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The Comic Question Of The Week

I figure I might as well leave an answer to my own question, because why not. I had a hard time deciding who to put as my favourite superhero, simply because it's usually a three-way tie between Spider-Man, The Flash and Superman. But I eventually decided that my favourite superhero, who stands ever so slightly (and yet in some aspects, miles) above the rest is Spider-Man. My love for Spider-Man has existed ever since I first watched the 1967 cartoon. He was the first superhero I was exposed to, and he has remained my favourite ever since. Why do I love the friendly neighbourhood wall crawler? I could go on for hours answering that question. So I'll try to keep this simple: Peter Parker. Of all superheroes, even those with publicly known identities, none (except for maybe Batman) has had their secret identity explored more than Spider-Man. Unlike other cases, Peter Parker is just as much a character as his more dramatic alter-ego. This is a character who you really feel. Who you really relate with. Peter Parker is a perfect representation of a real, genuine person. Peter Parker feels more real than a lot of actual people. I can spend nights dreaming about being Superman, or The Flash, or Iron Man, but I already am Spider-Man. Because Spider-Man isn't the character; Peter Parker is. And Peter Parker is a character who I can genuinely relate too. I can root for Peter Parker. I can cheer for Peter Parker. I can understand his heartbreak and pain, and I can experience his triumphs. Because isn't there really a little Peter Parker in all of us? Like I said, I could go on for hours about why I love Spider-Man: his humour, his villains, his amazing stories, but I felt the reason I gave was the strongest one. If you took the time to read this, thank you, and I hope that you leave your own answer below.

So that was probably the deepest thing I've ever written. Hopefully it didn't just sound stupid.

Last edited by BruceWayneIsBatman (Dec. 30, 2015 23:53:34)

1000+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

I like Spidey partly because Peter Parker is an exaggerated version of myself: extremely smart and extremely awkward. Beast is also cool.

The classics never go out of style. This is mainly due to the fact that they are already out of style, and have been for a while now, and thus can't “go out” of style. That said, the reason they're classics and not obscurities from the past is because they're good despite being “out of style”.

GENERATION -705 - 991i: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum. Square it, and then add i to the generation.
1000+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

Woah that was deep! O_O
500+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

The Batman……because he is one of the most selfless heroes you get and his resourcefulness and dang just his character!!!!!I easily relate to the whole brooding vigilante thing for some reason!!
100+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

drmatrix wrote:

The Batman……because he is one of the most selfless heroes you get and his resourcefulness and dang just his character!!!!!I easily relate to the whole brooding vigilante thing for some reason!!

Thanks for answering buddy! Now I've got three answers, which I'll admit is less than I hoped for, but more than I expected, so that's a success in my book! On a side note, this my 100th post. Thanks for being stubborn enough in the DC vs. Marvel thread to stick to your guns, and making me keep coming back to convince you how wrong you were (are!) .
100+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

Okay! We're onto week 2, which means that this forum lasted about a week longer than I expected it to . And yeah, it's only Tuesday night, not Wednesday, but I was so excited to ask this question that I just couldn't wait. And besides, I might not have access to a computer tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who answered week 1's question, and I hope that you all answer week 2's question as well! So without further ado…

Comic Question Of The Week: Week 2:

What is your favourite comic book cover?

Pretty self explanatory here. Just leave a response below saying what your favourite comic book cover is! The best part about this question, is you don't need to actually own any comic books to give an answer, as you can simply look up cool covers online. Feel free to leave a link to a picture of the cover, however don't feel obligated to. And make sure to follow this discussion so that you'll never miss a new question! And as always, I hope to see lots of answers below!
500+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

BruceWayneIsBatman wrote:

drmatrix wrote:

The Batman……because he is one of the most selfless heroes you get and his resourcefulness and dang just his character!!!!!I easily relate to the whole brooding vigilante thing for some reason!!

Thanks for answering buddy! Now I've got three answers, which I'll admit is less than I hoped for, but more than I expected, so that's a success in my book! On a side note, this my 100th post. Thanks for being stubborn enough in the DC vs. Marvel thread to stick to your guns, and making me keep coming back to convince you how wrong you were (are!) .
No problem its always a pleasure to burst your bubble!!!!!
500+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

My favorite comic book crossover would be the recent TMNT and batman comic…….I mean its about TIME!!!!
1000+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

BruceWayneIsBatman wrote:

Okay! We're onto week 2, which means that this forum lasted about a week longer than I expected it to . And yeah, it's only Tuesday night, not Wednesday, but I was so excited to ask this question that I just couldn't wait. And besides, I might not have access to a computer tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who answered week 1's question, and I hope that you all answer week 2's question as well! So without further ado…

Comic Question Of The Week: Week 2:

What is your favourite comic book cover?

Pretty self explanatory here. Just leave a response below saying what your favourite comic book cover is! The best part about this question, is you don't need to actually own any comic books to give an answer, as you can simply look up cool covers online. Feel free to leave a link to a picture of the cover, however don't feel obligated to. And make sure to follow this discussion so that you'll never miss a new question! And as always, I hope to see lots of answers below!

I've never read a crossover. But I think X-Men and Avengers are good.
100+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

Okay, there seems to be some mistake here! I'm not sure if there's some type of error that I can't see, but the question is what comic book COVER do you like the most. For example, I mean like the cover of Fantastic Four #1. Sorry for the confusion!
1000+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

BruceWayneIsBatman wrote:

Okay, there seems to be some mistake here! I'm not sure if there's some type of error that I can't see, but the question is what comic book COVER do you like the most. For example, I mean like the cover of Fantastic Four #1. Sorry for the confusion!

My bad. I am not too sure tbh. xD
100+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

HarryB178 wrote:

BruceWayneIsBatman wrote:

Okay, there seems to be some mistake here! I'm not sure if there's some type of error that I can't see, but the question is what comic book COVER do you like the most. For example, I mean like the cover of Fantastic Four #1. Sorry for the confusion!

My bad. I am not too sure tbh. xD

Haha, don't worry about it. It never occurred to me that people might take the “c” in “cover”, and think it was referring to “cross”. At least, that's what I think the problem was. And as I said, you don't really need to have any comics to answer this! Just take a minute to look up some covers online. I'm sure you'll find some that you like!
1000+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

BruceWayneIsBatman wrote:

HarryB178 wrote:

BruceWayneIsBatman wrote:

Okay, there seems to be some mistake here! I'm not sure if there's some type of error that I can't see, but the question is what comic book COVER do you like the most. For example, I mean like the cover of Fantastic Four #1. Sorry for the confusion!

My bad. I am not too sure tbh. xD

Haha, don't worry about it. It never occurred to me that people might take the “c” in “cover”, and think it was referring to “cross”. At least, that's what I think the problem was. And as I said, you don't really need to have any comics to answer this! Just take a minute to look up some covers online. I'm sure you'll find some that you like!

I just looked at drmatrix's answer and assumed xD
100+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

Here's mine for example. It's a tough decision, which is why it's one I'm not going to make. I've created a small list of my favourite covers. Make sure to look some of these up, as they're definitely cool to see. In no particular order:

The Amazing Spider-Man #346 - I just love this cover. I don't know what it is about it, just the image is so breathtaking. The artist did an amazing job conveying just how terrifying Venom is. I even have a t-shirt of this cover, because I love it so much.

Daredevil #163 - Drawn by the legendary Frank Miller, I bought this comic the second I found it. Not because I was looking for it, but because I was just blown away by the cover. The image of Daredevil, cornered in an alleyway, with only the shadow and hand of The Hulk visible, this cover is one that I'll never stopped being amazed by.

Secret Wars #10 - This one is just awesome. Simple as that. Seeing Dr. Doom, possibly the greatest supervillain of all time, beaten, but still fighting, is just as I said: Awesome.

Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #101 - Drawn by John Byrne (one of my very favourite artists) this cover shouldn't be amazing. It's just Spider-Man jumping backwards off a building. But the black and white just makes that image stunning. For some reason, just looking at the cover makes me appreciate art itself even more. More than any other comic book cover, I could stare at this one for hours.

Last edited by BruceWayneIsBatman (Jan. 6, 2016 19:26:00)

100+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

HarryB178 wrote:

BruceWayneIsBatman wrote:

HarryB178 wrote:

BruceWayneIsBatman wrote:

Okay, there seems to be some mistake here! I'm not sure if there's some type of error that I can't see, but the question is what comic book COVER do you like the most. For example, I mean like the cover of Fantastic Four #1. Sorry for the confusion!

My bad. I am not too sure tbh. xD

Haha, don't worry about it. It never occurred to me that people might take the “c” in “cover”, and think it was referring to “cross”. At least, that's what I think the problem was. And as I said, you don't really need to have any comics to answer this! Just take a minute to look up some covers online. I'm sure you'll find some that you like!

I just looked at drmatrix's answer and assumed xD

Yeah, that's what I figured happened. No worries.
100+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

So this weeks question technically didn't get any answers, but whatever. Hopefully there will be more answers this week!

Comic Question Of The Week: Week 3

What is your favourite superhero friendship?

I really like this question. One of my favourite things about superheroes is that they get to be friends with other superheroes. Some heroes have had friendships spanning decades. What is your favourite superhero friendship?

Make sure to follow this discussion so that you don't miss any new questions, and be sure to leave an answer to this weeks question below! Thanks!
New to Scratch
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The Comic Question Of The Week

My browser / operating system: Windows 7, Chrome 47.0.2526.106, Flash 20.0 (release 0)

100+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

musicluver384 wrote:

My browser / operating system: Windows 7, Chrome 47.0.2526.106, Flash 20.0 (release 0)

Um, ok? Not sure if this was meant for a different forum or what.
1000+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

BruceWayneIsBatman wrote:

musicluver384 wrote:

My browser / operating system: Windows 7, Chrome 47.0.2526.106, Flash 20.0 (release 0)

Um, ok? Not sure if this was meant for a different forum or what.
It's a forum newbie playing around with the buttons.

100+ posts

The Comic Question Of The Week

BaconAndEggs1 wrote:

BruceWayneIsBatman wrote:

musicluver384 wrote:

My browser / operating system: Windows 7, Chrome 47.0.2526.106, Flash 20.0 (release 0)

Um, ok? Not sure if this was meant for a different forum or what.
It's a forum newbie playing around with the buttons.

Ah, I see. Well, no problem. We were all noobs at one point.

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