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Cancel Loading/ Load Comments or Project on a Project

Hi Community!
I'm thinking there should be a button when loading assets or the project on a project, like a cancel button.
For people with slow wifi like me, loading takes forever when I just want to see comments, so I want to cancel the project loading to direct everything at comments.
Maybe if you only want to play the game, you can cancel comment loading.


~Flamy, who is trying to get a comment to load

EDIT: Another problem is once the project loads, you are forced to be dragged to the project. If the comments area is very big, you lose where someone replied to you, and you have to look for it again.

Sorry, I am unable to provide a picture! My idea of the placement of this button is on the blank space when loading. When the assets bar shows, the loading is normal, but usually it is a blank loading circle. The flag and stop, along with fullscreen, are not accessible on this screen. The Cancel Loading button would be placed on that screen, above the loading.

Last edited by -FrozenFlame- (Dec. 10, 2016 04:50:20)

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(Kumquat) //This is Kumquat, my kumquat protector... wait what?

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Cancel Loading/ Load Comments or Project on a Project

Assets doesn't affect comments. Thats a problem on your side, not the website

I am the billylabu and I speak for the memes
1000+ posts

Cancel Loading/ Load Comments or Project on a Project

I totally support this. My computer keeps crashing when I try to view comments because the project keeps trying to load. I'm not sure how this button would work, though, since on my computer, if the project so much as starts loading it's already too late to do anything about it. Maybe have a toggle button in the toolbar at the top?

~Fail spectacularly~
100+ posts

Cancel Loading/ Load Comments or Project on a Project

billylabu wrote:

Assets doesn't affect comments. Thats a problem on your side, not the website
How I see it, is both are trying to load, and loading depends on your WIFI. If you stop loading one, wouldn't it be easier to load the other?

Candylanguagegirl wrote:

I totally support this. My computer keeps crashing when I try to view comments because the project keeps trying to load. I'm not sure how this button would work, though, since on my computer, if the project so much as starts loading it's already too late to do anything about it. Maybe have a toggle button in the toolbar at the top?
Like where the flag and the stop button is?

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(Kumquat) //This is Kumquat, my kumquat protector... wait what?

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