Discuss Scratch

75 posts

Use Little Bits to control scratch

Hello scratch team!

I got a box of pieces of hardware called “Little Bits” and you can make inventions with them. I was wondering if you could make an extention for them. Thank You

 My name is SB4321. I am a boy. I like minecraft and i am on team mystic in Pokemon go. My highest pokemon is a cp 1949 Snorlax.  I also read harry potter. I am a Ravenclaw. I am a huge sports fan also. My top six favroite sports are 1. Ultimate. 2. Soccer. 3. Hockey. 4. Baseball. 5. Basketball. 6. Quidditch. 
Ultimate is actually a sport for all of those people out there that say it isn't a sport. It is played with a disc A.K.A A frisbee. You cant put scratchblocks in a box to make them scroll so i put them down below. I am having trouble because my signature is too long and as i said earlier scratchblocks dosen't work like this. Wow this is going to be the longest signature in the world.

Come on evil kumquats. You need to eat more stuff instead of just eating discuss buttons and signatures.
This block has sadly been eaten by an evil kumquat.
Yay! You finally tried something new!
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Use Little Bits to control scratch

I think their might already be one - take a look.


Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)

1000+ posts

Use Little Bits to control scratch

Paddle2See wrote:

I think there might already be one - take a look.

Fixed that for you.
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