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1000+ posts

The new remix system

walkcycle wrote:

Surely Scratch Team would have chosen different wording if they did not want you to thank you.
I guess that could be the case, but it seems more likely that it's a bug something they forgot.

Last edited by monstermash3 (July 7, 2017 22:53:18)

(Swallowed by an evil kumquat who was just taking a walk in the neighborhood of evil kumquats when they saw a garage sale where they bought a plate which they used to eat but they discovered that it leaked and they went to get their money back but the sale was over so they went in the house but the door was locked so they got their key but it didn't fit so they went home to use the key on the right door which was their own door and then they decided to swallow a signature for no reason.)
500+ posts

The new remix system

Hey, why not? Support. It definitely wouldn't hurt and it would make things not as weird, go for it!
1000+ posts

The new remix system

Smurphy13AWESOME wrote:

Hey, why not? Support. It definitely wouldn't hurt and it would make things not as weird, go for it!
Thanks! (also, bump)

(Swallowed by an evil kumquat who was just taking a walk in the neighborhood of evil kumquats when they saw a garage sale where they bought a plate which they used to eat but they discovered that it leaked and they went to get their money back but the sale was over so they went in the house but the door was locked so they got their key but it didn't fit so they went home to use the key on the right door which was their own door and then they decided to swallow a signature for no reason.)
New to Scratch
100+ posts

The new remix system

Bump. My bumping days will soon be over, and perhaps today will be the last. Maybe I should rent myself out so I can bump other people's topics for them.
1000+ posts

The new remix system

Not exactly the highest priority but changing anything to get rid of clunkiness or strangeness is a win in my book.

Hyped for MS-DOS 11.0
1000+ posts

The new remix system

Yeah, it seems weird for the user to have to thank themself. Honestly I would prefer the old system where it was pretty matter-of-fact about it and trusted users to know what they're doing, but at the very least they should have a thanking system which makes sense.

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