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- BGMead
1000+ posts
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Sure!You can have both art and scripting, if you like? Username: BGMead
Alt. Accounts (Please List): Mead647, and SSRP (Although that one's a test bot.)
How Active Are You? 10/10
Preferable Position: Something with scripting or art. (Most preferably scripting.)
Example of Work: Scripting, Art, Scripting, Art, Scripting. (I am working on something now, but its not finished)
I agree that I have read and understood all the rules, and any disagreements I have with them I have expressed to the owner(Yes or No): Yep!
Are you following the thread? Sure am!
- CutieCow17
1000+ posts
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Added as both.Sure!You can have both art and scripting, if you like? Username: BGMead
Alt. Accounts (Please List): Mead647, and SSRP (Although that one's a test bot.)
How Active Are You? 10/10
Preferable Position: Something with scripting or art. (Most preferably scripting.)
Example of Work: Scripting, Art, Scripting, Art, Scripting. (I am working on something now, but its not finished)
I agree that I have read and understood all the rules, and any disagreements I have with them I have expressed to the owner(Yes or No): Yep!
Are you following the thread? Sure am!
- BGMead
1000+ posts
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Thanks!Added as both.Sure!You can have both art and scripting, if you like? Username: BGMead
Alt. Accounts (Please List): Mead647, and SSRP (Although that one's a test bot.)
How Active Are You? 10/10
Preferable Position: Something with scripting or art. (Most preferably scripting.)
Example of Work: Scripting, Art, Scripting, Art, Scripting. (I am working on something now, but its not finished)
I agree that I have read and understood all the rules, and any disagreements I have with them I have expressed to the owner(Yes or No): Yep!
Are you following the thread? Sure am!
- CutieCow17
1000+ posts
✦✦✦ⓉⒽⒺ ⒷⓁⓄⒸⓀⓎ ⓈⒽⓄⓅ✦✦✦ - For All Your Project Needs
You're welcome!Thanks!Added as both.Sure!You can have both art and scripting, if you like? Username: BGMead
Alt. Accounts (Please List): Mead647, and SSRP (Although that one's a test bot.)
How Active Are You? 10/10
Preferable Position: Something with scripting or art. (Most preferably scripting.)
Example of Work: Scripting, Art, Scripting, Art, Scripting. (I am working on something now, but its not finished)
I agree that I have read and understood all the rules, and any disagreements I have with them I have expressed to the owner(Yes or No): Yep!
Are you following the thread? Sure am!
Last edited by CutieCow17 (June 23, 2017 03:27:55)
- CutieCow17
1000+ posts
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Cartoon or realistic? Username: @3lejas
Type of Art: (e.g. background, sprite, logo etc.) background
Please select: Vector or Bitmap(don't mind)
Description: quite big brown dog next to black cat
Colours: see above
Text? no
Date of Completion: ASAP
Other: none
- BGMead
1000+ posts
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Also, would you like to partner with BGMead's Shop?
- CutieCow17
1000+ posts
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Thanks! Bomp!
BGMead's Shop?Sure! Here's our banner link if you need it: Also, would you like to partner with http://u.cubeupload.com/CutieCow17/blockyshopbanner.png
- 3lejas
100+ posts
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RealisticCartoon or realistic? Username: @3lejas
Type of Art: (e.g. background, sprite, logo etc.) background
Please select: Vector or Bitmap(don't mind)
Description: quite big brown dog next to black cat
Colours: see above
Text? no
Date of Completion: ASAP
Other: none
- CutieCow17
1000+ posts
✦✦✦ⓉⒽⒺ ⒷⓁⓄⒸⓀⓎ ⓈⒽⓄⓅ✦✦✦ - For All Your Project Needs
Ok, I might be able to try but I can't promise anything, sorry, as I don't have regular access to my laptop.RealisticCartoon or realistic? Username: @3lejas
Type of Art: (e.g. background, sprite, logo etc.) background
Please select: Vector or Bitmap(don't mind)
Description: quite big brown dog next to black cat
Colours: see above
Text? no
Date of Completion: ASAP
Other: none
- VideoGamerCanInvent
1000+ posts
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Hi there! Thank you for joining Shop-A-Stop!! Before you are added, I need the following information.
-Number of completed orders as of June 24th, 2017
-Number of uncompleted orders as of June 24th, 2017
Thanks for enrolling your shop at Shop-A-Stop!!
-Number of completed orders as of June 24th, 2017
-Number of uncompleted orders as of June 24th, 2017
Thanks for enrolling your shop at Shop-A-Stop!!
- Evan2963
100+ posts
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Username: Evan2963
Subject of Review
The link to the project that you want reviewed) https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/166245166/
Date of Completion: (when do you want it done) ASAP
Other: Please let me know what I should add!
Subject of Review

Date of Completion: (when do you want it done) ASAP
Other: Please let me know what I should add!
- CutieCow17
1000+ posts
✦✦✦ⓉⒽⒺ ⒷⓁⓄⒸⓀⓎ ⓈⒽⓄⓅ✦✦✦ - For All Your Project Needs
7 and 4. Hi there! Thank you for joining Shop-A-Stop!! Before you are added, I need the following information.
-Number of completed orders as of June 24th, 2017
-Number of uncompleted orders as of June 24th, 2017
Thanks for enrolling your shop at Shop-A-Stop!!
- VideoGamerCanInvent
1000+ posts
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Ok!7 and 4. Hi there! Thank you for joining Shop-A-Stop!! Before you are added, I need the following information.
-Number of completed orders as of June 24th, 2017
-Number of uncompleted orders as of June 24th, 2017
Thanks for enrolling your shop at Shop-A-Stop!!
- VideoGamerCanInvent
1000+ posts
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Make sure to add Shop-A-Stop to your “We are a part of…” section!
- CutieCow17
1000+ posts
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Anyone able to take this? Art:
Username: Evan2963
Type of Art: (e.g. background, sprite, logo etc.) Sprite
Please select: Vector
Description: I need a second walk cycle costume for this dragon sprite:. The first costume is that one, and I would like a second one made.
Colours: Same as the previous costume, I just need his legs to move in a two-costume walk-cycle
Text? Nope
Date of Completion: Hopefully today, if not ASAP
Other: Thanks in advance!
Username: 8435
Subject of ReviewThe link to the project that you want reviewed): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/166439076/
Date of Completion: (when do you want it done): ASAP
Other: None.
@tycool1 are you back yet? Username: Evan2963
Subject of ReviewThe link to the project that you want reviewed) https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/166245166/
Date of Completion: (when do you want it done) ASAP
Other: Please let me know what I should add!
And @FollowCherryBlossom please post below to say you're active.
- CutieCow17
1000+ posts
✦✦✦ⓉⒽⒺ ⒷⓁⓄⒸⓀⓎ ⓈⒽⓄⓅ✦✦✦ - For All Your Project Needs
Yep, about to. Make sure to add Shop-A-Stop to your “We are a part of…” section!
- CutieCow17
1000+ posts
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Is this what you are after? The dog isn't exactly brown sorry, but will it do? https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/167190846/Ok, I might be able to try but I can't promise anything, sorry, as I don't have regular access to my laptop.RealisticCartoon or realistic? Username: @3lejas
Type of Art: (e.g. background, sprite, logo etc.) background
Please select: Vector or Bitmap(don't mind)
Description: quite big brown dog next to black cat
Colours: see above
Text? no
Date of Completion: ASAP
Other: none
- BGMead
1000+ posts
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Oh, yes. I am active.
- tycool1
500+ posts
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Just got back 5 minutes ago!! Doing that first order now and the next one ASAP.Anyone able to take this? Art:
Username: Evan2963
Type of Art: (e.g. background, sprite, logo etc.) Sprite
Please select: Vector
Description: I need a second walk cycle costume for this dragon sprite:. The first costume is that one, and I would like a second one made.
Colours: Same as the previous costume, I just need his legs to move in a two-costume walk-cycle
Text? Nope
Date of Completion: Hopefully today, if not ASAP
Other: Thanks in advance!Username: 8435
Subject of ReviewThe link to the project that you want reviewed): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/166439076/
Date of Completion: (when do you want it done): ASAP
Other: None.@tycool1 are you back yet? Username: Evan2963
Subject of ReviewThe link to the project that you want reviewed) https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/166245166/
Date of Completion: (when do you want it done) ASAP
Other: Please let me know what I should add!
And @FollowCherryBlossom please post below to say you're active.