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New to Scratch
24 posts

Explorer Quest (Collab)

So I'm starting a new collab called explorer quest. My goal is to create a game where people can
explore places to earn items. Once they earn enough they will complete that quest, and they would have to earn other items
in a new quest and maybe more and more. Maybe there could also be a time limit. Currently there is only a character in the game.
I don't care if you make your own character. I did not spend a lot of time on him.

How to join this collab:
Find latest post BY ME about the newest version, click the link, create a remix(don't share it), find the project page, check draft, copy the link,
and post it in this topic. Once I find the one I like best, It will become the newest version. Stay in check for which is the newest version.
Remember! : Your changes might not win and become the latest snapshot. Try to make little changes at a time that you won't care if they're
not included.

Thanks Everyone!
By the way I'm also part of the collab, so only check the posts that I enter and say Latest Version.

My featured projects can be found here. What's awesome is that anyone can post a featured project!
New to Scratch
24 posts

Explorer Quest (Collab)


My featured projects can be found here. What's awesome is that anyone can post a featured project!
New to Scratch
24 posts

Explorer Quest (Collab)

This is my contribution to the project If someone has a remix please post it here and if I think it is the best, It will become the latest version!


My featured projects can be found here. What's awesome is that anyone can post a featured project!

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