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Make the default website font Comic Sans

Hey there Scratchers,

My proposal is that the Scratch team make the default website font Comic Sans. It is a casual, non-connecting script inspired by comic book lettering, intended for use in children's materials.

But why?
Using Comic Sans will attract a new population of Scratchers who are young, but will grow up to become worthwhile members of the Scratch Community. With the all-new mega-block scripts, the sky blue colour scheme and excessive padding, Comic Sans will be right at home with the rest of the site!

The use of Arial as the default website font for the last couple of years had made Scratch more monotonous and boring. A change to Comic Sans will reverse this trend and inject inspiration and enthusiasm into the minds of users. Switching the default font to Comic Sans will give people the impression that Scratch is a fun, nonstressful place to share your doodles and thoughts, by matching the site theme of creativity.

I'm not convinced.
Scientists found that the irregular shapes of the letters in the Comic Sans font type allows people suffering from dyslexia to read more easily. While many fonts use repeated shapes to create different letters, such as a ‘p’ rotated to made a ‘q,’ Comic Sans uses few repeated shapes, creating distinct letters and thus creating a more inclusive experience for all users regardless of ability or disability.

In addition, Comic Sans also renders on low resolution monitors really well. You can try it yourself by zooming way in on some size 4 text in word, and comparing fonts. With the advent of Scratch 3 on small mobile screens, this will enhance usability and align web experiences with other positive aspects offered by the site.

Data doesn't lie.
Data available at https://scratch.mit.edu/statistics/ demonstrated that changing the default website font to Arial in 2013 led to a 2,671% increase in new users over the next five years. Based on the following modelling, through transitive property, Comic Sans will lead to an estimated 19,046,714 new users by 2024.

Graphs are always convincing.

I can't wait! How can I see it?
- Right click, select inspect element.
- Click on console
- Copy and paste
$('*').css('font-family','comic sans ms');
And hit enter.

This idea is an important step towards a more united and inclusive community for the reasons listed above. It is a great idea and I look forward to the implementation of it in the coming year as well as the ensuing constructive discussion.

Last edited by Techno-CAT (May 22, 2021 09:13:55)

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100+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

This site is for all ages, if Scratch website uses Comic Sans, it's suitable for kids but annoying for teens/adults.
…and the site will be looking childish…

%-1 percent support

Just an ordinary Scratcher who makes projects and surfs the forums.
Main accountAlternative accountMain account projectsAlternative account projectsMain website (GitHub) • 398 posts as of 20 June 2021

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500+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

Segoe UI is more cool. No support.

Last edited by Ceo_ (Aug. 6, 2016 10:31:50)

500+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

Semi-Support - If there was an option (default being current font) to change the fonts

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My ScratchX Extensions——–If you like this post, give me an internet!——–Sharp Scratch Mod
1000+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

Mrcomputer1 wrote:

Semi-Support - If there was an option (default being current font) to change the fonts
Support for this idea. I like the look of Ariel. It's clean and professional without being uninviting, but I could also see plenty of people who'd want comic sans.

~Fail spectacularly~
100+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

The title bar does look kind of nice with it, but text, like forum posts, what I'm working on, project descriptions, etc. look weird with it.
Semi-Support for changing the title bar font, if optional
500+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

Semi-Support, the text would look cool for kids, but I kinda find it annoying if the fonts are all Comic Sans.

I left the forums. Sorry.

(Original got removed by ST.)
100+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

I want (insert some stupid font with symbols insteads of letters)

1000+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

No support. Not to be insulting, but in my opinion, Comic Sans just looks incredibly unprofessional and childlike as a font. Scratch will be about as attractive as a lemonade stand.

1000+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

202e-202e-202e-202e-202e UNI-CODE~~~~~
1000+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

you think arial looks boring? try gothic or times new roman and see how that works out

1000+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

i really hope this is a joke. comic sans makes you look unprofessinal and as good as a lemonade stand. no support.

however, I

liam48D wrote:

changing the site's fonts by a list of pre-selected fonts that are optional.

1000+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

Support for changing fonts.

1000+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

NanoRook wrote:

i really hope this is a joke. comic sans makes you look unprofessinal and as good as a lemonade stand. no support.

however, I

liam48D wrote:

changing the site's fonts by a list of pre-selected fonts that are optional.

1000+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

Comic Sans, as per others, look unprofessional and very childish. Keep in mind that Scratch is for all ages. Although I would not be bugged very much by font changes, some teens and adults will get annoyed

However, I do support a feature that changes the default font; maybe an option in the account settings that deals with “site display”.
1000+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

Lol, it looks EPIC!
It is too unprofessional, though.
In case your interested, these people hate Comic Sans so much, they've actually started a movement.

I’m Back!
1000+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

No support, I think it would look way too unprofessional. Although I don't mind the font that much (my social studies teacher last year literally used it on every worksheet he made, so I'm kind of used to it ), it would probably be annoying to most people.

if you're seeing this bc you're reading one of my old posts, i'm so sorry

i’m also @holoitsnatalie and @aesthetes on here
500+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

No support, because it makes the website look less serious, but however, I do like the idea of being able to change the website font to your own taste.

sobbing about pinof 9
100+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

This “comic sans” is suitable for me, ( lol check out prev projects ) but not for others.



v i s i t m y p r o f i l e o r e l s e y o u w i l l b e b a n i s h e d f r o m t h e l a n d o f e x i s t e n c e . f o l l o w t o o .

this is very sad. can we hit 50 likes pls?
1000+ posts

Make the default website font Comic Sans

Making Scratch more Comic Sans – one icon at a time!

considered harmful

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