
perfect meaning if bump was an acronym.

The SuperSonic Scratch Forum Helper!
Oh, and there is no such thing as Evil Kumquats. Sorry Kumquats.
Kumquats: AAAAAH!
Me: What? It's fictional!
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

myloganator1 wrote:

BGMead wrote:

Bring Up My Post!
perfect meaning if bump was an acronym.
It is

woah, haven't been on here in a while
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

Hello! I'm here!

GENERATION 361: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment. I did not start this.
What are signatures for?
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

CutieCow17 wrote:

Hello! I'm here!

Heyo! I am Jade (she/her) and I used to be very active on the scratch discussion forums back in 2017. I've since left scratch to pursue an interest in game development, graphics and engine programming, and college.
1000+ posts

(∩◕ᗜ◕)⊃━☆゚.* BGMead's Shop ❉ Over 4 years on Scratch!

Review Forums:

Project Review Forum:
Idea: x/10
Code: x/10
Graphics: x/10
Audio: x/10
Overall: x/40
Art Review Forum:
Colors: x/10
Detail: x/10
Originality: x/10
Quality/Resolution: x/10
Images (if applicable): x/10
Font (if applicable): x/10
Overall: x/60
Writing Review Forum:
Story: x/10
Originality: x/10
Grammar: x/10
Understandable: x/10
Overall: x/40
Shop Review Forum:
Layout: x/10
Banner: x/10
General Completed Order Quality: x/10
Meets Order Deadlines: x/10
On-topicness: x/10
Customer Service*: x/10
Overall: x/60
*means how polite employees are to customers and how they treat orders.

Last edited by BGMead (April 14, 2020 23:26:34)

Heyo! I am Jade (she/her) and I used to be very active on the scratch discussion forums back in 2017. I've since left scratch to pursue an interest in game development, graphics and engine programming, and college.

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