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- banana439monkey
1000+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
Many people have alternate accounts (even scratch team members) and they are unsurprisingly allowed. I will go over accounts and other things.
Table of contents
What is an account?
What to do if you've forgotten your alt accounts
Creating an account
Deleting your account
Collaboration accounts
Changing your email
Changing your password
Forgotten your password?
Have I forgotten anything?
What's an account?
What to do when you've forgotten your alt accounts
Creating an account
Deleting your account
Collaboration accounts
Changing your email
Changing your password
Forgotten your password?
Have I forgotten anything? Questions? If I have forgotten anything, say that I have and say what it is. If you have questions, just ask away! Thank you for your time (and sorry if I've wasted it).
*You must have the scratcher status to be able to access this feature.
The other guide is found here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/179516/

Table of contents
What is an account?
What to do if you've forgotten your alt accounts
Creating an account
Deleting your account
Collaboration accounts
Changing your email
Changing your password
Forgotten your password?
Have I forgotten anything?
What's an account?
An account (a scratch account in this case) is like a key. It enables you to use cloud data*, comment, love, favourite, follow, share and many many many more things. You need a scratch account to access those features, though most can be accessed when logged out like viewing things and joining scratch (obviously).
What to do when you've forgotten your alt accounts
Forgotten your alt accounts? No worries! This works 100%!
Method 1: Emailing the scratch team directly
1. Open your email
2.Make a new one
3. Do these steps: Send it to help@scratch.mit.edu
Subject: I have forgotten my alt accounts
Email: Dear Scratch Team, I have forgotten all of my accounts attached to (your email here. please do NOT post it in the forums).
Please can you give me a list of all of the accounts attached to my email address?
Thank you, (your scratch username).
4. Click on send
Note: The person responding will NOT give you the accounts' passwords.
Method 2: Using the contact us page
1. Go to https://scratch.mit.edu/contact-us or click on the link at the bottom.
2. For the “type” of email you're sending, put other.
3. Type in your email address.
4. Do these steps: Subject: I have forgotten my alt accounts
Email: Dear Scratch Team, I have forgotten all of my accounts attached to (your email here. please do NOT post it in the forums).
Please can you give me a list of all of the accounts attached to my email address?
Thank you, (your scratch username).
5. Click on send.
Creating an account
I did write this before I had lost it and found there are twenty steps.
Don't do this if either a) you are IP banned b) you are on the same network of someone, who is banned or blocked or/and c) you've been blocked/banned.
BEFORE DOING ANYTHING CHOOSE WHAT TYPE OF ACCOUNT IT IS. If it's your first account, you're moving or you can't sign in and you know the password, skip this bit.
1. Sign out. To do this, click on the button to the right on my stuff and click on sign out. You don't need to do this if you're signed out or it's your first account.
2. Click on join scratch.
3. Type in a username. No actual words please as some spammers made lots of accounts like you, hi, a, delete and many many many more. Please make it appropriate, no impersonating usernames (like griffpatch10) the username also must have 3 to 20 characters. Only numbers, letters, dashes and underscores. Here's an example. Scratch2080. If it's an alt account, you might want to put in what account type of it is. Like Banana-TV. There's one final thing. DON'T set it to your real name. It also says in the Community Guidelines too. If the account was not made in scratch 2.0, you can keep your account as the scratch team didn't think about real names then.
4. Choose a password. Only passwords that are 1. have 8 characters or more 2. easy to remember, but hard to guess.
5. Put your password in again.
6. Click on next.
7. Enter your birth month and year. This is private. It is used on https://scratch.mit.edu/statistics though.
8. Put in your gender (male, female). This is also private.
9. Put in your location. This is public and can be changed later. Some people have their location as location not given. Look at my tutorial to learn how to get it.
10. Click on next.
11. Type in your parent's/your email address.
12. Repeat it.
13. Click on next.
14. Click on “Let's go!”
15. Open your email.
16. Click on the email named Confirm the email address for (username)!
17. Open it.
18. Click on confirm my email address
19. Click on Let's go!
20. You're finished! Customize your profile, make projects and explore the community. If it's your first account, check out https://scratch.mit.edu/community_guidelines
Deleting your account
Deleting your account? We're sorry to see you go. Wanna know how to delete the account? Easy!
1. Click on the button to the right of my stuff.
2. Click on account settings.
3. Click on I want to delete my account.
4. Click on Yes, next step
5. Choose between turning comments off or keeping projects. Note: You can't have both.
6. Type in your password. If it's saved on your computer, there's a dropdown menu saying use password for: and you can click on your username.
7. Click on delete account and sign out. This will not just sign you out, it will send you an email. It will say (username) scheduled for deletion.
Collaboration accounts
Collaboration accounts, they may be popular now, but they're not really allowed due to two reasons. 1. Passwords, passwords, passwords. The password can be leaked even if you a) delete the comment b) use unmoderated chat, which is frowned upon. 2. All members can view your email address. Email addresses aren't meant to be shared on scratch. However, the scratch wiki has some great advice! ^^ You can remix each other's collaboration projects and the creator can share the polished version on the account. It also says in the third point on http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Can_I_have_more_than_one_account%3F that you're not allowed. Another reason not to create a collaboration account. The members can talk through a project, with it unmoderated, not letting the moderators seeing. Credit to @coke11 for mentioning it.
Changing your email
Are you changing your email address on scratch? No worries! I'll help you every step of the way!this is how to do it:
1. Click on the button to the right of my stuff.
2. Click on account settings.
3. Click on email.
4. Type in the new email address for your scratch account.
Note: You can finish here if your new email address for your scratch account is your teacher's/code club teacher's. They will confirm it for you. If they're struggling, the can go and follow these instructions:
5. (1. for code club teachers/teachers) Open your email that you've just attached your scratch account to.
6. (2. for code club teachers/teachers) Find the email called “Confirm the email address for (scratch username)!
7. (3. for code club teachers/teachers) Open it.
8. (4. for code club teachers/teachers) Click on the link in the email.
9. (5. for code club teachers/teachers) Click on ”Let's go!"
10. You're done!
Changing your password
Passwords, passwords, passwords. They're important and need to be secure. “Why?” you ask. Well, they stop hackers from going into your account. There are a lot of people on the net today. Some are mean, some are posting inappropriate things and they do a lot of other naughty things. Hacking can contain these things. Even impersonation. This is how to change your password:
1. Click on the button to the right of my stuff.
2. Click on account settings.
3. Click on password.
4. Type in your password.
5. Type in a new password.
6. Repeat it.
7. Click on change password.
8. Log in with your username and your NEW password.
Forgotten your password?
Forgotten your password? This is very stressful when you a) have a lot of messages per day or/and b) you have homework to do and it must be on scratch. We'll help you every step of the way.
1. Click on Log in (you can skip the first two steps if you want to have it faster. Here's a link: https://scratch.mit.edu/accounts/password_reset )
2. Click on forgot password?
3. (this is for both methods) Type in your scratch username.
4. Click on send me a password reset link!
5. Open your email. If your email is your teacher's account/code club teacher's account, they'll do it for you. If they don't know how to, they can follow these steps.
6. (1. for code club teachers/teachers) Open your email.
7. (2. for code club teachers/teachers) Find an email called reset your password - scratch.
8. (3. for code club teachers/teachers) Open it.
9. (3. for code club teachers/teachers) Click on the link
10 (4. for code club teachers/teachers) If you're a code club teacher/teacher, ask the pupil to put in their new password and to repeat it again and to click on change my password. If it's your own email address, you can do those steps. Without telling anyone to do anything.
11. You can now log in with your username and new password.
Crazy note: I once had a dream and I thought it would be a missing piece to a puzzle, though it didn't work out. It was to go to https://scratch.mit.edu/accounts/password_reset/example , but the issue was that it was like a project id. It had random numbers and letters, so if you're a hacker (I hope you're not!) DON'T try this.
Have I forgotten anything? Questions? If I have forgotten anything, say that I have and say what it is. If you have questions, just ask away! Thank you for your time (and sorry if I've wasted it).
*You must have the scratcher status to be able to access this feature.
The other guide is found here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/179516/
Last edited by banana439monkey (March 9, 2016 16:23:40)
- random4500
100+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
Collaboration accountsAre we allowed collab accounts when we know the other person in real life and KNOW we can trust them.
Collaboration accounts, they may be popular now, but they're not really allowed due to two reasons. 1. Passwords, passwords, passwords. The password can be leaked even if you a) delete the comment b) use unmoderated chat, which is frowned upon. 2. All members can view your email address. Email addresses aren't meant to be shared on scratch. However, the scratch wiki has some great advice! ^^ You can remix each other's collaboration projects and the creator can share the polished version on the account. It also says in the third point on http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Can_I_have_more_than_one_account%3F that you're not allowed.
Last edited by random4500 (Dec. 30, 2015 13:59:16)
- banana439monkey
1000+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
Does that mean you agree?Collaboration accounts
Collaboration accounts, they may be popular now, but they're not really allowed due to two reasons. 1. Passwords, passwords, passwords. The password can be leaked even if you a) delete the comment b) use unmoderated chat, which is frowned upon. 2. All members can view your email address. Email addresses aren't meant to be shared on scratch. However, the scratch wiki has some great advice! ^^ You can remix each other's collaboration projects and the creator can share the polished version on the account. It also says in the third point on http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Can_I_have_more_than_one_account%3F that you're not allowed.

- random4500
100+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
Sorry, I was just testing to see if the quoting thing had workedDoes that mean you agree?Collaboration accounts
Collaboration accounts, they may be popular now, but they're not really allowed due to two reasons. 1. Passwords, passwords, passwords. The password can be leaked even if you a) delete the comment b) use unmoderated chat, which is frowned upon. 2. All members can view your email address. Email addresses aren't meant to be shared on scratch. However, the scratch wiki has some great advice! ^^ You can remix each other's collaboration projects and the creator can share the polished version on the account. It also says in the third point on http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Can_I_have_more_than_one_account%3F that you're not allowed.

Last edited by random4500 (Dec. 30, 2015 13:59:59)
- banana439monkey
1000+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
Well, it does! xDSorry, I was just testing to see if the quoting thing had workedDoes that mean you agree?Collaboration accounts
Collaboration accounts, they may be popular now, but they're not really allowed due to two reasons. 1. Passwords, passwords, passwords. The password can be leaked even if you a) delete the comment b) use unmoderated chat, which is frowned upon. 2. All members can view your email address. Email addresses aren't meant to be shared on scratch. However, the scratch wiki has some great advice! ^^ You can remix each other's collaboration projects and the creator can share the polished version on the account. It also says in the third point on http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Can_I_have_more_than_one_account%3F that you're not allowed.
- random4500
100+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
Well, it does! xDSorry, I was just testing to see if the quoting thing had workedDoes that mean you agree?Collaboration accounts
Collaboration accounts, they may be popular now, but they're not really allowed due to two reasons. 1. Passwords, passwords, passwords. The password can be leaked even if you a) delete the comment b) use unmoderated chat, which is frowned upon. 2. All members can view your email address. Email addresses aren't meant to be shared on scratch. However, the scratch wiki has some great advice! ^^ You can remix each other's collaboration projects and the creator can share the polished version on the account. It also says in the third point on http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Can_I_have_more_than_one_account%3F that you're not allowed.

can you answer my question now, thanks

- banana439monkey
1000+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
What question?Well, it does! xDSorry, I was just testing to see if the quoting thing had workedDoes that mean you agree?Collaboration accounts
Collaboration accounts, they may be popular now, but they're not really allowed due to two reasons. 1. Passwords, passwords, passwords. The password can be leaked even if you a) delete the comment b) use unmoderated chat, which is frowned upon. 2. All members can view your email address. Email addresses aren't meant to be shared on scratch. However, the scratch wiki has some great advice! ^^ You can remix each other's collaboration projects and the creator can share the polished version on the account. It also says in the third point on http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Can_I_have_more_than_one_account%3F that you're not allowed.
can you answer my question now, thanks
- random4500
100+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
Look at the second post.What question?Well, it does! xDSorry, I was just testing to see if the quoting thing had workedDoes that mean you agree?Collaboration accounts
Collaboration accounts, they may be popular now, but they're not really allowed due to two reasons. 1. Passwords, passwords, passwords. The password can be leaked even if you a) delete the comment b) use unmoderated chat, which is frowned upon. 2. All members can view your email address. Email addresses aren't meant to be shared on scratch. However, the scratch wiki has some great advice! ^^ You can remix each other's collaboration projects and the creator can share the polished version on the account. It also says in the third point on http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Can_I_have_more_than_one_account%3F that you're not allowed.
can you answer my question now, thanks
- banana439monkey
1000+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
Just seen. The answer still is no.Look at the second post.What question?Well, it does! xDSorry, I was just testing to see if the quoting thing had workedDoes that mean you agree?Collaboration accounts
Collaboration accounts, they may be popular now, but they're not really allowed due to two reasons. 1. Passwords, passwords, passwords. The password can be leaked even if you a) delete the comment b) use unmoderated chat, which is frowned upon. 2. All members can view your email address. Email addresses aren't meant to be shared on scratch. However, the scratch wiki has some great advice! ^^ You can remix each other's collaboration projects and the creator can share the polished version on the account. It also says in the third point on http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Can_I_have_more_than_one_account%3F that you're not allowed.
can you answer my question now, thanks
- random4500
100+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
And using a fake email addressJust seen. The answer still is no.Look at the second post.What question?Well, it does! xDSorry, I was just testing to see if the quoting thing had workedDoes that mean you agree?Collaboration accounts
Collaboration accounts, they may be popular now, but they're not really allowed due to two reasons. 1. Passwords, passwords, passwords. The password can be leaked even if you a) delete the comment b) use unmoderated chat, which is frowned upon. 2. All members can view your email address. Email addresses aren't meant to be shared on scratch. However, the scratch wiki has some great advice! ^^ You can remix each other's collaboration projects and the creator can share the polished version on the account. It also says in the third point on http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Can_I_have_more_than_one_account%3F that you're not allowed.
can you answer my question now, thanks

- banana439monkey
1000+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
NO. If you forget the pass, you're in hot water unless you contact the ST, which I did to get my old account back.And using a fake email addressJust seen. The answer still is no.Look at the second post.What question?Well, it does! xDSorry, I was just testing to see if the quoting thing had workedDoes that mean you agree?Collaboration accounts
Collaboration accounts, they may be popular now, but they're not really allowed due to two reasons. 1. Passwords, passwords, passwords. The password can be leaked even if you a) delete the comment b) use unmoderated chat, which is frowned upon. 2. All members can view your email address. Email addresses aren't meant to be shared on scratch. However, the scratch wiki has some great advice! ^^ You can remix each other's collaboration projects and the creator can share the polished version on the account. It also says in the third point on http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Can_I_have_more_than_one_account%3F that you're not allowed.
can you answer my question now, thanks
- random4500
100+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
Kk I'll delete it then.NO. If you forget the pass, you're in hot water unless you contact the ST, which I did to get my old account back.And using a fake email addressJust seen. The answer still is no.Look at the second post.What question?Well, it does! xDSorry, I was just testing to see if the quoting thing had workedDoes that mean you agree?Collaboration accounts
Collaboration accounts, they may be popular now, but they're not really allowed due to two reasons. 1. Passwords, passwords, passwords. The password can be leaked even if you a) delete the comment b) use unmoderated chat, which is frowned upon. 2. All members can view your email address. Email addresses aren't meant to be shared on scratch. However, the scratch wiki has some great advice! ^^ You can remix each other's collaboration projects and the creator can share the polished version on the account. It also says in the third point on http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Can_I_have_more_than_one_account%3F that you're not allowed.
can you answer my question now, thanks
- coke11
1000+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
You forgot to mention for reason not to create an collab that users can privatly talk using projects on the account.
- banana439monkey
1000+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
Ok. I've never seen that happen though. You forgot to mention for reason not to create an collab that users can privatly talk using projects on the account.
- random4500
100+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
That's what me and my friend do on our collab accountOk. I've never seen that happen though. You forgot to mention for reason not to create an collab that users can privatly talk using projects on the account.

I'm not gonna delete it, I mean, no harm done.
Last edited by random4500 (Dec. 30, 2015 14:59:23)
- banana439monkey
1000+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
DONE! You forgot to mention for reason not to create an collab that users can privatly talk using projects on the account.
- random4500
100+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
I know my friend in REAL LIFE>That's what me and my friend do on our collab accountOk. I've never seen that happen though. You forgot to mention for reason not to create an collab that users can privatly talk using projects on the account.
I'm not gonna delete it, I mean, no harm done.
- banana439monkey
1000+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
I know, but it's still not allowed.I know my friend in REAL LIFE>That's what me and my friend do on our collab accountOk. I've never seen that happen though. You forgot to mention for reason not to create an collab that users can privatly talk using projects on the account.
I'm not gonna delete it, I mean, no harm done.
- Paddle2See
1000+ posts
ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.
Awesome! I've added it to the list of helpful topics here - but I called it “A guide to Scratch Accounts” as that seemed more descriptive of what the topic was teaching. Do you like that for a name?
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» ITopic: A guide to scratch accounts.