Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

User post count

I think it would be nice if under your username it showed the total number of posts you had posted, not just 100+, 500+, and 1000+. We clearly have enough space for it, so why doesn't the total number of posts you've posted show instead of just 100+ etc? If there's room for 1000+, why can't we have the fact that someone has posted 237 posts displayed?
1000+ posts

User post count

No. Don't support.

The post count is like this to prevent competition between Scratchers and/or bragging. I think we should keep it the way it is.
100+ posts

User post count

NoxSpooth wrote:

No. Don't support.

The post count is like this to prevent competition between Scratchers and/or bragging. I think we should keep it the way it is.
That's exactly why they rounded it down (which actually takes more code).
1000+ posts

User post count

NoxSpooth wrote:

No. Don't support.

The post count is like this to prevent competition between Scratchers and/or bragging. I think we should keep it the way it is.
Agreed; sorry, but no support. k9lego
1000+ posts

User post count

gravtest wrote:

NoxSpooth wrote:

No. Don't support.

The post count is like this to prevent competition between Scratchers and/or bragging. I think we should keep it the way it is.
That's exactly why they rounded it down (which actually takes more code).

clearywalsh wrote:

I think it would be nice if under your username it showed the total number of posts you had posted, not just 100+, 500+, and 1000+. We clearly have enough space for it, so why doesn't the total number of posts you've posted show instead of just 100+ etc? If there's room for 1000+, why can't we have the fact that someone has posted 237 posts displayed?
If one user had 121 (just a fandom number) and one had 498, then the user with 498 posts could comment “I HAVE 498 POSTS YOU SUK”.
1000+ posts

User post count

This suggestion has already been officially rejected:

Rejected Suggestions wrote:

35. Show exact post count of other users

Paddle2See wrote:

The reason that post counts were made “fuzzy” in the first place was to de-emphasize the importance attached to the post count - to prevent spamming for post count. We don't want people focusing on “the numbers” - but rather working to make quality posts that encourage meaningful communication. I see no real benefit from making it easier to see the exact number.
As a result, this thread should probably be closed.

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