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- kingfetus
1 post
Recruiting: MMOBA top down shooter
Hey. excuse my name haha, i couldn't think of anything else off the top of my head
Anyway I started using scratch in intermediate. I would try and make scratch games as a hobby and actually became alright at it. Once i made the shift to high school i stopped because i felt it was targeted at a much younger audience (which it definitely it seems is true). 4 years later I am now 17 and still interested in the creation of video games.
I have a made a design document for a top down shooter similar in controls to Hotline Miami that integrates gameplay systems seen in popular MOBAs such as DOTA 2 or League of Legends. I believe there is a space in the market for this sort of hybrid and I have a lot of innovative ideas but (no offense to you guys) scratch is the only program i know how to use.
I do not really have the time or discipline to learn real game engines off youtube but im relatively capable on scratch but i was wondering Does scratch support any form of online functionality for competitive play and if so if any one skilled enough with this program would be willing to help me achieve my vision and get it up and running?
I would be able to do all the art assists myself and the game itself is entirely possible to make in a 2D program like scratch
Cheers to anyone who red that whole thing
Anyway I started using scratch in intermediate. I would try and make scratch games as a hobby and actually became alright at it. Once i made the shift to high school i stopped because i felt it was targeted at a much younger audience (which it definitely it seems is true). 4 years later I am now 17 and still interested in the creation of video games.
I have a made a design document for a top down shooter similar in controls to Hotline Miami that integrates gameplay systems seen in popular MOBAs such as DOTA 2 or League of Legends. I believe there is a space in the market for this sort of hybrid and I have a lot of innovative ideas but (no offense to you guys) scratch is the only program i know how to use.
I do not really have the time or discipline to learn real game engines off youtube but im relatively capable on scratch but i was wondering Does scratch support any form of online functionality for competitive play and if so if any one skilled enough with this program would be willing to help me achieve my vision and get it up and running?
I would be able to do all the art assists myself and the game itself is entirely possible to make in a 2D program like scratch
Cheers to anyone who red that whole thing
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» Recruiting: MMOBA top down shooter