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Project not working!

For some odd reason, this project slows down drastically at dawn. This effect does not happen after sunrise, and it does not happen when the tab containing the project is not being viewed. The only other open window at the time was a Pages document of a novel I'm writing, and that's it. I never used the Flash player since I logged in last except for a few projects. My Adobe Flash reader is not on the current version.

Th* *ui** *r*wn *ox **mps o**r the la*y **g.

My 250th post!
1000+ posts

Project not working!

Does it use graphic effects at all? If so, you'll have to wait for the Scratch Team to update their player in response to Adobe's removal of pixelbender; long story short, version 11.8 of Flash causes massive graphic effect lag in all Flash applications, so the Scratch Team is working on a workaround.

500+ posts

Project not working!

At dawn? Not after sunrise?


Alt account of Firedrake969.

Rocket II: A black and white bitmap space game!

I seek not fame, but education.

22 posts

Project not working!

umm, maybe you have a variable that works with variables like current hour, minute, second, etc.? in that case, try to make the variable work, without the “current —” variables.

Play Scratch Slots, CASINO STYLE!
Get in on the Arcade Action!!
100+ posts

Project not working!

It's updated, but it's still not working.

Th* *ui** *r*wn *ox **mps o**r the la*y **g.

My 250th post!
100+ posts

Project not working!

pixelblast325 wrote:

umm, maybe you have a variable that works with variables like current hour, minute, second, etc.? in that case, try to make the variable work, without the “current —” variables.

Th* *ui** *r*wn *ox **mps o**r the la*y **g.

My 250th post!
100+ posts

Project not working!

Oh, and it slows down the Safari browser. My brother also likes to play at Yepi.com and Moshi Monsters. I know that I haven't logged out for a while, and I only know that Moshi Monsters fills up the queue relatively rapidly (over a few hours or so).

Th* *ui** *r*wn *ox **mps o**r the la*y **g.

My 250th post!
100+ posts

Project not working!

Dawn as in the part of the project where the sun starts to rise.

Th* *ui** *r*wn *ox **mps o**r the la*y **g.

My 250th post!

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