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34 posts

CastleWars Game; Members Needed! Will take almost anyone!

My team and I have created an amazing game that many have failed to match, CastleWars. The game is quite good so far, with a new battle system coming in the next update and a great selection of soldiers. We also have small buildings that help you advance in the game, things like an inn, a village, a mine, and a hospital is being coded in as we speak. The problem is, we are VERY low on people. Don't get me wrong, our development team is a great group of individuals, very communicative and online almost once a week. We just need more people to manage our advertisements, art, ideas, and basically making sure what's going on overall. We don't have very many requirements. We just need you to be online once or twice a week at least, and we need you to at least have a little knowledge on Scratch overall, and whatever you want to do. Just ask on this thread, and I will respond when I can!

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