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15 posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

Hey, it's Strider! How ya doing?


This is about our research on Entity 303, Herobrine, and Null. This is also a search for truth.

Please help us.

It isn't that hard; just post/make a project on your sighting, and we will be very grateful

And if you're scratching you're head going, what the heck is this all about, don't worry, here's a Herobrine In A Nutshell:
Herobrine is a player that resembles Steve very closely. (Don't know Steve? Then why are you even HERE?? Google it.) Except for the fact Herobrine has white eyes. Herobrine also is known to shave trees of their leaves, destroy buildings, create 2 X 2 tunnels lit via Redstone Torches, along with small sand pyramids. But that's not the quite the case: Herobrine is the Good Guy. Herobrine protects you from an evil entity known as Entity 303.

Now, who is Entity 303?
Entity 303 is a relatively little known figure with a static-y skin. He is the one who crashes games, ruins houses, and strikes you with lightning repeatedly. How does this relate to Herobrine? Herobrine is a guardian. He guards you from Entity 303. The two are bitter enemies. My good pal @Ed8 has seen them fighting in the Nether before. Also, if you've ever seen sings reading ‘null’ It's because Herobrine knows Entity 303/Null is in your world and is warning you of their/his existence. On the note of Null, he is an all-black skinned figure that ‘haunts’ your world in a fashion similar to Entity 303. I believe that Entity 303 and Null are the same, because the 303 error on a program means ‘redirecting’ and when Minecraft does this it commonly fills it in with black. (Hence the all-black skin.) Also, null means nothing, so it's only logical that the players would call a skin that seemingly doesn't exist Null(Nothing). Having Minecraft redirecting 303 into a recognized form means the black skin.

Be sure to join the studio! —–> https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/1924028/projects/

Good luck on the search!

Last edited by Strider94 (Feb. 25, 2017 21:12:29)

Entity 303 hunter, anime watcher, Slacker Queen.
15 posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!


Entity 303 hunter, anime watcher, Slacker Queen.
100+ posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

Strider94 wrote:

This is also a search for truth.
people have searched the decompiled source code and nothings there
500+ posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

Might I ask what your sources for this information are?

1000+ posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

500+ posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

therealpsy wrote:


1000+ posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

Strider94 wrote:

Also, if you've ever seen **signs reading ‘null’ It's because Herobrine knows Entity 303/Null is in your world and is warning you of their/his existence.
uh maybe the data from the signs just got messed up? null just means empty.

500+ posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

ninty-love wrote:

Strider94 wrote:

Also, if you've ever seen **signs reading ‘null’ It's because Herobrine knows Entity 303/Null is in your world and is warning you of their/his existence.
uh maybe the data from the signs just got messed up? null just means empty.
This is most likely due to data corruption bugs in the earlier version of minecraft.
1000+ posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

it's just a story someone made up that went too far because kids are gullible

1000+ posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

100+ posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

minecraft.gamepedia.com/Herobrine#Is_Herobrine_in_Minecraft.3F wrote:

Herobrine is not in Minecraft.

There are no references to him at all in the source code, and there is no code to allow for any entity to act like Herobrine. There is no level terrain code to generate 2×2 tunnels or elaborate dungeons with traps.

There is no possible way Herobrine can ever exist in any unmodded clients or servers. Any claims that he is in Minecraft are completely false. Any appearances he may have are caused by mods being installed.

All signs of Herobrine, like trees with no leaves, random glowstone towers, suspicious messages on signs, etc. are either glitches, formatted naturally, or placed by another player to mislead you.

The Minecraft Wiki and Forums do not partake in any viral Herobrine hoax. Any deletion of Herobrine-related comments or stories are purely because Herobrine does not exist, and the stories are either fictional, with an intent to mislead others, or the result of users playing mods installed on their game (possibly without their knowledge).

minecraft.gamepedia.com/Herobrine#Mojang_reactions wrote:

Notch wrote:

The Herobrine stuff is awesome and kind of scary at the same time. It really shows how little control a content producer has over the content.

I've publicly told people there's never been any such thing as Herobrine, and that I don't have any dead brothers, and that letting too many animals die in lava is a fool proof way to summon him but that you don't need to be afraid of him. He only means well, he's looking out for you, trying to warn you of the dangers you can't see. There certainly are NO physical manifestations of Herobrine that will sneak out of your computer if you leave Minecraft running at night, looming over you as you sleep with his pale eyes inches away from your face, as he tries to shout at you to wake up. Sometimes you wake up with a jolt, and he's gone, and all that lingers is the memory and faint echo of his wordless screaming. Of course it was just a dream. There's no way a morally dubious ghost with a god complex could at any point decide to haunt the children who play my game “for their own good”, as there is NO SUCH THING. etc etc

Just an ordinary Scratcher who makes projects and surfs the forums.
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Google for my posts: ZjpZ867tgFSohdGEMaeyXSvAQSyXk5Ew • Google users, please click this link to see the full post.
1000+ posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

This must be the 100th Herobrine topic I've seen. sigh.
1000+ posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

fivehead wrote:

This must be the 100th Herobrine topic I've seen. sigh.
Yep, when are people going to get over this hoax?

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If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

500+ posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

jromagnoli wrote:

fivehead wrote:

This must be the 100th Herobrine topic I've seen. sigh.
Yep, when are people going to get over this hoax?
Never, honestly.

100+ posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

Strider94 wrote:

why did you bump a thread only like a minute old

On topic: they are obviously fake

who am I?
15 posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!


Entity 303 hunter, anime watcher, Slacker Queen.
15 posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

My sources are personal experience, and many firsthand witness reports. Talk to @Ed8, and @Zincs for more info.

Entity 303 hunter, anime watcher, Slacker Queen.
500+ posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

Strider94 wrote:

My sources are personal experience, and many firsthand witness reports. Talk to @Ed8, and @Zincs for more info.
What exactly happened in your personal experience?

15 posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

Herobrine teleported in front of me for a fraction of a second, and then disappeared. But it was him. And there are others that don't come to mind as of this moment too

Entity 303 hunter, anime watcher, Slacker Queen.
100+ posts

Herobrine, Entity 303, Null and more!

Strider94 wrote:

Herobrine teleported in front of me for a fraction of a second, and then disappeared. But it was him. And there are others that don't come to mind as of this moment too
1) you installed a mod
2) it was a hacker on a server with the regular steve skin

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