Discuss Scratch

84 posts

Hard game making challage

Make a side scrolling game with 1 sprite and 1 script

Last edited by thefloormat69 (Aug. 23, 2013 17:21:19)

Try my 1 script and 1 sprite game http://scratch.mit.edu/projectshttp:/
Also try my new beta side scoller game http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/12972745/
Also support my AE studio! http://scratch.mit.edu/studios/269420/projects/
1000+ posts

Hard game making challage

I've already looked at it. It's good!

I've reached the 1000+ post rank on wednesday, 11th Sept., 2013 18:29 (German time) / 12:29 (Eastern Standard Time)
Hi! I Iike helping others. So feel free to leave a question at my profile!

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