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3 posts

Scripts not working? :(

Hey guys, so I made this project ( http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/14771746/#editor ) and in the project there is a pillow sprite (Sprite40) you can get from a store. Once you go to your home and select it from your items, a broadcast is sent out (SHOWpillow) and a variable is set to 1 (pillowS). So the problem is, there are a couple scripts that are-

when green flag clicked


if <(place) = [other]> then


“other” being a place other than “home” or “shop”. (these are already values of the variable) But the thing is, these scripts don't work for some reason. They're glowing, so they should be working. I don't know why they're not. It's probably some stupid reason, so forgive me >^<' Also while you're checking it out if you can, feel free to play my game so far XD

Last edited by NataLatte (Dec. 24, 2013 22:03:54)

1000+ posts

Scripts not working? :(

Oh, I think there is some kind of bug with the “hide” block…

You could try just setting its ghost effect to 100, except that is not the same as hiding, because it can still be detected by other sprites…. Hmmm…..
100+ posts

Scripts not working? :(

NataLatte wrote:

Hey guys, so I made this project ( http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/14771746/#editor ) and in the project there is a pillow sprite (Sprite40) you can get from a store. Once you go to your home and select it from your items, a broadcast is sent out (SHOWpillow) and a variable is set to 1 (pillowS). So the problem is, there are a couple scripts that are-

when green flag clicked


if <(place) = [other]> then


“other” being a place other than “home” or “shop”. (these are already values of the variable) But the thing is, these scripts don't work for some reason. They're glowing, so they should be working. I don't know why they're not. It's probably some stupid reason, so forgive me >^<' Also while you're checking it out if you can, feel free to play my game so far XD
Do you mean it's not showing up, or not hiding?

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1000+ posts

Scripts not working? :(

You need to remove the FOREVER loops out of your sprite40 WHEN I RECEIVE SHOWPillow.

1000+ posts

Scripts not working? :(

I think the computer might not know what “other” means. To it, “other” is just a string of letters.

You need to script it more like this:

<not <(place) = [home]>>

Hope this helped! You might also want to make it so when the place isn't set to “home” or “shop,” it sets it to “other.”

Thanks for the ride, Scratch Team and community! Unfortunately, the time has come for me to move on from Scratch, so I'll no longer be using the forums. Thanks again, and farewell!
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3 posts

Scripts not working? :(

Failord wrote:

I think the computer might not know what “other” means. To it, “other” is just a string of letters.

You need to script it more like this:

<not <(place) = [home]>>

Hope this helped! You might also want to make it so when the place isn't set to “home” or “shop,” it sets it to “other.”

Oh yeah, I understand that. Other is just a value of the variable. Although maybe you're right that the computer doesn't understand it. I'll try that out! Thanks for your help
New to Scratch
1 post

Scripts not working? :(

Interesting to see … thank you it's well done mögel
1000+ posts

Scripts not working? :(

scubajerry wrote:

You need to remove the FOREVER loops out of your sprite40 WHEN I RECEIVE SHOWPillow.

3 posts

Scripts not working? :(

scubajerry wrote:

scubajerry wrote:

You need to remove the FOREVER loops out of your sprite40 WHEN I RECEIVE SHOWPillow.

Thanks for your help! I solved it ~ turns out I didn't need to completely remove it, but I did need to move them around a bit. Still, thanks for letting me know that I needed to mess around with them. Happy holidays btw~!

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