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- ZLGames
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽

Hello everyone!
We are an old shop, created by ZLGames on the 16th of August 2015.
Currently, we're the 2nd Largest Active Shop on Scratch!
If you're having problems drawing that sprite, creating your perfect signature, making a custom block for your game, you're in the right place! Request any serveice you need, and our highly skilled staff will get your order done ASAP!
To see our order list, go here!
To order from us, simply fill out one of the forms below!

If you want art, fill out the form below.
Username (Self explanatory):
Type (Logo, Sprite, etc.):
Size (The dimensions, or appproximate size):
Description (What should it look like?):
Colors (What colors should we use?):
Bitmap or Vector (Self explanatory):
Other Info (Anything else we should know?):
If you want an outro, please fill out the form below
Username (Self explanatory):
Description of Outro (What should it look like?):
Other Info (Anything else we should know?):
If you want a block, please fill out the form below
Username (Self explanatory):
Link (Give us a link to the project you need it for):
Description (What should it do?/What should it look like?):
Other Info (Anything else we should know?):
If you want a review, please fill out the form below
Username (Self explanatory):
Link (A link to the project or forum you want reviewed):
Other Info (Anything else we should know?):
If you want an idea, please fill out the form below
Username (Self explanatory):
Type of Project (What type of project do you need an idea for?):
Other Info (Anything else we should know?):
If you want writing, please fill out the form below
Username (Self explanatory):
Description (What should the writing be about?):
Length (How long should it be?):
Other Info (Anything else we should know?):
If you need help with BBcode, please fill out the form below
Username (Self explanatory):
What you need help with (What is it that you need help with?):
Other Info (Anything else we should know?):
Trending Icons:
If you want a trending icon, please fill out the form below
Username (Self explanatory):
Icon type (read this for a list!):
Colors (What colors should we use?):
Description (What type of icon should we make? What should it look like?):
Text (What text should it have? For t r x y e, glitchy, and LGBT icons only):
Reference pic(s) (What reference pictures can we use?):
Anything else (Anything else we should know?):
Order Packs!
These are basically “packs” that contain multiple items.
Profile Redesign Package
1 Logo
1 Signature
1 Thumbnail Template
Username (Self explanatory):
Motto (What is your motto?) (optional):
Description (What should they look like?):
Other Info (Anything else we should know?):
Collaboration Startup Package
1 FP
1 Banner
~3 Ideas for Projects
Username (Self explanatory):
Type (Is this for a collaboration, shop, or something else?):
Name (What is the name of the collaboration/shop?):
Description (What is it about?):
Other Info (Anything else we should know?):
New Scratcher Package
1 Logo
1 Signature
2 Project Ideas
Username (Self explanatory):
Motto (What is your motto?) (optional):
Description (What should they look like?):
Other Info (Anything else we should know?):
Current members:
Founder - ZLGames (Created the shop, complete control)
Executive Officer - Sigton (Helps run the shop)
Co - Executive Officer - banana439monkey (Helps the Executive Officer)
Secretary - scratchnapped (Responsible for keeping thread in order)
Department Heads
Head Artist - rainbow_waves (Controls the art department)
Head Programmer - fillwithjoy1 (Controls the programming department)
Head Reviewer - LowEarth-Orbit (Controls the reviewing department)
Staff Body
Regular Members:
- -scratchkitten-
- pianogirl84
- twistedwindowpane
- AryaPhoenix
- FireHeart03
- -Spectrum
- anshbrit
- Flipped-
- beepcat
- weatherman06
Color Codes
Green - Very active and dedicated to this shop.
Yellow - Somewhat active in the shop.
Red - Somewhat inactive, needs to be more active.
Member of the Month!
I will pick a different member of this shop once a month, due to their activity and dedication to the shop.
This month's member of the month is…
If you want to apply, you cannot be a new scratcher, and you should have over 100 forum posts, and experience with the forums. (some exceptions can happen). Then, just fill out the form below!
Activity (How often are you on scratch?):
Dedication (How committed/deticated are you?):
Teamwork (How well do you work in a team?):
Skills (What are some your skills on Scratch?):
Following the Thread? (Are you following this thread?):
Example(s) (Put a link to an example of your work):
Anything else? (Anything else we should know?):
Review Form for ZLGames Wonderful Shop of Everything:
Project Name:
Coding: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)
Art: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)
Music: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)
Complexity: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)
Bugs/Glitches: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)
Overall Quality: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)
Final Notes:
Last edited by ZLGames (Oct. 6, 2016 23:02:56)
- ZLGames
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
Order List
Please complete any orders on this list that you can!
Please complete any orders on this list that you can!
Art form, please
Username: TimeLordPlanet
What I want: A sprite
Size, description, colours: Please make it look exactly like the “Space Tunnel” wording on the start page of the “Space Tunnel” project, except with the wording “Vortex Traveller” instead of “Space Tunnel.”
Bitmap or Vector: Bitmap
Other stuff: None
Username: Midnight999meow
Bitmap or Vector: whichever is best for you
Description of Sprite: (I need 10, all different) I need wolves,any realistic colours please but 1 definitely has to be all black.
Other Info: they need a howling costume, a walking costume, a standing costume and a sitting costume.
If you want art, fill out the form below.
Username (Self explanatory): porpise
Type (Logo, Sprite, etc.): logo
Size (The dimensions, or appproximate size): full screen
Description (What should it look like?): A cool looking “p” floats in and then it flashes or something and porpise comes up. add what ever else you want to add too.
Colors (What colors should we use?): blue red black green
Bitmap or Vector (Self explanatory): what ever works best for you guys and gals
Other Info (Anything else we should know) you can add more to it if you please.
Collaboration Startup Package
1 FP
1 Banner
~3 Ideas for Projects
Username (Self explanatory):weatherman06
Type (Is this for a collaboration, shop, or something else?): shop
Name (What is the name of the collaboration/shop?): Delta programming shop for our (collaborators and non collaborators)
Description (What is it about?): a shop for our collaborators and non collaborators
Other Info (Anything else we should know?):
Username (Self explanatory): Darkpuppey
Type (Logo, Sprite, etc.): Sprite
Size (The dimensions, or appproximate size): Anything, i dont mind
Description (What should it look like?): Pretty much a better and possibly animated version of this. http://i.imgur.com/wImOU5m.png
Colors (What colors should we use?): The ones from this http://i.imgur.com/wImOU5m.png
Bitmap or Vector (Self explanatory): Your choice
Other Info (Anything else we should know?): I will be using it as a profile picture.
If you want art, fill out the form below.
Username (Self explanatory): PackersRuleGoPack?
Type (Logo, Sprite, etc.): Thumbnails
Size (The dimensions, or appproximate size): The size of a scratch project
Description (What should it look like?): I want all the thumbnails to have the same kind of format, but different from my tutorial one. I would like my logo on it.
Colors (What colors should we use?): Green Yellow Orange Olive Blue Red (I don't care really, just make it look good)
Bitmap or Vector (Self explanatory): VECTOR FTW!
Other Info (Anything else we should know?):
Im a boy.
Projects wanted:
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/113930161/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/115040825/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/102883040/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/117360235/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/115322380/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/117509523/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/114752493/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/114417045/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/109291690/
There are also a couple of people I prefer would do this, but if its not them thats Totally fine:
1. @ZlGames
2. @-Spectrum
3. @Low Earth Orbit
4. @Rainbow_waves.
Username (Self explanatory): anshbrit
Type (Logo, Sprite, etc.): Ninja Walk-Cycle
Size (The dimensions, or appproximate size): Small-ish
Description (What should it look like?): black cloth dress, white opening, and flat design.
Colors (What colors should we use?): Normal ninja colors.
Bitmap or Vector (Self explanatory): Vector.
Other Info (Anything else we should know?):Please make it in a project, and I know it'll be hard, but please try to do it soon!
Last edited by ZLGames (Oct. 1, 2016 21:25:49)
- ZLGames
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽





Last edited by ZLGames (Aug. 12, 2016 20:53:38)
- ZLGames
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
Nothing here. O.o
Last edited by ZLGames (Feb. 15, 2016 15:30:22)
- aleynesansonnet
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
How active are you?: 10
How committed are you?: 10
How well do you work in a team?: 10
What are your skills?: Music, Vector Art, Pixel Art, and GIFs
What will you be selling: Logos, Music, and Sprites
How committed are you?: 10
How well do you work in a team?: 10
What are your skills?: Music, Vector Art, Pixel Art, and GIFs
What will you be selling: Logos, Music, and Sprites
- ZLGames
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
If you want an intro, please fill out the form below
Length(5 to 45 seconds):
Description of Intro:
Other Info:
If you want an intro, please fill out the form below
Length(5 to 45 seconds):
Description of Intro:
Other Info:
Last edited by ZLGames (Sept. 20, 2015 15:35:36)
- Tyman187
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
How active are you?: 8
How committed are you?: 10
How well do you work in a team?: 10
What are your skills?: Music
What will you be selling?: Music
Example of Work: It was all on Melodia's old account….
How committed are you?: 10
How well do you work in a team?: 10
What are your skills?: Music
What will you be selling?: Music
Example of Work: It was all on Melodia's old account….

- Tyman187
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
Username: Tyman187
Length(5 to 45 seconds): 10
Description of Intro: I want an intro where the song Sail starts playing, and then my username fades in in a dark blue with a red background, and the words ‘creating perfection’ fade in underneath it. Then I want them all to fade out after 10 seconds.
Other Info:
Length(5 to 45 seconds): 10
Description of Intro: I want an intro where the song Sail starts playing, and then my username fades in in a dark blue with a red background, and the words ‘creating perfection’ fade in underneath it. Then I want them all to fade out after 10 seconds.
Other Info:
- aleynesansonnet
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
I'll take it, it should be done by the end of tomorrow Username: Tyman187
Length(5 to 45 seconds): 10
Description of Intro: I want an intro where the song Sail starts playing, and then my username fades in in a dark blue with a red background, and the words ‘creating perfection’ fade in underneath it. Then I want them all to fade out after 10 seconds.
Other Info:
- ZLGames
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
If you want a sprite, please fill out the form below
Bitmap or Vector:
Description of Sprite:
Other Info:
If you want a sprite, please fill out the form below
Bitmap or Vector:
Description of Sprite:
Other Info:
Last edited by ZLGames (Sept. 20, 2015 15:37:19)
- ZLGames
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
If you want music, please fill out the form below
Other Info:
If you want music, please fill out the form below
Other Info:
Last edited by ZLGames (Sept. 20, 2015 15:37:54)
- superCman143
100+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
Can I get an avatar? (Good art, please)
Oh, and:
Kind of a greenish shirt, with a C in the middle, half covered by a darker green jacket.
I could use one
Oh, and:
Kind of a greenish shirt, with a C in the middle, half covered by a darker green jacket.
I could use one
- ZLGames
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
If you want an outro, please fill out the form below
Description of Outro:
Other Info:
If you want an outro, please fill out the form below
Description of Outro:
Other Info:
Last edited by ZLGames (Sept. 20, 2015 15:38:20)
- aleynesansonnet
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
Sure, do you want a full body avatar, bust avatar, or half body avatar? (Or something totally different Can I get an avatar? (Good art, please)
Oh, and:
Kind of a greenish shirt, with a C in the middle, half covered by a darker green jacket.
I could use one

- aleynesansonnet
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
I started Tyman's already, but you can take it if you really want to do itCan I get an avatar? (Good art, please)@aleynesansonnet Can you take this, I suck at art. I could do Tyman's Intro if you wanted.
Oh, and:
Kind of a greenish shirt, with a C in the middle, half covered by a darker green jacket.
I could use one

Grrrr… 60 second rule
- ZLGames
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
If you want a banner, please fill out the form below
Bitmap or Vector:
Other Info:
If you want a banner, please fill out the form below
Bitmap or Vector:
Other Info:
Last edited by ZLGames (Sept. 20, 2015 15:38:46)
- aleynesansonnet
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
Okay, I've got the music if you want that, or you can make your ownI'll take it so you don't have to work on two things.I started Tyman's already, but you can take it if you really want to do itCan I get an avatar? (Good art, please)@aleynesansonnet Can you take this, I suck at art. I could do Tyman's Intro if you wanted.
Oh, and:
Kind of a greenish shirt, with a C in the middle, half covered by a darker green jacket.
I could use one
Grrrr… 60 second rule
- ZLGames
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
Sound Effects:
If you want a sound effect, please fill out the form below
Other Info:
If you want a sound effect, please fill out the form below
Other Info:
Last edited by ZLGames (Sept. 20, 2015 15:39:27)
- aleynesansonnet
1000+ posts
☾ ZLGames' Wonderful Shop of Everything ☽ ☾ Now Hiring ☽
k thanksI got the music. Btw, you are making a full body avatar, I asked him on his profile.Okay, I've got the music if you want that, or you can make your ownI'll take it so you don't have to work on two things.I started Tyman's already, but you can take it if you really want to do itCan I get an avatar? (Good art, please)@aleynesansonnet Can you take this, I suck at art. I could do Tyman's Intro if you wanted.
Oh, and:
Kind of a greenish shirt, with a C in the middle, half covered by a darker green jacket.
I could use one
Grrrr… 60 second rule