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51 posts

fullscreen detection?

So i have looked and found stuff, but i want it to detect fullscreen on a forever loop, so you do not have to click green flag to see whether or not you are full screen… please help

A wise man told me…
When life gives you lemons, make Lemonade!
When life gives you melons, make Melonade!
when I receive [boredom v]
set [imagination v] to [past the horizon ]
100+ posts

fullscreen detection?


Last edited by clockwise12 (Sept. 24, 2015 18:01:21)

somebody once told me the firebenders were gonna roll me…
100+ posts

fullscreen detection?

Sadly, I don't believe this is possible.

Hi! I'm a computer science student who learned coding on Scratch!
1000+ posts

fullscreen detection?

ilikelegos wrote:

Sadly, I don't believe this is possible.
yes it is. there are several projects that do it. just use the search engine and find them.
1000+ posts

fullscreen detection?

gtoal wrote:

ilikelegos wrote:

Sadly, I don't believe this is possible.
yes it is. there are several projects that do it. just use the search engine and find them.
I'm not aware of any projects that can detect fullscreen on-the-fly, which is what the OP wanted.

I have a pretty good idea how to detect, on-the-fly, without user interaction, if the player is currently at ‘true’ size (i.e. normal zoom in browser, which pretty much rules out fullscreen) - at least for the normal player (doing it in Stage3D player is less reliable, because of the way it caches certain things).

If anyone does know a way to reliably detect fullscreen *without* user interaction, I'd be interested to hear…

Last edited by DadOfMrLog (Nov. 26, 2015 11:50:47)

Alternate account: TheLogFather –– HowTos and useful custom blocks (see studio). Examples below…

- String manipulation - - - X to power of Y - - - Clone point to clone - Detect New Scratcher - Speed tests studio -

1000+ posts

fullscreen detection?

DadOfMrLog wrote:

gtoal wrote:

ilikelegos wrote:

Sadly, I don't believe this is possible.
yes it is. there are several projects that do it. just use the search engine and find them.
I'm not aware of any projects that can detect fullscreen on-the-fly, which is what the OP wanted.

I have a pretty good idea how to detect, on-the-fly, without user interaction, if the player is currently at ‘true’ size (i.e. normal zoom in browser, which pretty much rules out fullscreen) - at least for the normal player (doing it in Stage3D player is less reliable, because of the way it caches certain things).

If anyone does know a way to reliably detect fullscreen *without* user interaction, I'd be interested to hear…

Same here.

Kumquat was Here
1000+ posts

fullscreen detection?

DadOfMrLog wrote:

gtoal wrote:

ilikelegos wrote:

Sadly, I don't believe this is possible.
yes it is. there are several projects that do it. just use the search engine and find them.
I'm not aware of any projects that can detect fullscreen on-the-fly, which is what the OP wanted.

I have a pretty good idea how to detect, on-the-fly, without user interaction, if the player is currently at ‘true’ size (i.e. normal zoom in browser, which pretty much rules out fullscreen) - at least for the normal player (doing it in Stage3D player is less reliable, because of the way it caches certain things).

If anyone does know a way to reliably detect fullscreen *without* user interaction, I'd be interested to hear…

second hit when you type in “detect fullscreen” and select projects.

1000+ posts

fullscreen detection?

gtoal wrote:

second hit when you type in “detect fullscreen” and select projects.

Ah, wow, yes - dunno how I missed that.

It works in a similar way to a method I was toying with, so what it's detecting is that the browser zoom level is at 100% - if you zoom up the browser page then it'll think it's fullscreen, even though it's not really.

It does handle Stage3D better, though - not sure why I couldn't get mine working as consistently as that (maybe it's cos bitmap rather than vector?)

Alternate account: TheLogFather –– HowTos and useful custom blocks (see studio). Examples below…

- String manipulation - - - X to power of Y - - - Clone point to clone - Detect New Scratcher - Speed tests studio -

1000+ posts

fullscreen detection?

gtoal wrote:

DadOfMrLog wrote:

gtoal wrote:

ilikelegos wrote:

Sadly, I don't believe this is possible.
yes it is. there are several projects that do it. just use the search engine and find them.
I'm not aware of any projects that can detect fullscreen on-the-fly, which is what the OP wanted.

I have a pretty good idea how to detect, on-the-fly, without user interaction, if the player is currently at ‘true’ size (i.e. normal zoom in browser, which pretty much rules out fullscreen) - at least for the normal player (doing it in Stage3D player is less reliable, because of the way it caches certain things).

If anyone does know a way to reliably detect fullscreen *without* user interaction, I'd be interested to hear…

second hit when you type in “detect fullscreen” and select projects.

That actually works! Never thought about it that way…

Kumquat was Here
39 posts

fullscreen detection?

set [ fullscreen] to [off]
if <[-220] > (mouse x)> then
set [ fullscreen] to [on]

i edited another project
1000+ posts

fullscreen detection?

murcamus21 wrote:

set [ fullscreen] to [off]
if <[-220] > (mouse x)> then
set [ fullscreen] to [on]

i edited another project
Please don't spam or necropost. Mouse x is more than -220 most of the time.
4 posts

fullscreen detection?

This project that I found works: CLICK HERE

Last edited by caaiden13 (Feb. 25, 2022 22:00:23)

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