Discuss Scratch

97 posts

Actually, I need help with a pic... please respond!

I want to make a picture into a studio cover, but I can't figure out how. Please help! It'll be appreciated.

Pray for Paris
Any misspells in the above post are the fault of my brain, who constantly refuses to spell things the way it's stinkin' s'posed to be.
yay u foundedededededed teh secwet text! :3
Want to know the secret of my kumquat-free siggy? TOO BAD FOR YOU!!! FWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!
Make your own turtle and name it! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/90719657/#player
97 posts

Actually, I need help with a pic... please respond!


Pray for Paris
Any misspells in the above post are the fault of my brain, who constantly refuses to spell things the way it's stinkin' s'posed to be.
yay u foundedededededed teh secwet text! :3
Want to know the secret of my kumquat-free siggy? TOO BAD FOR YOU!!! FWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!
Make your own turtle and name it! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/90719657/#player

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