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1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED


rollercoasterfan's expertise


This organization has big plans. We hope to become very well known around Scratch, and I already know that we have a good deal of support.

If you know someone who owns a Shop, and isn't already apart of this, then please, let them know about this.

This will resemble the United Nations of the real world, where Scratch business, economics, and trade will be discussed. I've always been a little kid in that retrospect, always liking things serious and business related.

Click here for our Endorsements System(!), and Click here for our Certification System!

Shop Organization

Each Shop is guaranteed a Representative, no matter your Member Count, as long as it exceeds 0.

From there, each 5 members will ensure 1 Representative, so that the big Shops can get their proportioned say, but the Small Shops will get huge advantages, like publicity, partnerships, and orders.

We will try to stay on topic, and there will be consequences if you blatantly fail too. Of course, the point is to discuss, though!

The Federation Times

Recently, the Shop Federation has made a Newspaper! The Federation Times covers a variety of subjects, concerning TSF, the Requests Forum, and more! It is also a great chance to get your Shop extra recognition. If you want to learn more, or read the newly completed Issue #1, CLICK HERE!


Rules are simple. You must have over a member to join, you cannot use profanity, no shaky topics, and I'd prefer that if you decline a deal, you do it politely and diplomatically.

We are not responsible for broken/dirty deals(!), however, we will attempt to fix them, and help the situation, with bias set aside.


NOTE: Most likely a new update to the Hierarchy coming!

To keep control of this thread, it will be as follows:

Manager/Founder: Supreme control, has power of Veto unless overruled by TSF Court.
Co Manager: Steps in if Manager/Founder not available, cannot make SUPER extreme decisions, but has Executive Powers.

Head Spokesman: Officially speaks on behalf of Founder and TSF.
Spokesman: Equal to other Spokesman, speaks if immediately in situation
Spokesman: “ ”
Spokesman: “ ”

Chairman: Arranges needed discussions, debates, conferences for Organization itself.

Head Archiver: Digs back into the pages in order to find anything, from evidence to deals.
Vice Archiver: Steps up if Head Archiver not available, does any small or volunteered work.

Head Diplomat: Attempts to solve any dirty or broken deals, that are highly regarded.
Vice Diplomat: Steps up if Head Diplomat not available.
Diplomat: Attempts to solve any smaller dirty or broken deals
Diplomat: “ ”
Diplomat: “ ”

The TSF court is appointed by Founder, and consists of 1 Head Justice and 4 other Justices.

The Completed Hierarchy

The same thing except with the people holding the positions.

Manager/Founder: CrazyGoldfish3
Co Manager: Co49

Head Spokesman: ZLGames
Spokesman: rollercoasterfan


Head Archiver: MegaByteCorporations
Vice Archiver:

Head Diplomat: Sigton
Vice Diplomat:

The Shop Federation Court:

Chief Justice: makethebrainhappy
Justice: Doni124
Justice: Austinato

Application Process

For Shops, it is as follows:

Complete Shop Name: Self Explanatory, please provide link!
Member Count: Self Explanatory
Head: Manager/Founder of Shop
Representatives: Name all of your representatives, NOT members! Confused? Click here

For anyone interested in the Hierarchy, know that it is mainly invite only, but test your luck if you so choose:

Username: Self Explanatory
Position: Where do you want to be? (TSF Court not available)
Why: Credentials
Other: Anything else?

Visual Map of Shop Representative Values

SeeCredits wrote:

House of Representatives

Multiple Representatives
Sigton's Shop
$ - Spencealot's Amazing Shop Of Everything - $
☾ ZLGame's Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽
﷼ ∞ MakeTheBrainHappy's ⓈⒽⓄⓅ! ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ ﷼
Tropical Waves
Ocean Breeze Shop of Almost Everything!
Quality Shop
Almost Infinite Possibilities
The Penguin News Shoppe
The Royal Shop
TᗩᑕOᑕᗩTᑭᖇOᑌᗪᑌᑕTIOᑎ'ᔕ ᗰᗩGIᑕᗩᒪ ᗰᗩᖇKET™ ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG
EchoShop - Delivering the Best of the Best Goods!
The Emporium International
2538 Shop
The Owl Shop
Cute Penguin Shop!
✔ Ray of light ✔
⌁Get 'er Done⌁
The Emerald Shop
~Shop for High Quality Vectors~
//~~| Agent's Shop | Logo's, Scripting, Intro's and More! |~~\\
04 Shop - Ask and Relax!
Math Shop - Problem Solvers of Everything
-Laetus Graphics Studio-
CrazyGoldfish3's Custom Block Shop -REMASTERED-
Monkey's Shop of Creative Writing
Meow's Shop
✮✮✮ Rainbow Reviews ✮✮✮

Single Representatives
Consili Designs: Graphic Studio
❋ Marshmallow's Quaint Art Shop ❋
Divine Creations
Joboe293's Custom Music Shop
Blossom And Adder Writing And Reviews
Under the Boardwalk Shop
♣Dragon's shop of joy♠
♪Music Sheet Inc♪
TacoCatProuductions Magical Market
Amateurscratch's Shop, now hiring
Starzy's Shop of Stories, Sounds and More!
@gs908 and @bigby7373's Shop of Scratching!
Warrior sound and voice
The OC Storage | Shop
The Diamond Shop of almost everything (Now Hiring)
luofanglie's shop of reviewingness and more
-Scratchkitten-'s Wonderful, Awesome Shop of Art
Sakura Shop And Training Centre
toadcode's music shop
SkyShop for Hacked Blocks!
MasterJPixel's Shop 2
scripts 2 go (we code multiplayer engines!) we need script requests and members!

List of Shops, and their Representatives

The Shops so far, with their corresponding Reps, are:

Ocean Breeze Shop of Almost Everything!
Reps: rainbow_waves, ZLGames, pwaty66 (Can have 1 more)

Consili Designs: Graphic Studio
Reps: rollercoasterfan

Almost Infinite Possibilities
Reps: -Writer- (Can have 2 more)

Sprite Shop
Reps: merren2306

Sigton's Shop
Reps: Sigton, Lego-Lovin-Program, ZLGames, rainbow_waves, MegaByteCorporations, 16luongl1, kittykat_005, Lythium

☾ ZLGame's Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽
Reps: ZLGames, rainbow_waves, MegaByteCorporations, Sigton, pianogirl84, banana439monkey

❋ Marshmallow's Quaint Art Shop ❋
Reps: ProfessorMarshmallow

Tropical Waves - |Art, Sounds, Scripts and Reviews|
Reps: Tyman187, TheHockeyist, Crimson19, Flint-L, makethebrainhappy

The Penguins News Shoppe
Reps: Ritz1125, Yoyo-Oreo, SashaGeorge

Divine Creations
Reps: the_force

﷼ ∞ MakeTheBrainHappy's ⓈⒽⓄⓅ! ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ ﷼
Reps: makethebrainhappy, CrazyGoldfish3 (Can have 4 more)

Joboe293's Custom Music Shop
Reps: Joboe293

Cute Penguin Shop!|
Reps: SashaGeorge, Ritz1125

Under the Boardwalk Shop
Reps: TheScratchHobbiest

Reps: GavinWinchell

♣Dragon's shop of joy♠
Reps: ArrowlineDragon

✔ Ray of light ✔
Reps: banana439monkey, THENEWGAMECREATOR

♪Music Sheet Inc♪
Reps: TheScratchHobbiest

⌁Get 'er Done⌁
Reps: Cr38or, Lythium

⚜ - Spencealot's Amazing Shop Of Everything - ⚜
Reps: Spencealot, ZLGames, cbuugdrama9, makethebrainhappy, Prscr, Sigton, _Comicfan_

~Shop for High Quality Vectors~
Reps: Jim_the_Eagle, Falconmist

Reps: Imaginizer

Warrior sound and voice
Reps: Falconmist

Reps: IcyCoder

Quality Shop
Reps: NDSDNS, _Comicfan_, IcyCoder, Amateurscratch, AryaPhoenix

The OC Storage | Shop
Reps: sharkblue

2538 Shop
Reps: scratchcat2538, Liv4pink, tallontallon

Reps: miniepicness

The Emporium International
Reps: cat0325, merren2306, pacificapilot

The Royal Shop
Reps: ellielocks, Csoup (Can have 1 more)

EchoShop - Delivering the Best of the Best Goods!
Reps: Plastic_Echo, stryer21, NDSDNS

The Emerald Shop
Reps: JakeCarroll, _Comicfan_

04 Shop - Ask and Relax!
Reps: ignas04, -Writer-

//~~| Agent's Shop | Logo's, Scripting, Intro's and More! |~~\\
Reps: AgentPikachuCartoons (Can have 1 more)

Sakura Shop And Training Centre
Reps: foxyponyslender

toadcode's music shop
Reps: goldfish678

-Laetus Graphics Studio-
Reps: MegaByteCorporations, Scratchnapped

Monkey's Shop of Creative Writing
Reps: monkeytrooper (Can have 1 more)

The Owl Shop
Reps: MistickMage, Alex-George (Can have 1 more)

MasterJPixel's Shop 2
Reps: MasterJPixel

Meow's Shop
Reps: Midnight999meow, EveOfTheWar

✮✮✮ Rainbow Reviews ✮✮✮
Reps: -Spectrum, MegaByteCorporations


Sometimes, there will be Polls or Surveys here asking for improvements, asking if certain things should be changed, or if an action should be taken to TSF Court.

Polls will be recorded if necessary, but sometimes are just done for feedback and/or activity. A feedback Poll will end whenever I find convenient, but a Tracked Poll ends in either 48 hours, or when one of the options reaches 10 support. (<— Except for the elections)

Poll 11: Done!

Poll 10: Finished!

Poll 12: Concluded!

Additional Notes

Recruiting, Status Updates (For your Shop), and Scratch Economy updates are allowed. NOTE: Advertising is NOT the same as Recruiting!

TSF means The Shop Federation.

Try your best to stay on topic(!), because Spam does many bad things.

Our motto, “Proud omnibus servire tabernas,” means “Proud to serve all shops,” in Latin.

You can be a Representative for as many Shops as you so choose.

If your Shop becomes eligible for another Representative, and you'd like one, please notify me! If your Shop loses Population for another Rep, we most likely won't count it against you, but if you want, you can notify us.

If, for some reason, your Shop closes, please inform us! We want to make sure the FP stays clean.

I'm hoping for this to become a Trademark Organization of Scratch!

Have fun!


@rollercoasterfan for the outstanding Banner. You can use it for a signature linking it here, however, if you'd like.

Fantastic Visual Map crafted originally by @Co49, and I will now update it.

Concept and planning is 99% by me, interest and encouragement came from many, and you see a lot of them on the Hierarchy.


Last edited by CrazyGoldfish3 (Oct. 13, 2016 23:41:38)

1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED


This is where we will support and advertise Small Shops that we feel are specially unique, and deserve to get an extra boost. When we decide we've grown them enough, we will let them go on their own.

To apply to be Endorsed, you must-

- Have less than 10 members

- Been in existence for less than a month

- Be a part of TSF

Your application will be-

Name of Shop: Give link as well!
Meet Requirements: Yes/No
Unique Feature of Shop: What makes you worthy of endorsement?
Other: Self-Explanatory

List of Endorsed Shops:

toadcode's music shop

Endorsement Pending

A list of Shops who are currently being reviewed for Endorsement.

List wrote:

Request at will!


Last edited by CrazyGoldfish3 (Sept. 3, 2016 00:22:29)

1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

Certification System

This System is where The Shop Federation will certify a Shop, which should add credibility. Of course, if we certified anyone who asked, the worth of certification would fade, so we have to have strong requirements:

- Must be a part of TSF
- Must agree to our Charter
- Must have at least 1 Representative attend our meetings between Shops once a month
- Must be older than a month
- Must have over 7 Members
- Must not be currently under Endorsement
- Must go under our “Training”

There will be more later!

Our Charter:

I, username, representative of Shop, agree to respectfully treat all of the Scratchers and Shops involved in The Shop Federation, to make fair deals, to not start any flame wars, to tell the truth, and to attend the summits of the Federation.

To apply to be Certified:

Name of Shop: Self Explanatory
Charter: Put in the Charter, with the correct inserts
Meet Qualifications: Yes/No
Other: Self Explanatory

List of Certified Shops:

Ocean Breeze Shop of Almost Anything!
The Penguins News Shoppe

If you are Certified, you could and should put that at the top of your FP!

For Training, we will send someone in to Review your Shop, they will give critique, then we will give you a quick couple of suggestions. After you fix it up, you'll be Certified!

Last edited by CrazyGoldfish3 (Aug. 31, 2016 01:45:03)

1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

If you are one of the fairly large asking about what when and where, etc., you will most likely be invited to the Hierarchy!

Anyone want to post updates and constant monitoring on their Shop's growth? Just join, and feel free!

Make sure to follow the thread!
1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

Hi, can I apply for my shop here?

Last edited by kittykat_005 (Dec. 20, 2015 03:51:30)

1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

kittykat_005 wrote:

Hi, can I apple for my shop here?

Yup! Fill out the form, and you'll be all good.

60 Second Rule, you little scumbag. >:O
1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

CrazyGoldfish3 wrote:

kittykat_005 wrote:

Hi, can I apple for my shop here?

Yup! Fill out the form, and you'll be all good.

60 Second Rule, you little scumbag. >:O
Complete Shop Name: ♥Kitty's shop! ѕωєєт ∂яєαмѕ♥
Member Count: Very few- like 2
Head: Me :3
Representatives: (Will fill in tomorrow- gotta go for tonight : P)
1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

Complete Shop Name: MegaByte's Shop
Member Count: 4
Head: Manager/Founder of Shop
Representatives: Me and Firewhale
“AFK-CU Tomorrow”-Mom
1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

Complete Shop Name: Almost Infinite Possibilities
Member Count: 10 (I think) and one person who is not really a member but serves as moral support.
Head: Manager/Founder of Shop: -Writer-
Representatives: -Writer-

Last edited by -Writer- (Dec. 20, 2015 04:12:00)

1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

Complete Shop Name: Consili Designs: Graphic Studio
Member Count: 3, Myself, RCF (rollercoasterfan), DeKrache, PeaInAPod
Head: Myself, RCF (rollercoasterfan)
Representatives: Myself, RCF (rollercoasterfan)

I'm on mobile now, but I'd love to be one of the founding shops, so please ask if I can do any more.

How do shops get to hold higher positions?
1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED


Username: Self Explanatory (since it's already filled, but just in case the_force)
Position: doesn't matter (I would prefer spokesmen if I don't qualify for other better position cuz I know ‘legal’ language)
Why: Cuz it's on a scratch website
Other: Hi crazy fish

Last edited by the_force (Dec. 20, 2015 04:35:10)

1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

Number 1.
You should know this already.
I am independent and I'm pretty sure Sig and Ty are too.
I am not falling for this.
I can create a huge shop by myself.
I think this is just wierd. You're trying to create a union?! I can do this stuff myself, I don't need a “successful shop owner” to help me, much less a “union”.

So goodbye, don't even try to trick me into this stuff.
1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED


Complete Shop Name: ❖❖ Pip's TextSymbols Shop ❖❖ – Your Text Symbols and Emotes Stop!
Member Count: 5 - Me (Pip), ZLGames (ZL), kittykat_005 (Kitty), Coder11000 (Coder), rainbow_waves (Rainbow), DeadGoldFish123, MegaByteCorporations (MegaByte)
Head: Me, Pip.
Representatives: Me, Pip.
1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

I am planning to sign up for this - just not right at this moment.
1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

Sounds cool!

Username: Hamish752
Position: Chairman sounds cool (if not, anything is fine)
Why: I could right a 1000 word essay but I can't really be bothered.
Other: Not really
1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

Question- What's a Chief Justice, what do they do, and how does the federation court work?
1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

Username: MegaByteCorporations
Position: Head Spokesman
Why: Many times have I won in the top three places in debate club
Other: None
1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

Complete Shop Name: Ocean Breeze Shop of Almost Everything!
Member Count: 15
Head: Yo!
Representatives: Just me!
1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

rainbow_waves wrote:

Complete Shop Name: Ocean Breeze Shop of Almost Everything!
Member Count: 15
Head: Yo!
Representatives: Just me!

By the way, where's that person who's supposed to look at all these applications? I wonder….. XD
1000+ posts

ϟ The Shop Federation ϟ CLOSED

PeaInAPod wrote:

rainbow_waves wrote:

Complete Shop Name: Ocean Breeze Shop of Almost Everything!
Member Count: 15
Head: Yo!
Representatives: Just me!

By the way, where's that person who's supposed to look at all these applications? I wonder….. XD
He's probably at church. Or taking a nap.

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