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12 posts

Project Thumbnail Help...

So my brother and I have shared some projects that we've worked pretty hard on to make look professional and well-made and such. But despite those efforts, they all get ruined when I see that the thumbnail, (the little window you see of the project in the search results,) is completely messed up with hidden sprites and stuff from when I hit the stop sign. I know how to get a good one when I first share a project, just set the project window to look like what I want and then click “Share,” but what about if I need to edit a project after I've shared it? That's when the bad thumbnail likes to rear its ugly head. I need some help with this because I really like my thumbnails to look professional and I'm getting sick of those messy indev looking ones. Please help!
1000+ posts

Project Thumbnail Help...

To make your thumbnails look professional, you'll have to understand them a bit more.

When ever you save your project, or whenever Scratch automatically does it, an image is taken on your project as it is. That image is then used as the thumbnail.

Now, with that in mind, it should be easy to make professional thumbnail images. Just play your project to whatever point you want, stop your project, and go to File>Save Now. The only problem with this idea is that you have to play your project again whenever you make an edit, but at least you can control your project's thumbnail image.

With regards,


1000+ posts

Project Thumbnail Help...

Or take a screenshot of your game, import it in, and use it as an overlay.

No I don't make projects anymore. I left some time ago.
I only check the forums every now and then, but other than that consider me retired.
12 posts

Project Thumbnail Help...

I've tried both of those methods…kinda. Here's what I do, I've got a logo that I want to overlay everything when the project is stopped and hide when you click the green flag. I position it, set it to go to front, then clicked Save Now. The thumbnail looks great on my profile page, but the search results page still shows the really bad one…which is just confusing me even more.

Last edited by obsidiousshade (Sept. 15, 2013 20:16:31)

28 posts

Project Thumbnail Help...

Bump! - I have the same problem… When I click save now, the thumbnail of my project on my profile page and the front page (if it happens to be there) is updated and looks great… But the thumbnails in the search results, within studios and my projects do not update at all and look terrible!

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