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Input freezes project when framerate is less than 30

Yeah, this could do with some careful investigation, really, since it hits some people quite hard…

Just for the sake of it, here's the lag test project again, that I made a while back to help demonstrate/test the issue under different events/situations:

It's worth reading through the comments to see the different responses of different systems/browsers/Flash-players/etc…

Last edited by DadOfMrLog (July 1, 2013 22:17:13)

Alternate account: TheLogFather –– HowTos and useful custom blocks (see studio). Examples below…

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1000+ posts

Input freezes project when framerate is less than 30

I'm wondering if this particular lag issue has become less of a problem recently…?

I don't see the keyboard lag issue myself on Firefox with a Mac, so I'm not sure. But it seems like others have noticed a change…

It's certainly the case that running a project embedded helps a lot - which suggests some of the issue lies with having the editor there (but hidden), as suggested here. (Though other investigating I've done also suggests Flash itself has/had a large part to play, in terms of failing to deal with input buffers if the work done takes longer than the allotted time between screen-updates.)

Has a new version of Flash resolved (at least to some degree) this issue? Or has something changed in Scratch to help work around it, somehow…?
(Or maybe it's just a case of certain things working more efficiently, so people are not so likely to hit the point where the work between frames becomes longer than the time between frames…? -If that's the case, then my recent 3D framework demo is certainly still going to suffer from the problem, since it's doing *way* more work than can be fitted between the usual frame refresh time…)

Can anyone confirm/deny there's a noticeable difference?

Last edited by DadOfMrLog (Jan. 22, 2014 16:28:23)

Alternate account: TheLogFather –– HowTos and useful custom blocks (see studio). Examples below…

- String manipulation - - - X to power of Y - - - Clone point to clone - Detect New Scratcher - Speed tests studio -

1000+ posts

Input freezes project when framerate is less than 30

Still happens today on Chrome.

No I don't make projects anymore. I left some time ago.
I only check the forums every now and then, but other than that consider me retired.
500+ posts

Input freezes project when framerate is less than 30

Sonickyle wrote:

Still happens today on Chrome.
Indeed, I even made an accidental duplicate. xD

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