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13 posts

Managers and curators

Hi I have a question- what is the difference between a manager of a studio and a curator?

1000+ posts

Managers and curators

Owner- the creator of a studio. Can open and close comments and delete the studio. It also has the permissions of a manager
Manager- Able to remove projects that weren't added by them, able to change the description and able to invite curators and promote them. It also has permissions of a curator
Curator- Able to add projects and remove projects that were added by them. Also has the permissions of a “guest”
“Guest”- Able to comment and report the studio. They may also add projects if the owner decides so.

“Honestly, is he serious?” ~ Stoffel Vandoorne
“GP2 Engine, GP2, AAARGH!” ~ Fernando Alonso
“I've tried already, try yourself” ~ Fernando Alonso
“Now we can fight!” ~ Fernando Alonso
Proud McLaren Renault Fan rip alonso

please note: I've essentially left the website to do other stuff full time. please do not message me about anything on my Scratch profile or bother me about Scratch elsewhere, I will probably not respond.
1000+ posts

Managers and curators

Managers can edit the logo, title, or description of the studio, and they can also invite curators, promote them to managers, and delete other curators or managers (except the owner).

(Swallowed by an evil kumquat who was just taking a walk in the neighborhood of evil kumquats when they saw a garage sale where they bought a plate which they used to eat but they discovered that it leaked and they went to get their money back but the sale was over so they went in the house but the door was locked so they got their key but it didn't fit so they went home to use the key on the right door which was their own door and then they decided to swallow a signature for no reason.)
13 posts

Managers and curators

Ok thanks that is helpful


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