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12 posts

Yee Dinosaur ASII Art being blocked

So I wanted to comment on my own profile the following Yee dinosaur artwork:
Unfortunately, I was not allowed to post it because it was blocked as a swear. I understand being careful when it comes to filtering out curses, but us children need our dank memes
-OakOwl ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
1000+ posts

Yee Dinosaur ASII Art being blocked

ASCII artwork is considered spam, so therefore banned.

❖ Member of the Forum Helpers ❖ Experienced Wikian ❖
❖ Member of the Wiki Warehouse ❖ Owner of Customhacker's Royal Logo and Banner Shop ❖
❖ Member of Unloved Loves ❖ Former Member of the Services Planning Department ❖
1000+ posts

Yee Dinosaur ASII Art being blocked

When dank memes become overused, they get really old and annoying. Therefore…

customhacker wrote:

ASCII artwork is [now] considered spam, so therefore banned.

Which is why memes, over time, become “expired”.

Last edited by DownsGameClub (April 25, 2017 20:58:03)

Scratcher since Aug. 2015 +++ Fire Alarm Enthusiast +++ College student studying fire protection engineering
2 posts

Yee Dinosaur ASII Art being blocked

1000+ posts

Yee Dinosaur ASII Art being blocked

Duolingo_Owl_27 wrote:

don't spam

1000+ posts

Yee Dinosaur ASII Art being blocked

Duolingo_Owl_27 wrote:

Don’t spam

1000+ posts

Yee Dinosaur ASII Art being blocked

Scratchy697 wrote:

Duolingo_Owl_27 wrote:

Yee Dinosaur ASCII Art
don't spam
They only wrote it once, and it's about the size of a normal image on the Scratch forums. I think it's fine here.

-jettypumpkin07 Profile ~ GitHub ~ Wiki Edits ~ Stats ~ Posts
I haven't really been active much since 2021. I now mostly look at / help with other people's projects, answer questions on the forums and work on stuff in other programming languages like JavaScript. Scratch is still awesome and I don't think I'll be leaving it any time soon. <3

Check out ocular, a Scratch forum search tool by jeffalo that helps find lost posts, or the Hidden Blocks TurboWarp extension I helped create that has a bunch of useful hacked blocks ready to add to your Scratch projects. (PR for details, see the Hidden Blocks category to the left of the editor.)

Super Mario World Maker 3.0 Update coming soon ~ Suggest what you want added!

The state of my life right now (I'm in Grade 12 next year):

Bonus image for Extension users and Inspect Element bois:

I'm the guy who made the ‘Multiple rows in backpack’ addon btw, you should try it!
1000+ posts

Yee Dinosaur ASII Art being blocked

jettypumpkin07 wrote:

Scratchy697 wrote:

Duolingo_Owl_27 wrote:

Yee Dinosaur ASCII Art
don't spam
They only wrote it once, and it's about the size of a normal image on the Scratch forums. I think it's fine here.
well it does not contribute to the discussion at all, and as stated

customhacker wrote:

ASCII artwork is considered spam, so therefore banned.

100+ posts

Yee Dinosaur ASII Art being blocked

Scratchy697 wrote:

jettypumpkin07 wrote:

Scratchy697 wrote:

Duolingo_Owl_27 wrote:

Yee Dinosaur ASCII Art
don't spam
They only wrote it once, and it's about the size of a normal image on the Scratch forums. I think it's fine here.
well it does not contribute to the discussion at all, and as stated

customhacker wrote:

ASCII artwork is considered spam, so therefore banned.
It was also a necropost

1000+ posts

Yee Dinosaur ASII Art being blocked

UnicornMable wrote:

Scratchy697 wrote:

jettypumpkin07 wrote:

Scratchy697 wrote:

Duolingo_Owl_27 wrote:

Yee Dinosaur ASCII Art
don't spam
They only wrote it once, and it's about the size of a normal image on the Scratch forums. I think it's fine here.
well it does not contribute to the discussion at all, and as stated

customhacker wrote:

ASCII artwork is considered spam, so therefore banned.
It was also a necropost
Didn't notice that, guess someone should close this topic now…

-jettypumpkin07 Profile ~ GitHub ~ Wiki Edits ~ Stats ~ Posts
I haven't really been active much since 2021. I now mostly look at / help with other people's projects, answer questions on the forums and work on stuff in other programming languages like JavaScript. Scratch is still awesome and I don't think I'll be leaving it any time soon. <3

Check out ocular, a Scratch forum search tool by jeffalo that helps find lost posts, or the Hidden Blocks TurboWarp extension I helped create that has a bunch of useful hacked blocks ready to add to your Scratch projects. (PR for details, see the Hidden Blocks category to the left of the editor.)

Super Mario World Maker 3.0 Update coming soon ~ Suggest what you want added!

The state of my life right now (I'm in Grade 12 next year):

Bonus image for Extension users and Inspect Element bois:

I'm the guy who made the ‘Multiple rows in backpack’ addon btw, you should try it!
1000+ posts

Yee Dinosaur ASII Art being blocked

Agh- accidental necropost

Last edited by scratchykit5743 (Jan. 17, 2021 14:02:42)

psst! Hit ctrl + shift + down to see the rest!

Anyways hi, I'm SK

I've been on this site since I was 10 years old. I am currently 15

I have a major addiction to sweet tea and draw a crap ton of stuff in my free time (not all of which is scratch appropriate). I post whatever I want to on the main site and mostly manage the collaborations directory and answer questions in QaS on the forums

I have over 2000 posts lol, a huge chunk of them being from when I was 11-12 during the height of COVID

If by any chance the post you''re reading is from early 2021 or before, please forget that post exists since it is cringey

This is Kimikat.
She protecc my siggy, and has been since 2020
1000+ posts

Yee Dinosaur ASII Art being blocked


This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021. I reached 20,000 forum posts on June 24th 2024.

my notebook | scratch team essay | accessibility essay

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