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51 posts

~ The Community Club ~

~ Welcome to The Community Club! ~

Ah, hello there,
You must be reading this! What`s that? You want to join The Community Club? Of course!
We specialise in your happiness, friendship, games and much, much more! You just have to ask to curate our studio, and you`re in! No application forms, no details, just ask!
You can add your best projects, and comment as much as you like, as long as they are appropriate for younger users.
Here is the all important link to the studio, https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/3905831/ see you there!

The team at The Community Club xx
Come on, join us!

The Community Club is COPYRIGHT.

Hello! ♡ I'm Flowers, I'm always looking to help others whenever I can! I take Art Requests and Art Trades if you would like to do one with me! Thank you, Wild_Flowers, Winnie and the Honeymuns. x
13 posts

~ The Community Club ~

Hello scratchers, I'm Woodland_Boy, I lead the Community Club with Wild_Flowers. I founded the studio on the 29th of march 2017, I told my cousin Wild_Flowers to help me lead it and there you go we made the Community Club.
Everyone at the Community Club is a supportive, kind person who will help you to make games or just chat, so you will enjoy the membership. If you need help just ask as we will try and help you.
Please be honest and kind as we don't want inappropriate comments or projects.

Thank you for joining our club and we hope you have fun
at the Community Club.



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