Discuss Scratch

51 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

⫷5956 Shop⫸

We provide reviews, bug fixes, profile pictures, banners, signatures, and much more!!!

In order to complete your order quickly, please fill out the appropriate form!!!

Coming Soon:



In Training:

Last edited by MrMoney5956 (April 4, 2016 21:05:51)

7 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

Username: cs136223
Link to your best project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/88840712/
Why you want to work for us: It'llbe fun, duh!
If you were chosen what would you work on: scripting
Comments this is a good idea
51 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

cs136223 wrote:

Username: cs136223
Link to your best project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/88840712/
Why you want to work for us: It'llbe fun, duh!
If you were chosen what would you work on: scripting
Comments this is a good idea

Thanks!!! Your Hired!!!!
100+ posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

Username: Apexed
Link to your best project: None as of right now but some good ones on the way!!!
Why you want to work for us: I've always wanted to work for a shop.
If you were chosen what would you work on: Bug Fixes and/or Scripting
New Scratcher
6 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

Username: White_Libray
Link to your best project:here
Why you want to work for us: I want to help.
If you were chosen what would you work on: Profile pics and banners/sigs.

Last edited by White_Libray (March 4, 2016 01:02:14)

51 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

Apexed wrote:

Username: Apexed
Link to your best project: None as of right now but some good ones on the way!!!
Why you want to work for us: I've always wanted to work for a shop.
If you were chosen what would you work on: Bug Fixes and/or Scripting

Thanks your hired!!!
51 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

White_Libray wrote:

Username: White_Libray
Link to your best project:here
Why you want to work for us: I want to help.
If you were chosen what would you work on: Profile pics and banners/sigs.

Thanks!!!! Your Hired!!!
28 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

I've always wanted to be part of a shop
it is great!

Last edited by DanielDiscovery (March 8, 2016 20:31:25)

3 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

I've always wanted to be part of a shop or community
profile pictures
it is not bad
28 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

oh did you know that victordiscovery and i are brothers?Well now you do!
100+ posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

Username: Heykittykitty
What you want to be reviewed: Cherry on Top my platformer
Project link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97967391/
Comments: The game isn't fully finished. And it has a bug im aware of which im asking you to help fix

Username: Heykittykitty
What bug you want to be fixed: The bug where it is possible to move, after failing by jumping into rotten whipped cream (the green stuff)
Project Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97967391/
Comments: I need it fixed because it can be exploited to finish a level without any effort really.
51 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

DanielDiscovery wrote:

I've always wanted to be part of a shop
it is great!

Ok, your hired!!!! Don't forget to tell your friends about the shop!!!
51 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

victordiscovery wrote:

I've always wanted to be part of a shop or community
profile pictures
it is not bad

Ok, your hired!!!! Don't forget to tell your friends about the shop!!!
51 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

Heykittykitty wrote:

Username: Heykittykitty
What you want to be reviewed: Cherry on Top my platformer
Project link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97967391/
Comments: The game isn't fully finished. And it has a bug im aware of which im asking you to help fix

Username: Heykittykitty
What bug you want to be fixed: The bug where it is possible to move, after failing by jumping into rotten whipped cream (the green stuff)
Project Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97967391/
Comments: I need it fixed because it can be exploited to finish a level without any effort really.

Thanks for ordering from the 5956 Shop!!!
I will get our bug fixers to take a look at your projects!!!
51 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

MrMoney5956 wrote:

Heykittykitty wrote:

Username: Heykittykitty
What you want to be reviewed: Cherry on Top my platformer
Project link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97967391/
Comments: The game isn't fully finished. And it has a bug im aware of which im asking you to help fix

Username: Heykittykitty
What bug you want to be fixed: The bug where it is possible to move, after failing by jumping into rotten whipped cream (the green stuff)
Project Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97967391/
Comments: I need it fixed because it can be exploited to finish a level without any effort really.

Thanks for ordering from the 5956 Shop!!!
I will get our bug fixers to take a look at your projects!!!

Bug fixed!!! Your Welcome!!!
Tell your friends about our shop!!!!
51 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

MrMoney5956 wrote:

MrMoney5956 wrote:

Heykittykitty wrote:

Username: Heykittykitty
What you want to be reviewed: Cherry on Top my platformer
Project link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97967391/
Comments: The game isn't fully finished. And it has a bug im aware of which im asking you to help fix

Username: Heykittykitty
What bug you want to be fixed: The bug where it is possible to move, after failing by jumping into rotten whipped cream (the green stuff)
Project Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97967391/
Comments: I need it fixed because it can be exploited to finish a level without any effort really.

Thanks for ordering from the 5956 Shop!!!
I will get our bug fixers to take a look at your projects!!!

Bug fixed!!! Your Welcome!!!
Tell your friends about our shop!!!!

Oh Yeah,
here's the link!!!
100+ posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

MrMoney5956 wrote:

MrMoney5956 wrote:

MrMoney5956 wrote:

Heykittykitty wrote:

Username: Heykittykitty
What you want to be reviewed: Cherry on Top my platformer
Project link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97967391/
Comments: The game isn't fully finished. And it has a bug im aware of which im asking you to help fix

Username: Heykittykitty
What bug you want to be fixed: The bug where it is possible to move, after failing by jumping into rotten whipped cream (the green stuff)
Project Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97967391/
Comments: I need it fixed because it can be exploited to finish a level without any effort really.

Thanks for ordering from the 5956 Shop!!!
I will get our bug fixers to take a look at your projects!!!

Bug fixed!!! Your Welcome!!!
Tell your friends about our shop!!!!

Oh Yeah,
here's the link!!!

Sorry about not been on for a bit as i said on the project I went to the remix took all the marshmallow's scripts from that and used them to redo all marshmallow's script. Thanks for the help! Also you might wanna put a banner in the first post so ppl can have it in their signature to promote the shop. Just an idea Bye!
51 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

Heykittykitty wrote:

MrMoney5956 wrote:

MrMoney5956 wrote:

MrMoney5956 wrote:

Heykittykitty wrote:

Username: Heykittykitty
What you want to be reviewed: Cherry on Top my platformer
Project link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97967391/
Comments: The game isn't fully finished. And it has a bug im aware of which im asking you to help fix

Username: Heykittykitty
What bug you want to be fixed: The bug where it is possible to move, after failing by jumping into rotten whipped cream (the green stuff)
Project Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97967391/
Comments: I need it fixed because it can be exploited to finish a level without any effort really.

Thanks for ordering from the 5956 Shop!!!
I will get our bug fixers to take a look at your projects!!!

Bug fixed!!! Your Welcome!!!
Tell your friends about our shop!!!!

Oh Yeah,
here's the link!!!

Sorry about not been on for a bit as i said on the project I went to the remix took all the marshmallow's scripts from that and used them to redo all marshmallow's script. Thanks for the help! Also you might wanna put a banner in the first post so ppl can have it in their signature to promote the shop. Just an idea Bye!

Thanks for the suggestion!!!!
5 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

Link to your best project:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/94857335/
Why you want to work for us:Because you are my friend and I like scratch
If you were chosen what would you work onragons and trains
Comments: I like trains
51 posts

⫷5956 Shop⫸ ☯Now Hiring☯

cs136210 wrote:

Link to your best project:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/94857335/
Why you want to work for us:Because you are my friend and I like scratch
If you were chosen what would you work onragons and trains
Comments: I like trains

Your Hired….. You will be “In Training” until you complete an order!!!!

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