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Scratch and arduino

Hi, Im new at scratch and I want to know how to connect to the arduino using scratch 2.0, send and receive data from and to the arduino, is that possible or is scratch not made to use the serial usb protocol to send data?

Last edited by gem12 (Sept. 10, 2013 05:20:51)

New to Scratch
3 posts

Scratch and arduino

hi, i same with u…
2 posts

Scratch and arduino


There's a plugin for CodeShield that is Arduino based. So with a few modifications you should be able to port the code to fit your solution.

100+ posts

Scratch and arduino

itchy20 made a new version (with help from the ScratchTeam) for his CodeShield. It now uses Python and not Java.
1 post

Scratch and arduino

Hi all
I released a java program (scratch4arduino) to control arduino with scratch. (https://github.com/cbecc/scratch4arduino
based on previous damellis code.

the program allows to control analog-digital output (pwm included) and monitor analog-digital input with 3 added blocks.

The program is simple, I used it for 9 years old children that program scratch to remotely control arduino based cars.

All the source is now available to be compiled

Last edited by polpe (Jan. 24, 2014 22:16:44)

100+ posts

Scratch and arduino

Checkout s2a_fm.
1000+ posts

Scratch and arduino

itchy20 wrote:

Checkout s2a_fm.
I think someone meant to quote this and accidentally sent it as a report instead.

SimpleScratch wrote:

A slightly different approach to block programming on the Arduino http://blog.ardublock.com/ Could be quite useful for programmers transitioning from block based programming to text based languages as it produces native Arduino code
New to Scratch
3 posts

Scratch and arduino

I used to use arduino in robotic sculptures, what kinds of things are people using it with scratch for?This is a really cool idea, I'm just having trouble picturing it
100+ posts

Scratch and arduino

Harakou wrote:

itchy20 wrote:

Checkout s2a_fm.
I think someone meant to quote this and accidentally sent it as a report instead.

I don't think so, because itchy20 is the maker of s2a_fm and he just send the link to his software, as an answer to the question of the original poster.
100+ posts

Scratch and arduino

It is used for “physical computing”, that is, having Scratch be able to monitor sensors (temperature, light, sound, sonar, etc.) and being able to turn on actuators (motors, sound, etc.). You can drive a rover or robot of your own creation and interact it with it. I through together a quick and dirty theremin type device by connecting 2 sonar (Ping) devices and having scratch monitor one to set volume and the other to set frequency. All of the user's code logic is contained in the scratch blocks and s2a_fm contains the “glue” to turn that logic into physical control and monitoring between scratch and the arduino. S2a_fm also provides information hiding for the Arduino in the abstraction of the custom blocks. The user does not need to know any computer language other than scratch (not c or c++ used by arduino) nor in the case of s2a_fm, Python.

I hope this makes it a little clearer. If not let me know ;-).
3 posts

Scratch and arduino

Polpe - amazing contribution. Thanks!
New to Scratch
3 posts

Scratch and arduino

You can try Scratchbot, a modified version based on Scratch 2.0, and it's very easy to connect to the Arduino board, no plugin or command line needed, no Arduino IDE needed.
New to Scratch
5 posts

Scratch and arduino

You could also try my Arduino plugin for scratch called SuperEasy-A4S. http://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/48400/

Simply install the application and it does everything for you. No commandline, no arduino IDE, no python or python librarys, just install and go.
1 post

Scratch and arduino

Thats pretty amazing all you people have configured and found out ways to connect an Arduino platform with one such as Scratch… Amazing, good work!!!
1 post

Scratch and arduino

I'd like to use scratch together with Littlebits. Littlebits uses arduino Leonardo. Anyone experienced here?
42 posts

Scratch and arduino

So, do any of these things actually work with the real scratch environment? Because it would be awesome if I could connect my arduino to scratch, mainly because scratch makes graphics ridiculously easy and it'd be cool to have scratch display something based on sensors on the arduino (as opposed to just debugging text in the serial monitor)


wait until <[things in my sight v] contains [a need]>
set [need v] to [seen]
program a solution
set [need v] to [filled]

100+ posts

Scratch and arduino

Yes, they actually work. Take your pick and try one - of course I am biased towards s2a_fm ;-). If you want to work with the online version of Scratch: xi

Last edited by itchy20 (March 19, 2015 22:36:42)

New to Scratch
6 posts

Scratch and arduino

Hi guys, I think this post can solve your problem. https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/m/topic/102650/
New to Scratch
6 posts

Scratch and arduino

Hi gus, I recommand you to visit this: a eductation robot inspired by scratch 2.0

16 posts

Scratch and arduino

I recommend downloading mblock[(it's free) for windows or mac. After the installation, go to Extentions and install Arduino. it should connect.


Last edited by d0ggieb0nes45 (March 10, 2018 20:35:15)

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