Discuss Scratch

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An inexplbale bug.

I was working on a project, Pow-Up!, where you click on a question block to make an item appear. I set the variable so at 0 it would be behind the block, and it would pop out at 1. I also set it to go down to 0 when greater than 1. The thing is, they don't appear when I click on them, and the variable keeps going up! I can't see the coding bug. Could anyone help? I did this on 1.4, if that's anything.

RIP Scratch Smash Team! Thread here.

I made a thread about adding an Enter command in the “When whatever pressed.”
Thread is here.

I like Fire Emblem. Hail Zigludo!
1000+ posts

An inexplbale bug.

Darrman wrote:

I was working on a project, Pow-Up!, where you click on a question block to make an item appear. I set the variable so at 0 it would be behind the block, and it would pop out at 1. I also set it to go down to 0 when greater than 1. The thing is, they don't appear when I click on them, and the variable keeps going up! I can't see the coding bug. Could anyone help? I did this on 1.4, if that's anything.
Hey Darraman,
I'll take a quick look now!
1000+ posts

An inexplbale bug.

Aha! Found the bug. I remixed the project with box 3 fixed just to show you but, here is what was wrong:

This is what you origionally had
when gf clicked
set [blk3 v] to [0]
go to x:(180) y:(0)
if <(blk3) = [1]>
glide (1) secs to x:(180) y:(90)
if <(blk3) = [1]>
go to x:(180) y:(0)

This is what I now have, I wrapped it in a forever loop to make it keep checking and then added a stop script block to make it stop repeating itself
when gf clicked
set [blk3 v] to [0]
go to x:(180) y:(0)
if <(blk3) = [1]>
glide (1) secs to x:(180) y:(90)
stop [this script v]
if <(blk3) = [1]>
go to x:(180) y:(0)
stop [this script v]
100+ posts

An inexplbale bug.

Thank you! Will fix it with the other two boxes now.

RIP Scratch Smash Team! Thread here.

I made a thread about adding an Enter command in the “When whatever pressed.”
Thread is here.

I like Fire Emblem. Hail Zigludo!
100+ posts

An inexplbale bug.


RIP Scratch Smash Team! Thread here.

I made a thread about adding an Enter command in the “When whatever pressed.”
Thread is here.

I like Fire Emblem. Hail Zigludo!
1000+ posts

An inexplbale bug.

Darrman wrote:


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