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Why does scratch lag so much?

how come when you play scratch from this website it lags a lot but when you format sb2 to swf and use or play your game on other scratch emulator websites the lag is completely gone. I just don't get it?

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Why does scratch lag so much?

Aaronhoffer wrote:

how come when you play scratch from this website it lags a lot but when you format sb2 to swf and use or play your game on other scratch emulator websites the lag is completely gone. I just don't get it?
I can't say for sure. Maybe it's because there is more traffic on the website itself, rather than just getting the content of projects?
New to Scratch
7 posts

Why does scratch lag so much?

I'm assuming that by “other Scratch emulators”, you mean phosphorus?

phosphorus website wrote:

phosphorus runs your Scratch projects really fast by compiling them to JavaScript.
The Scratch player on the scratch.mit.edu runs on flash. They run at different speeds because they're different things entirely.

As for the difference between porting it to a .swf file and playing it on the Scratch site, I assume it's because the Scratch site also loads the block editor when the project is opened (regardless of whether or not you press “See Inside”). The emulator, “phosphorus” mentioned before also has the same advantage of not needing to load the block editor.
31 posts

Why does scratch lag so much?

That sometimes happens to me. I don't get it!
100+ posts

Why does scratch lag so much?

SonicRing wrote:

That sometimes happens to me. I don't get it!
Hey there! Please remember to check the date the Topic was created before posting. This topic is from 2015 and has likely been resolved.
If you have the same or similar question, please just make a new topic instead of posting on an old one. Thank you!

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Please don't take offence from any of my posts, the way I talk IRL is really sarcastically and I tend to transfer that to the way I talk on Scratch. So if I ever say, “Dude, you had to quote all that?” or “Say why you support next time, please”, I do not have any intention of being rude, I'm just trying to help.

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