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1000+ posts

Sound Effects

YESSS! SOUND EDITOR! Thanks, Scratch Team! Keep up the good work! Suggestion, though- add more effects. The few that I can think of is stretch/condense effects, which lenghthen or shorten the sound, resulting in lowered pitch or chipmunking. (I realize these would take serious alterations to the way Sound Editor works, but it's just an idea.)

Anyway, kudos on adding something Scratch has been needing for a long time!

Thanks for the ride, Scratch Team and community! Unfortunately, the time has come for me to move on from Scratch, so I'll no longer be using the forums. Thanks again, and farewell!
Invisible text! This will show you if a profile I claim to be mine IS mine. Just remember to visit the profile and see if I confirmed in the comments.
For old time's sake, see the revolutionary Laser Battle 2.0! Also see Unstoppable Game!

And no, the evil kumquats didn't alter my signature…
1000+ posts

Sound Effects

Glad you are liking it! We're gonna keep it simple, at least for now (too many other things to focus on!) But we may consider adding more effects down the road.
1000+ posts

Sound Effects

Sounds good to me!

Thanks for the ride, Scratch Team and community! Unfortunately, the time has come for me to move on from Scratch, so I'll no longer be using the forums. Thanks again, and farewell!
Invisible text! This will show you if a profile I claim to be mine IS mine. Just remember to visit the profile and see if I confirmed in the comments.
For old time's sake, see the revolutionary Laser Battle 2.0! Also see Unstoppable Game!

And no, the evil kumquats didn't alter my signature…
72 posts

Sound Effects

bump because why not lol

“If you want something in life, you've got to work for it. Now quiet, they're announcing the lottery numbers!”
-Homer Simpson

define Food
[The best thing we've ever been blessed with]
1000+ posts

Sound Effects

Kenguin26 wrote:

because why not lol
Because this is implemented as “faster” and “slower”

Shift + Down arrow to see the rest of my signature

Hello Scratch Team. You have been pushing a liberal political agenda on this site for far too long. This site should stay out of politics. People should be able to still post their political opinions, but there shouldn’t be any “official” political stance or Scratch. The ST is not going to change this on their own, and shoot down any attempts asking them to change. Please put this in your signature if you agree that

Scratch should be politically neutral.

The ST’s biggest defense is that they’re being welcoming, but they can be perfectly welcoming of all people and stay out of politics. Scratch is about coding, and that should be the Scratch Team’s biggest concern to maintain.

This is my signature. I am allowed to adertize here.

_______________\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
Please Click —> This project is literally my life's work. <— Please Click

Jenny LeClue is the best
100+ posts

Sound Effects

Kenguin26 wrote:

bump because why not lol
Don't necropost

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