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100+ posts

Dream Archives

This topic is for inspiration purposes.
If you've had an interesting dream lately, feel free to post it here. I believe some of our most out-of-the-box times are when we're dreaming.
If you're looking for inspiration or ideas, feel free to browse.

Remember: Anything you post must follow the community guidelines. Do not give out your personal information, and please don't post anything inappropriate (example: a nightmare featuring blood and gore). You should always be careful what you post online.

If this is the wrong place to post this (I though it fit well enough, but meh) or for some reason this topic should not be posted, that's fine. I trust someone of respective authority to let me know.

PK Games
- - - - -
“Life is a roller coaster. At some point you're going to throw up.”
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500+ posts

Dream Archives

What kind of dreams are we talking about? Project ideas? Or scratch unrelated ideas?

100+ posts

Dream Archives

AProductions wrote:

What kind of dreams are we talking about? Project ideas? Or scratch unrelated ideas?
Anything you think is interesting. I've gotten ideas from the oddest things…

PK Games
- - - - -
“Life is a roller coaster. At some point you're going to throw up.”
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500+ posts

Dream Archives

Sometimes I have really weird dreams where they feel like I'm actually awake and going about my daily routine, I'm sorry I know this is useless, it's the best I can come up with XD

- maybe an escape project?


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