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7 posts

Shark Battle!

I volunteer at an Aquarium. I made a game to simulate keeping the sharks off of the other diver using the safety pole. Try the game out.

1000+ posts

Shark Battle!

Not sure blood is scratch appropriate. Otherwise, it's a pretty good game. k9lego

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If you want to reply to me, please comment with the link to the topic “On my profile page”. thanks. k9lego
100+ posts

Shark Battle!

phelanmi wrote:

I volunteer at an Aquarium. I made a game to simulate keeping the sharks off of the other diver using the safety pole. Try the game out.


Either this aquarium has some extremely hostile sharks, more hostile than a dog with rabies, the other person can not swim without splashing like a seel/bleeding for no reason or you don't volunteer at an Aquarium.

Sharks are nothing like sharks in movies. They hunt things which are weak. You can swim with a Great White Shark with a relatively low risk. It MIGHT attack you, but it's not likely.

When it comes to the actual game, it's… okay. The email at a game over is pretty random, the other diver never moves, and the sharks seem to multiply very quickly. Maybe have the sharks come and go from the edge?

down down start a right right right right right right right right right b a a a a a left left left left b a a right right right right right right right right right b a left left b start a+start up a a a a a a a left left left b left left left b right b right right right right b
7 posts

Shark Battle!

Thanks for the advice MrKyurem. I will tweak the spawn and directions. The game is Tongue and cheek. Of course the sharks aren't aggressive. We have completed over 10,000 dives at the Aquarium with no bites. I just had to think of a way to make the game end. The email at the end is an inside joke to my fellow divers.
17 posts

Shark Battle!

Try this for the shark:
when green flag clicked
switch costume to [closed mouth v]

if <touching [diver v]?> then

switch costume to [open mouth v]
wait (0.2) secs
switch costume to [closed mouth v]
Try this for the diver:
when green flag clicked
wait until <touching [shark v]?>
wait (0.2) secs
broadcast [dead v]

Last edited by JDY9 (May 3, 2014 08:34:35)

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