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New to Scratch
8 posts

How do i Program New Blocks?

I've been really wondering of how to program these.
If anyone has a tutorial of the different examples as a project Just post to my studio or put The Url in the comments.
Url for Studio: http://scratch.mit.edu/studios/312966/
Name: N.F.S Nerd3 Fan Studios
Url: http://scratch.mit.edu/studios/313539/
Name: Nerd3 Fan Scratch Studio
Just post in either these 2 studios (I both created these)

Thank you for reading
And a special thank you for doing it (IF YOU HAVE!)
And also a Very Merry Christmas!!!

1000+ posts

How do i Program New Blocks?

What do you mean? Merry Christmas!!!!! k9lego.

- Let's Eat  Grandma! This is a hidden advertisement for the Collab Hyper Cloud Inc. :)
- Let's Eat, Grandma!
Commas Save Lives!

Nothing Much here…

If you want to reply to me, please comment with the link to the topic “On my profile page”. thanks. k9lego
New to Scratch
8 posts

How do i Program New Blocks?

Well by those I mean these
Set (1) to (60)

This was the one I was talking about…
I didn't rly now of how to program it in the Define box
well if you don't know yet in 2.0 I'm using…
has a new option called "Make Block“ or ”New Block," (These do look like Puzzle pieces)
soz I didn't Reply on ur Profile I'm to lazy, lol
and as always…
1000+ posts

How do i Program New Blocks?

define jump (x) pixels
change y by (x)
wait (0.3) secs
change y by ((-1) * (x))
wait (0.3) secs
is the classic example.
New to Scratch
8 posts

How do i Program New Blocks?

Oh thanks

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